functions now point to their equivalent from TF.- Small documentation changes.
- Add
option tosonnet.Embed
This version requires TensorFlow version 1.4.0.
- Switch parameterized tests to use Abseil.
- BatchApply passes through scalar non-Tensor inputs unmodified.
- More flexible mask argument to
. - Added Sonnet
to the "sonnet" graph collection. This allows to keep track of which modules generated which connected sub-graphs. This information is serialised and available when loading a meta-graph-def. This can be used, for instance, to visualise the TensorFlow graph from a Sonnet perspective. - Scale_gradient now handles all float dtypes.
- Fixed a bug in clip_gradient that caused clip values to be shared.
- ConvNet can now use the NCHW data format.
- Cleaned up and improved example text for
- Separate
to two separate modules. - Clarify example in Readme.
subpackage. This allows modules to be made non-trainable, or to completely block gradients. See documentation fortf.get_variable
for more details.Sequential.get_variables()
generates a warning to indicate that no variables will ever be returned.ConvLSTM
now supports dilated convolutions.utils.format_variables
allows logging Variables with non-static shape.snt.trainable_initial_state
is now publicly exposed.- Stop using private property of
This version requires TensorFlow 1.3.0.
- Backwards incompatible change: Resampler ops removed, they are now available
. - Custom getters supported in RNNs and AlexNet.
- Replace last references to
. - Removed Tensorflow dependencies in Bazel config files, which makes it unnecessary to have Tensorflow as a submodule of Sonnet.
- First steps of AlexNet cleanup.
- Add option to disable batch normalization on fully-connected layers.
- Remove HALF mode.
- Add AlexNetMini and AlexNetFull.
- Fixed bias compatibility between NHWC and NCHW data formats in Conv2D. Uses tf.nn.bias_add for bias addition in all convolutional layers.
- snt.BatchApply now also accepts scalar-valued inputs such as Boolean flags.
- Clean up and clarify documentation on nest's dict ordering behavior.
- Change installation instructions to use pip.
- Add optional bias for the multipler in AddBias.
- Push first version of wheel files to PyPI.
- Fix install script for Python 3.
- Better error message in AbstractModule.
- Fix out of date docs about RNNCore.
- Use tf.layers.utils instead of tf.contrib.layers.utils, allowing to remove the use of contrib in the future, which will save on import time.
- Fixes to docstrings.
- Support "None" entries in BatchApply's inputs.
- Add
option to convolution modules and MLP. - Better error messages for BatchReshape.
now supports relative paths as well as absolute.- Accept string values as variable scope in
. - Add IPython notebook that explains how Sonnet's
module can be configured.
- Added all constructor arguments to
. - Backwards incompatible change is_training flags of
functions no longer default to True. They must be specified explicitly at every connection point. - Added causal 1D Convolution.
- Fixed to scope name utilities.
- Added
. Conv1DTranspose
modules can accept input with undefined batch sizes.- Apply verification to output_shape in
This version is only compatible with TensorFlow 1.2.0, not the current GitHub HEAD.
- Resampler op now tries to import from tf.contrib first and falls back to the Sonnet op. This is in preparation for the C++ ops to be moved into tf/contrib.
no longer inherits fromtf.RNNCell
. All recurrent modules will continue to be suppoted bytf.dynamic_rnn
, etc.- The ability to add a
to a module is now supported bysnt.AbstractModule
. This is currently only available insnt.Linear
, with more to follow. See the documentation fortf.get_variable
for how to use custom_getters. - Documentation restructured.
- Some functions and tests reorganised.
- Cell & Hidden state clipping added to
. - Added Makefile for generating documentation with Sphinx.
- Batch Norm options for
now deprecated to a separate classBatchNormLSTM
. A future version ofLSTM
will no longer contain the batch norm flags. @snt.experimental.reuse_vars
decorator promoted to@snt.reuse_variables
now takes apreserve_dims
prints a warning if the heuristic is used to infer output size.- Deprecated properties removed from
. - Pass inferred data type to bias and weight initializers.
now checks that dropout is disabled or set to 1.0 when testing..get_saver()
now groups partitioned variables by default.- Docstring, variable name and comment fixes.
- breaking change: Calling
with positional arguments is now not supported. All calls to__init__
should be changed to use kwargs. This change will allow future features to be added more easily. - Sonnet modules now throw an error if pickled. Instead of serializing module instances, you should serialize the constructor you want to call, plus the arguments you would pass it, and recreate the module instances in each run of the program.
- Sonnet no longer allows the possibility that
does not exist. This would only be the case when reloading pickle module instances, which is not supported. - Fix tolerance on initializers_test.
- If no name is passed to the AbstractModule constructor, a snake_case version of the class name will be used.
now checks that__init__
has been called first and throws an error otherwise.- Residual and Skip connection RNN wrapper cores have been added.
now has an option to group partitioned variables, matching what tf.Saver expects.snt.BatchApply
now support kwargs, nested dictionaries, and allowsNone
to be returned.- Add a group_sliced_variables option to get_normalized_variable_map() that groups partitioned variables in its return value, in line with what tf.Saver expects to receive. This ensures that partitioned variables end up being treated as a unit when saving checkpoints / model snapshots with tf.Saver. The option is set to False by default, for backwards compatibility reasons.
creates a new module which now uses the same partitioners as the parent module.