Learn how to create a voice-enabled chatbot using Node-RED and the IBM Watson Assistant, Watson Speech to Text, and Watson Text to Speech services.
- John Walicki - IBM
- Isaias Rafael Angeles - IBM
In this tutorial, you will:
- Learn about Node-RED and see how to install it locally and on IBM Cloud
- Explore the node-red-node-watson Node-RED nodes
- Import and deploy the Watson Assistant chatbot example
- Build a Call for Code COVID Crisis Communications voice-enabled chatbot solution
Install Node-RED locally or Create a Node-RED Starter application in IBM Cloud
- After Node-RED is installed, add the dependencies:
npm install node-red-node-ui-microphone node-red-dashboard node-red-node-watson node-red-contrib-play-audio
Create a Watson Assistant COVID-19 crisis communications chatbot.
Completing this tutorial should take about 30 minutes.
The following diagram shows the workflow for a Node-RED chatbot that answers questions about COVID-19.
- A user visits a voice enabled Node-RED website with the COVID-19 chatbot and asks a question.
- Node-RED records the speech wav audio format and calls the Watson Speech to Text service hosted in IBM Cloud.
- Watson Speech to Text uses machine learning to decode the user's speech.
- Watson Speech to Text replies with a transcript of the COVID-19 question and Node-RED calls Watson Assistant service hosted in IBM Cloud.
- Watson Assistant uses natural language understanding and machine learning to extract entities and intents of the user question.
- Source COVID-19 FAQ information from trusted CDC data.
- Watson Assistant invokes an OpenWhisk open source-powered IBM Cloud Function.
- IBM Cloud Function calls Watson Discovery service running in IBM Cloud.
- Watson Discovery scans news articles and responds with relevant articles.
- Watson Assistant invokes an OpenWhisk open source-powered IBM Cloud Function.
- IBM Cloud Function calls COVID-19 API to get statistics.
- Watson Assistant replies to the user inquiry and Node-RED sends the text transcript to Watson Text to Speech.
- Watson Text to Speech encodes the message in the user's language.
- Node-RED plays the chat answer .wav file to the user.
- The user listens to the chat answer.
Node-RED is an open source programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services in new and interesting ways. It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click.
After Node-RED is installed, add the dependencies for this tutorial:
npm install node-red-node-ui-microphone node-red-dashboard node-red-node-watson node-red-contrib-play-audio
- Instead of adding the additional packages via Manage Palette, use the IBM Cloud Toolchain and the git repository in IBM Cloud to add the following packages to the package.json. Commit the change and the CI/CD toolchain will restage the CF application.
The node-red-node-watson GitHub repository includes a collection of Node-RED nodes for IBM Watson services. This package adds the following nodes to your Node-RED palette:
- Assistant: Add conversational capabilities into applications
- Discovery: List environments created for Watson Discovery
- Language Identification: Detect the language used in text
- Language Translator: Translate text from one language to another
- Natural Language Classifier: Use machine learning algorithms to return the top matching predefined classes for short text inputs
- Natural Language Understanding: Analyze text to extract meta-data from content such as concepts, entities, and keywords
- Personality Insights: Use linguistic analytics to infer cognitive and social characteristics from text
- Speech To Text: Convert audio containing speech to text
- Text To Speech: Convert text to audio speech
- Tone Analyzer: Discover, understand, and revise the language tones in text
- Visual Recognition: Analyze visual appearance of images to understand their contents
Now that you have installed the Node-RED dependencies, Watson nodes are available to integrate Watson AI services. Let's build a voice enabled chatbot example that uses Watson Assistant, Watson Speech to Text and Watson Text to Speech.
Import this flow and Deploy the flow.
Before the flow will execute successfully, you must configure the Watson Assistant and Watson Speech nodes with new service instances and API Keys.
If you haven't already, create a Watson Assistant service instance.
Follow these instructions to provision a Watson Assistant chatbot for COVID-19
Create a Watson Speech to Text Service instance instance from the IBM Cloud Catalog. Click Create.
The Node-RED Watson Speech to Text node will need the apikey
credentials for this new instance.
- Once the Watson Speech to Text service is created, click Service credentials (1).
- Click the View credentials (2) twistie.
- Copy the apikey (3) for use in the next section
Create a Watson Text to Speech Service instance from the IBM Cloud Catalog.
The Node-RED Watson Text to Speech node will need the apikey credentials for this new instance
- After you create the Watson Text to Speech service, click Service credentials (1).
- Click the View credentials (2) twistie.
- Copy the apikey (3) for use in the next section.
Double click the speech to text node and paste the API key from the Watson Speech to Text service instance.
Double-click the text to speech node and paste the API key from the Watson Text to Speech service instance.
Double-click the assistant node and paste the Skill ID into the Workspace ID field, Assistant Service Endpoint URL, and the API key from the Watson Assistant service instance.
Watson Assistant returns the intents related to your questions.
- The
node routes two intents to anhttp request
node to query an external data source for current COVID statistics. - A
node adds up the summary statistics and builds a sentence to be spoken.
- Click on the Red Deploy button.
To talk to your chatbot, click on the microphone input button and ask a question about COVID-19.
When someone asks a question, here's the Node-RED flow that happens in the background:
Bonus: This flow includes a Node-RED dashboard with several gauges to display COVID-19 statistics.
- Every hour, the Node-RED flow will call the covid19api summary API and collect dynamic COVID-19 infection statistics.
- The country data is aggregated and then the gauges are updated.
The following Node-RED flow is included in this tutorial:
The http request
node uses the public Covid-19 API to retrieve the daily information for all countries with infections.
Here's the sample JSON object from the summary API:
Each function
node then aggregates the Total Confirmed Cases, Total Fatalities, Total Recovered, and Total Countries and sends the results to the corresponding gauge
This is the code in the function
let totalConfirmedCase = 0;
totalConfirmedCase += line.TotalConfirmed;
msg.payload = totalConfirmedCase;
return msg;
You can expand the above dashboard to include daily new infections from covid19api data, charts, tables, and the chatbot UI.
Now that you have completed this tutorial, you are ready to modify these example flows and Node-RED Dashboard to build a Call for Code COVID Crisis Communications solution.