ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:1F041707-87E7-4490-8F29-996C02CAE757
When a drop of water joins the ocean it becomes the ocean.
| cBLU |
| |
| +----+
| |cBLU|
| | |
+----------+1 1…3+------+
| Sailboat +◆----------+ Mast |
+-----+----+ +------+
| 1…2+------+
+----------------+ Hull |
This is not a sailboat
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:26F93EEA-E64B-439A-BAF6-1BB7F5182D12
digraph graphviz {
subgraph cluster {
ayh [label="Happy with things?", shape=ellipse];
no [label="No.", shape=Mdiamond];
yes [label="Yes.", shape=Mdiamond];
ayh -> no;
ayh -> yes;
no -> ayh [label="Change them."];
yes -> ayh [label="Keep doing them."];
label="Life is simple:\nAttribution: @tgtext";
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:ADF3A220-77D0-4635-BB50-D9AF82A803E2
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:EEDE4AC4-E400-470F-BD6E-9D921E8FD016
- Feature rich.
- Information rich.
Alice --> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice --> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:8223D025-909D-4B14-A5C2-D939FB2F7E5F
- Actor variable aliasing feature.
left to right direction
skinparam packageStyle rect
actor customer
actor clerk
rectangle checkout {
customer -- (checkout)
(checkout) .> (payment) : include (help) .> (checkout) : extends (checkout) -- clerk
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:E0596CAD-4A2C-4230-860F-077FA6E0EB04
- Valuable for all sorts of ideas in addition to classes.
, andinclude
are mentioned.- Could be a great reuse mechanism combined with noweb and tangling.
- Spotted characters might be useful to indicating other things.
- Example is data which is clearly a first-class citizen.
- Six package visualization types.
- Packaging vs. namespaceing.
- Good support for splitting large images among output pages.
title This is not a sailboat
scale 200 width
Sailboat "1" *-- "1..3" Mast
Sailboat "1" *-- "1..3" Hull
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:31FDFA62-F14F-48CB-9EFD-997EF9EE92BF
- May indicate top to bottom flow using
. - May label arrows.
- May force arrow direction.
- if/else structure for branching.
- Partition construct.
- New syntax with more examples.
partition Initialization {
:read config file;
:init internal variable;
partition Running {
:wait for user interaction;
:print information;
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:029E7ABD-6F38-412E-ABF4-0A202D7E47EF
- The names to define all of the diagram entity types.
- Identify “Modern UML”.
- Good for summaries.
[First component]
[Another component]
() "First Interface"
() "Another interface" as Interf2
DataAccess - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:558F580B-2F94-4A23-9EEB-9DC00BB3B19C
[*] --> State1
State1 --> [*]
State1 : this is a string State1 : this is another string
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:34FC630D-40D9-4E93-8AD9-FD682B32454E
object Object01
object Object02
Object01 <|-- Object02
ID: org_gcr_2017-05-13_mara:F9F5B9E8-5B8F-4791-9516-880788A0667F
- Header and footer values.
- Zoom level.
- Creole markup for most text elements.
- Lists and sub-lists.
- Horizontal lines. Will appear in most containers.
- Headings.
- Plain old HTML.
- Tables, LaTeX style.
- Use OpenIconic icons anywhere.
Fonts and colors.
- You can change just about everything.
- You may nest definitions.
monochrome true
option.- If you are printing
- Or don’t want color.
- Full Unicode character support.