Releases: shikhar/eskka
v0.4.0 - various improvements
- now featuring abdication from cluster on quorum loss followed by rejoin attempts, which simplifies internal logic in various actors. previously manual node restarts on minority partition could have been necessary, no more.
- cluster join blocks on quorum of seed nodes being available via akka's enforcement of
./bin/plugin --url --install eskka
compatible with elasticsearch 1.2.x
this release contains mainly version upgrades and robustness tweaks
some akka configuration like acceptable-heartbeat-pause
and heartbeat-interval
can now be directly configured via elasticsearch.yml
please see README for installation and configuration details.
v2 - smaller package, better ClusterState propagation
This release brings improvements to ClusterState serialization in the form of compression and ES-version-stamping in line with what is used by Zen.
Additionally the plugin package has shed a lot of fat and is now 13MB (vs 32MB for 0.1.x)
0.1.1 - bugfix
fixes bug with publish requests not being properly acknowledged
see README for installation and configuration details
first release
See README for installation and configuration instructions.