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GraphQL - building a pokedex in React with GraphQL

Welcome to the forty-third post of the 52-technologies-in-2016 series. This week, we will explore GraphQL, a query language that is starting to get more and more attention. Facebook, who internally used GraphQL since 2012 and released a first specification and reference implementation of GraphQL in 2015 announced GraphQL to be [production ready] in September 2016. What followed is a trend of more and more companies starting to use GraphQL, such as GitHub, Coursera and Shopify.

In this post we will explore GraphQL by building a pokedex application with GraphQL. You can find an interactive, read-only demo of the pokedex here.

This is a guest post by [Nilan Marktanner](htt ps:// 52 technologies series is now open for external contributions so if you would like to contribute a guest post send us a PR.

Introduction to GraphQL

One of the main benefits of using GraphQL is how so called queries allow clients to specify their data requirements in a declarative way. Instead of collecting all the data from different endpoints, as is usual with REST, queries allow an exact and fine-grained selection of data fields that are then resolved by the server. This leads to prevention of data over- and underfetching, two common problems of REST.

As this approach shifts complexity from the clients to the server, we will focus on the client-side in this article. Let's take a quick glance at GraphQL schemas, exposed by GraphQL servers first, though.

GraphQL schema

When you build an app, you usually have to think about the data model you need. With GraphQL, this is done by defining the so called GraphQL schema. It exposes queries (for fetching data) and mutations (for modifying data), that are based on primitive types (such as integers, booleans or strings) and object types. Let's have a look at the two object types that we'll need in this article.

GraphQL schema ```idl type Trainer { id: String! name: String! ownedPokemons: [Pokemon] }

type Pokemon { id: String! url: String! name: String! trainer: Trainer }


### Queries

In our pokedex application, we'll display pokemons that have a `name` and a `url` and are related to the trainer that owns them. A trainer has a `name` and a list of owned pokemons. Both types have the required `id` field (denoted by the `!` in `String!`) that is used to identify different nodes. A node is a data item in our data graph.

These types will then be used by the GraphQL server to expose different queries and mutation. Let's explore common choices for those! One of them is a query that simply returns all nodes of a specific type, in our case that could be the `allPokemons` query. We can use it like this:

query {
  allPokemons {

If you want to follow along with the queries we use, head over to the interactive GraphiQL tool connecting you to the pokemon project that we setup for this article. If you copy the above query and hit the play button, you should see this result:

response ```json { "data": { "allPokemons": [ { "id": "ciwnmyvxn94uo0161477dicbm", "name": "Pikachu" }, { "id": "ciwnmzhwn953o0161h7vwlhdw", "name": "Squirtle" }, { "id": "ciwnn0kxq95oy0161ib2wu50g", "name": "Bulbasaur" }, { "id": "ciwnn11i1960l0161861mxdc1", "name": "Charmander" } ] } } ```

The GraphiQL tool is maintained by Facebook and highlights another benefit of GraphQL. The GraphQL schema contains so called introspection queries that make all information about the type system available. This allows for the automatically generated documentation in the top right corner of the tool or the great auto-complete feature.

Now go ahead and use the auto-complete feature of GraphiQL with Ctrl+Space to add the url field to the allPokemons query, run it and examine the result. Woah! Changing queries is as easy as that - just include whatever fields you want and run the query. There's one more crucial property of queries. Let us run the following query together:

query ```graphql query { allPokemons { id name trainer { name } } } ```

You should see this result:

response ```json { "data": { "allPokemons": [ { "id": "ciwnmyvxn94uo0161477dicbm", "name": "Pikachu", "trainer": { "name": "Ash Ketchum" } }, { "id": "ciwnmzhwn953o0161h7vwlhdw", "name": "Squirtle", "trainer": { "name": "Ash Ketchum" } }, { "id": "ciwnn0kxq95oy0161ib2wu50g", "name": "Bulbasaur", "trainer": { "name": "Ash Ketchum" } }, { "id": "ciwnn11i1960l0161861mxdc1", "name": "Charmander", "trainer": { "name": "Ash Ketchum" } } ] } } ```

Just like with normal fields, we can even select related nodes in our query. This dramatically decreases the number of queries needed and allows for quick prototyping and development of frontend applications. Instead of the time-draining skimming through dozens of potential endpoints, you can simply explore the possible queries interactively which has a great effect on developer experience.

Let's try another query that fetches a single trainer object. Our GraphQL server exposes the Trainer query to fetch specific trainer nodes. We can either specify the trainer by an id or a name. Let's fetch all information on the trainer Ash Ketchum:

query ```graphql query { Trainer(name: "Ash Ketchum") { id name ownedPokemons { name } } } ```

Run the query in GraphiQL and you should see this result:

response ```json { "data": { "Trainer": { "id": "ciwnmyn2a9ayt0175axsnyux1", "name": "Ash Ketchum", "ownedPokemons": [ { "name": "Pikachu" }, { "name": "Squirtle" }, { "name": "Bulbasaur" }, { "name": "Charmander" } ] } } } ```


Mutations can be used to modify data. Again, the available mutations depend on the GraphQL server. Typical examples include mutations that allow to create, update or delete nodes of a specific type. In our case, we could use the createPokemon mutation to create a new pokemon associated with the trainer Ash Ketchum like this:

query ```graphql mutation { createPokemon( name: "Gyarados" url: "" trainerId: "ciwnmyn2a9ayt0175axsnyux1" ) { id } } ```

Usually, this mutation would create the new Gyarados pokemon node and relate it to the Ash Ketchum trainer node (note the id we're passing in for trainerId). As the project is read-only though, we receive a permission error:

response ```json { "data": { "createPokemon": null }, "errors": [ { "locations": [ { "line": 12, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "createPokemon" ], "code": 3008, "message": "Insufficient permissions for this mutation", "requestId": "cix3dug8buz0h0178nd376peo" } ] } ```

Building a pokedex

With this quick introduction to GraphQL, we are now ready to focus completely on the client side of our pokedex application. Queries or mutations as seen above can simply be sent using plain http requests to the server. However, to benefit from things like client side caching and higher order components that integrate well with React, we are using Apollo GraphQL client.

Initializing Apollo Client

Our pokedex application will need different routes for different tasks. The route path / is reserved for our Pokedex component where we simply display all pokemons of ouf trainer. /view/:pokemonId will be used to display the details of a specific pokemon using the PokemonPage component. To create a pokemon and associate it with a specific trainer in the AddPokemonCard component, we use the route /create/:trainerId.

To make use of Apollo, we initialize a new client and connect it to our GraphQL server by configuring its network interface. Then we use the ApolloProvider component provided in react-apollo to wrap our route components with the Apollo client, so they can later send queries or mutations to our GraphQL server.

This leads us to the following route setup in index.js:

index.js ```js import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import Pokedex from './components/Pokedex' import PokemonPage from './components/PokemonPage' import AddPokemonCard from './components/AddPokemonCard' import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from 'react-router' import ApolloClient, { createNetworkInterface } from 'apollo-client' import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo' import 'tachyons' import './index.css'

const client = new ApolloClient({ networkInterface: createNetworkInterface({ uri: ''}), dataIdFromObject: o => })

ReactDOM.render(( ), document.getElementById('root') )


We use the function `dataIdFromObject` to define how a node can be identified. In our case, all nodes have a unique `id` field so we can use it for this purpose.

### Sending queries


Let's have a closer look at the `PokemonPage` component now, where we display details of a specific pokemon.

import React from 'react'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router'
import { graphql } from 'react-apollo'
import gql from 'graphql-tag'

import PokemonCard from './PokemonCard'

class PokemonPage extends React.Component {

  static propTypes = {
    data: React.PropTypes.shape({
      loading: React.PropTypes.bool,
      error: React.PropTypes.object,
      Pokemon: React.PropTypes.object,
    router: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    params: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,

  render () {
    if ( {
      return (<div>Loading</div>)

    if ( {
      return (<div>An unexpexted error occured</div>)

    return (
        <PokemonCard pokemon={} handleCancel={this.goBack}/>

  goBack = () => {

Note the special data object that we define as part of the props. This prop will be injected by Apollo after sending a query. It contains information on the loading or error status of the query in data.loading and data.error respectively. In the render method, we see that we can use data.loading to render a loading state until the query response comes in that we can use to pass the pokemon obtained from the query down to another component, PokemonCard in this case.

So how do we actually send the query resulting in the response data? First, we can use the gql function from graphql-tag to define a query:

PokemonQuery ```js const PokemonQuery = gql`query PokemonQuery($id: ID!) { Pokemon(id: $id) { id url name } } ` ```

Note that the query receives the id variable that we can use to select the specific pokemon we want to query. We can then send this query and inject its response to the PokemonPage component by using the graphql function from react-apollo:

PokemonPage.js ```js const PokemonPageWithData = graphql(PokemonQuery, { options: (ownProps) => ({ variables: { id: ownProps.params.pokemonId } }) } )(withRouter(PokemonPage))

export default PokemonPageWithData


Note how we can access the router parameters with `ownProps.params` to use the path variable as the `id` variable for our `PokemonQuery`.

### Sending mutations


Let's see how we can use mutations with Apollo Client by looking a the `AddPokemonCard` component. Again, we can define the mutation with `gql`:

const createPokemonMutation = gql`
  mutation createPokemon($name: String!, $url: String!, $trainerId: ID) {
    createPokemon(name: $name, url: $url, trainerId: $trainerId) {
      trainer {
        ownedPokemons {

This time, we define the name, url and trainerId variables for the mutation, which is the needed information for the createPokemon mutation, as seen in the last section. When we use graphql now to wrap the existing AddPokemonCard component with the mutation, we don't specify the mutation variables yet:

AddPokemonCard.js ```js const AddPokemonCardWithMutation = graphql(createPokemonMutation)(withRouter(AddPokemonCard))

export default AddPokemonCardWithMutation


Instead of injecting a `data` prop as before, wrapping mutations will inject a `mutate` prop that can be used to actually fire the mutation. We can see that in the `handleSave` function of the `AddPokemonCard` component:

handleSave = () => {
  const {name, url} = this.state
  const trainerId = this.props.params.trainerId
  this.props.mutate({variables: {name, url, trainerId}})
    .then(() => {

We take the currently entered information for the name and url input elements and the path variable trainerId and use them for our mutation. Calling the mutate function with these variables will return a promise that we can use to navigate back to the Pokedex component where now a new pokemon should be displayed.

Wrap Up

That's it! In this blog post, we saw how we can send GraphQL queries and mutations using Apollo Client in React. The best way to learn more about GraphQL and Apollo is Learn Apollo, featuring a hands-on tutorial where you will build a fully-featured pokedex application in multiple technologies such as React, React Native or ExponentJS.

To setup a GraphQL backend in minutes, check out Graphcool enabling you to implement your business logic with any language and includes realtime subscriptions, user management, service integrations and more.