Please notice that this sample will not work since contains comments not permitted in json files. Copy config.json.sample to config.json and modify to suit your needs.
// Optional: Enter you full wallet address (0x.....) so you can monitor your balance
// Data is pulled from
"wallet": "",
// Optional console log level (FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE). Default is INFO
"log_level": "WARN",
// The title of web app window. %HR% if found will be replaced by total ETH hashrate in MH/s.
// %ANI% will be replaced by animation string (see below for details)
"title": "%HR% MH/s - Miner Monitor",
// Animation string array with any number of strings. Each string will be used in an animation
// sequence and change on every web_refresh interval. The value of string will replace the
// %ANI% placeholder in the window title string, if found
"animation": [ "/", "-", "\\", "|" ],
// The header of the page. If missing, title option will be used. %HR% will be replaced too
"header": "Miner Monitor - %HR% MH/s",
// Default miner poll interval in ms
"miner_poll": 5000,
// Default miner poll timeout in ms
"miner_timeout": 1000,
// Web page refresh interval in ms
"web_refresh": 5000,
// Optional hashrate tolerance to target hashrates in %.
// Actual hashrate will be painted if out of bounds (target +/- tolerance)
// Missing or zero value disables hashrate check.
"tolerance": 5,
// Optional temperature monitor threshold (no checks if unset or zero)
"temperature": 70,
// Display detailed GPU hashrates if true
"hashrates": false,
// Miners configuration. Use one {} block per miner
"miners": [
// Miner name
"name": "rig01",
// Miner host and port. IP address or domain name can be used
"host": "",
"port": 3333,
// If defined and not empty, report this as a host name instead of IP:port
"hostname": "private:3333",
// Optional target hashrates in MH/s
"target_eth": 118,
// Miner comments. Use '<br>' for line breaks
"comments": "ASUS 7950<br>Sapphire 390X<br>Sapphire 390X<br>Sapphire 390",
// Optional setting to declare a miner as temporary offline.
// This miner will be shown in a table but no polls will be performed.
// Can be false or empty string if online, or "some message" if offline (will be shown).
"offline": false,
// Optional miner-specific overrides for default miner_poll and miner_timeout values
"poll": 3000,
"timeout": 500,
// Optional temperature index list.
// Will show only temps for GPUs in the list in specified order if defined
// and not empty. Will show temps for all cards as supplied by miner otherwise.
"ti": [ 0, 1, 2 ]
// Similar setting for other miners
"name": "rig02",
// ...