This is a clone of Netflix website built using React.JS as a Front-end & NodeJS as Back-end. It's not a replica, and it doesn't have all the features of Netflix website. it's a similar version of Netflix with my own design touch, showing my abilities in React.JS to build something advanced like Netflix. It has two interface one is for user to stream movies and another one for admin. It contains the home page, sign-in page, sign-up page, browse page, and movie player.
Take a look on the live user version here:
Take a look on the live admin panel version here:
I have built this project using the following tools & techniques:
- ReactJS
- React Router DOM
- React Hooks
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- Recharts
- Nodemon
- Axios
- Firebase
- VSCode
- Vercel
- Heroku
- Filter selection for Movies and Series
- Filter selection based on Genre
- Movie Slide Carousel
- Movie Card
- Media Player
- Login, Register and Logout
- User Analytics using Charts
- CRUD operation for Movies and Series
- CRUD operation for Movie and Series List
- Login and Logout
- New Users List Display
👤 Siddharth Sahoo
- Github:
- Linkedin:
- Email: [email protected]