The cert
module handles most of the certifier-related logic, include adding and removing certifiers, certifying validators, and issuing certificates.
Certifiers are chain users that are responsible for overseeing the chain's security. Shentu Chain has two governing bodies that make decisions for the chain. First, validators are chain users that stake tokens as part of Shentu Chain's Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus protocol. A validator's voting is proportional to their amount staked. Second, certifiers are responsible for security-related votes. Each certifier gets one equally-weighted vote. That being said, many of the actions that certifiers are privileged to take (see Messages below) do not require a voting process.
A Certificate
can be stored on-chain to signify that a smart contract has been audited or formally verified.
- Certificate:
0x5 | LittleEndian(CertificateId) -> amino(certificate)
- NextCertificateID:
0x8 -> NextCertificateID
type Certificate struct {
CertificateId uint64 `json:"certificate_id"`
Content *types.Any `json:"content"`
CompilationContent *CompilationContent `json:"compilation_content"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Certifier string `json:"certifier"`
There are currently seven types of supported certificates:
In addition to CertificateId
, all certificates can be looked up by their Certifier
and Content
. Certificate types are determined by parsing the content string, in which contents are assembled into Content
struct instances of their respective types.
// Content is the interface for all kinds of certificate content.
type Content interface {
GetContent() string
In addition to the source code, additional information, such as compiler version and optimization settings, needs to be provided by the certifier. CompilationContent
contains the compilation info for a smart contract in need of certification.
type CompilationContent struct {
Compiler string
BytecodeHash string
objects keep track of a certifier's information, including the certifier's alias and who proposed to add the certifier.
- Certifier:
0x0 | Address -> amino(certifier)
- CertifierByAlias:
0x7 | Alias -> amino(certifier)
type Certifier struct {
Address string `json:"certifier"`
Alias string `json:"alias"`
Proposer string `json:"proposer"`
Description string `json:"description"`
A Validator
is a validator node, which can be certified by an existing certifier. When de-certified, the validator will then be unbonded, which prevents it from signing blocks or earning rewards.
- Validator:
0x1 | Pubkey -> amino(validator)
type Validator struct {
Pubkey *types.Any `json:"pubkey"`
Certifier string `json:"certifier"`
objects are validators' host platforms that can be certified.
- Platform:
0x2 | ValidatorPubkey -> amino(platform)
type Platform struct {
ValidatorPubkey *types.Any `json:"validator_pubkey"`
Description string `json:"description"`
A Library
object can be certified as well. It stores the library address and its publisher.
- Library:
0x6 | Address -> amino(library)
type Library struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
Publisher string `json:"publisher"`
must be proposed by a current certifier. It is first handled by the governance module for voting.
type MsgProposeCertifier struct {
Proposer string `json:"proposer" yaml:"proposer"`
Alias string `json:"alias" yaml:"alias"`
Certifier string `json:"certifier" yaml:"certifier"`
Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
and MsgDecertifyValidator
certifies and de-certifies a validator, respectively.
type MsgCertifyValidator struct {
Certifier string `json:"certifier" yaml:"certifier"`
Pubkey *types.Any `json:"pubkey"`
type MsgDecertifyValidator struct {
Decertifier string `json:"decertifier" yaml:"decertifier"`
Pubkey *types.Any `json:"pubkey"`
issues a certificate. It fails when the given certifier does not exist.
type MsgIssueCertificate struct {
Content *types.Any `json:"content"`
Compiler string `json:"compiler" yaml:"compiler"`
BytecodeHash string `json:"bytecode_hash" yaml:"bytecodehash"`
Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
Certifier string `json:"certifier" yaml:"certifier"`
removes a certificate from the store.
type MsgRevokeCertificate struct {
Revoker string `json:"revoker" yaml:"revoker"`
Id uint64 `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
certifies a validator's host platform.
type MsgCertifyPlatform struct {
Certifier string `json:"certifier" yaml:"certifier"`
ValidatorPubkey *types.Any `json:"validator_pubkey"`
Platform string `json:"platform" yaml:"platform"`
There are currently no parameters specific to the cert