With this repo and Slack Approval Citedal you can easily inject the approval process to Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.
To enhance your auto deployment process.
- Ensure you have setup Slack Approval Citedal and get public domain , like
- Use it in your gitlab-ci:
- Now this image integrated kubectl already
image: registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/shawn_repo/slack-approval-guard
stage: sample
- if [ $N -ne 0 ]; then exit ; fi
- [your other scripts]
registry approval with the command above, then the pipeline will show message like below:
then in the configured slack channel, you will see message like below:
when the assignee click the button, slack will work like below:
meanwhile you receive message from step 3, the pipeline will also show message like below:
guard setup 'proejctName' -n 'namespace' -e 'env' -P 'projectURL' -p '$CI_PIPELINE_ID' -b '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' -a '$GITLAB_USER_NAME' -c '$CI_COMMIT_TITLE' -C '$CI_COMMIT_SHA' -s 'http://slack.example.com/approval'