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Frame aware scheduling for android

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⚠ Warning: This document is gpt-translated and may contain inaccuracies or errors.


If the scene seen by the naked eye can be directly reflected in the scheduling, that is, if the scheduler is placed from the viewer's perspective to decide performance, can perfect performance control and maximum experience be achieved? FAS (Frame Aware Scheduling) is this scheduling concept, which tries to control performance by monitoring frame rendering to minimize overhead while ensuring rendering time.

  • What is fas-rs?

    • fas-rs is a user-space implementation of FAS (Frame Aware Scheduling), which has the advantage of near-universal compatibility and flexibility on any device compared to the kernel-space MI FEAS.

Extension System

Customization (Configuration)

  • Configuration Path: /sdcard/Android/fas-rs/games.toml

  • Parameter (config) Description:

    • keep_std

      • Type: bool
      • true: Always keep the standard configuration profile when merging configurations, retaining the local configuration's application list, and other aspects are the same as false *
      • false: See default behavior of configuration merging
    • scene_game_list

      • Type: bool
      • true: Use scene game list *
      • false: Do not use scene game list
    • *: Default configuration

  • Game List (game_list) Description:

    • "package" = target_fps

      • package: String, application package name
      • target_fps: An array (e.g., [30, 60, 120, 144]) or a single integer, representing the target frame rate the game will render to, fas-rs will dynamically match at runtime.
  • Modes (powersave / balance / performance / fast) Description:

    • Mode Switching:

      • Currently, fas-rs does not have an official mode switching manager but integrates with the scene configuration interface. If you do not use scene, the default balance configuration is used.
      • If you have some understanding of programming on Linux, you can switch to the corresponding mode by writing any of the 4 modes to the /dev/fas_rs/mode node, and you can also read it to know the current mode of fas-rs.
    • Mode Parameter Description:

      • margin_fps:

        • Supports two formats:
        1. Full format: margin_fps = { base = <float>, <target_fps margin override> = <float>(multiple allowed) }
        2. Short form: margin_fps = <float>, equivalent to margin_fps = { base = <float> }
        • Description: Additional allowed frame drops in fps units. Unless forced by target_fps margin override, the value will scale according to formula (target_fps / 60 * base)
      • core_temp_thresh:

        • Type: integer or "disabled"
        • integer: Core temperature to trigger thermal control by fas-rs (unit 0.001℃)
        • "disabled": Disable fas-rs built-in thermal control

Standard Example of games.toml Configuration:

keep_std = true
scene_game_list = true

"com.hypergryph.arknights" = [30, 60]
"com.miHoYo.Yuanshen" = [30, 60]
"com.miHoYo.enterprise.NGHSoD" = [30, 60, 90]
"com.miHoYo.hkrpg" = [30, 60]
"com.kurogame.mingchao" = [24, 30, 45, 60]
"com.pwrd.hotta.laohu" = [25, 30, 45, 60, 90]
"com.mojang.minecraftpe" = [60, 90, 120]
"" = [30, 60]
"com.shangyoo.neon" = 60
"com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd" = [60, 90, 120]
"com.tencent.tmgp.sgame" = [30, 60, 90, 120]

margin_fps = 3
core_temp_thresh = 80000

margin_fps = 1
core_temp_thresh = 90000

margin_fps = 0
core_temp_thresh = 95000

margin_fps = 0
core_temp_thresh = 95000

Configuration Merging

  • fas-rs has a built-in configuration merging system to address future configuration feature changes. Its behavior is as follows

    • Delete configurations in the local configuration that do not exist in the standard configuration
    • Insert configurations that are missing in the local configuration but exist in the standard configuration
    • Retain configurations that exist in both the standard and local configurations
  • Note

    • Implemented using automatic serialization and deserialization, unable to preserve comments and other non-serialization necessary information
    • The automatic merging configuration during installation will not be applied immediately to avoid affecting the current version's operation but will replace the local configuration with the merged new configuration on the next restart.
  • Manual Merging

    • The module will automatically call once every time it is installed

    • Manual example

      fas-rs merge /path/to/std/profile


# Ubuntu (NDK is required)
apt install gcc-multilib git-lfs

# Rust (Nightly version is required)
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup default nightly
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi x86_64-linux-android i686-linux-android
rustup component add rust-src

# Cargo-ndk
cargo install cargo-ndk

# Clone
git clone
cd fas-rs

# Compile
cargo xtask build -r