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Akka Cluster Spec - in particular the membership lifecycle.

Elasticsearch ZenDiscovery, which implements the Discovery interface. All with the goal of handling ClusterState updates - our focus is on the DiscoveryNodes that go into it.



Here we bind EskkaDiscovery to be the ES Discovery implementation to be used.

eskka will get used if the config specifies:

discovery.type: eskka.EskkaDiscoveryModule


EskkaDiscovery gets all the objects we will need from ES via Guice DI in its constructor.

It is implementing the Discovery interface from ES.

doStart()/doStop()/doClose() are the life-cycle methods we are hooking into.

Here the Akka cluster to be used gets initialized or torn down. Initialization takes the form of creating an EskkaCluster and start()ing it. Since the startup is non-blocking, we have some timeout handling where if the timeout expires we attempt a do-over. When creating the EskkaCluster in makeEskkaCluster(), we also provide it a restartHook, so it can also invoke this do-over logic at any point.

publish() is delegated to the EskkaCluster.


This is providing the meat to the EskkaDiscovery implementation.

The akka ActorSystem is created via makeActorSystem() which gets some properties from the ES settings that eskka allows for configuring. Most of the custom configuration happens here (the other place is the application.conf file).

The akka Cluster extension is initialized using this ActorSystem.

When we are advised to start(), we register a callback with the cluster for when the current node has been marked as UP. This is where we carry-out the remaining initialization of starting eskka app actors, which will be described: Pinger, Follower, QuorumBasedPartitionMonitor, Master (managed via ClusterSingletonManager), QuorumLossAbdicator.

For the purpose of informing any InitialStateDiscoveryListeners which may have been registered, we register a request with the Follower actor to send a message when it has received its first state publish.

For publish(), we send a PublishReq message to the Master with the sender being a PublishResponseHandler which is responsible for feeding-back to the ES AckListener. Note that acks are only expected from non-master nodes.



It is a copy-paste from akka.contrib.pattern.ClusterSingletonManager, implementing the cluster singleton pattern. Copying into app namespace is the suggested way of using akka-contrib.


This actor is managed by a cluster singleton, ensuring it will only be started on a single node at any time, which is annointed ES master in state publishing.

Discovery of nodes is managed by subscribing to the Akka cluster's MemberEvents:

  • UP: consider for inclusion in the ES DiscoveryNodes
  • EXITED: remove from consideration
  • REMOVED: remove from consideration

The difference between being in consideration for inclusion in DiscoveryNodes and being actually included, is the time between a node being UP for the Akka cluster and receiving from the corresponding remote Follower actor its ActorRef and DiscoveryNode info.

Discovery state changes are propagated to ES by being queued up (pendingDiscoverySubmits) and drained periodically (DrainQueuedDiscoverySubmits). Draining involves calling ES ClusterService.submitStateUpdateTask(), where an update task is essentially a function ClusterState -> ClusterState (implemented in discoveryState()). This submit will eventually trigger a publish.

External requests to publish ClusterState to other nodes in the cluster are received as PublishReq messages. Here the ClusterState is serialized and compressed and transmitted to the remote Follower actors. The transmission is chunked because the serialized state can be large (there are reports of tens/hundreds of MB's) and we don't want to overload the akka remoting layer with huge messages. We forward the original sender() along, for the Follower to send its PublishAck to.


It handles:

  • Responding to Master 'announcement' with its ActorRef and the local DiscoveryNode so it can be recognized as part of the ES cluster.
  • Assembling publish request chunks, verifying their consistency. Deserializing the ClusterState received in this manner and submitting this update to the local ES ClusterService.
  • Keeping track of the first submission received (this gets used for the InitialStateDiscoveryListener callbacks).


This actor's raison-de-etre is for A to be able to request B to ping C, and for A to receive a response from B whether the ping succeeded within the specified timeout.


This is central to eskka's partition-resolution strategy. We subscribe to cluster MemberEvents as well as ReachabilityEvents.

Member events (UP, EXITED, REMOVED) feed into state tracking of which voting nodes are available - their Pinger remote ActorRefs are stored.

Reachability events (UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE) are used towards failure-handling. In case of an unreachable member, we schedule an 'evaluation' after a randomized delay. In case we receive a reachable event before the decision to down it has been made, the evaluation is cancelled.

The evaluation takes the form of requesting pings from all voting members to the unreachable node. If a quorum of them responds that the ping timed-out, the unreachable node is marked as DOWN from the Akka cluster, which will cause the member removal events to be received on subscribers and any resulting consequences (e.g. master failover via the ClusterSingletonManager if indicated, or discovery state update from the master).


This actor ensures that ES nodes on a minority partition do not stay active. It regularly checks whether a quorum of the voting members are UP and REACHABLE as far as the Akka cluster layer is concerned. If not, the ES cluster state is cleared and the global eskka restartHook is invoked, which should trigger eskka reinitialization.