To create elements in Scala, import VirtualDOM._
. VirtualDOM
is an extended Static Tags.
is made of three parts: tag, attributes (a.k.a. props), and children.
For example, this code
<.div(^.id := "hello-world")("Hello, World!")
is equivalent of the following:
<div id="hello-world">Hello, World!</div>
You can use as many as attributes and children you want.
Use React.createClass[WrappedProps, State]
to create React classes (we will explain about WrappedProps
in next section).
val reactClass: ReactClass = React.createClass[Unit, Unit]( // If you don't have props or state, use Unit.
render = (self) => <.div()("Hello, World!")
To render React classes, use <(/* ReactClass */)
to make it an element. You can pass attributes and children like regular elements.
import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM._
val reactClass = React.createClass(/* ... */)
// attributes (a.k.a. props)
^.id := "my-component"
// children
<.div()("I'm your component's child!")
While many want to use case classes as props, React requires props to be a plain JavaScript object. So, to use case classes, we need to wrap them in another property. In this facade, we wrap them in "wrapped" property.
case class WrappedProps(foo: String, bar: Int)
val reactClass = React.createClass[WrappedProps, Unit](
render = (self) =>
s"foo: ${}",
s"bar: ${}"
<(reactClass)(^.wrapped := WrappedProps("foo", 123))(),
Props looks like the following:
case class Props[Wrapped](native: js.Dynamic) {
def wrapped: Wrapped = native.wrapped.asInstanceOf[Wrapped]
def children: ReactElement = native.children.asInstanceOf[ReactElement]
You can extend it as you see needs. See RouterProps
for an example.
States are wrapped and unwrapped automatically, so you don't need to do state.wrapped
. We can wrap and unwrap states automatically because nobody extends states.
case class State(text: String)
val reactClass = React.createClass[Unit, State](
getInitialState = (self) => State(text = ""),
render = (self) =>
^.placeholder := "Type something here",
^.value := self.state.text,
^.onChange := onChange(self)
def onChange(self: Self[Unit, State]): Unit = // Higher-order function
(event: InputFormSyntheticEvent) => {
val newText =
self.setState(_.copy(text = newText))