This walkthrough assumes that your working directory is that of this README
First make sure you have installed TensorFlow, numpy and nltk in your python environment.
Previous workshop sections have instructions on how to install TensorFlow and numpy. To install nltk:
pip install nltk
python -c "import nltk;'punkt')"
(Note: if you are in using a Docker image this is already done)
This will give you the necessary corpuses to use nltk.word_tokenize
The training data can be found at (25 MB compressed, ~100 MB uncompressed)
The rest of this tutorial assumes you have downloaded this data and unzipped it in this directory, you can do this with:
curl -o
All the following commands are run in a python interpreter. So start up a python intepreter with
or copy paste into Jupyter cells.
from word2vec import util
with open('text8', 'r') as f:
index, counts, word_array = util.build_string_index(
(this may take ~1 minute)
reads in a string tokenizes it using nltk.word_tokenize
and builds
: Anp.ndarray
that lists all unique words from most common to least common (+'UNK'
a token used to denote words which do not appear often enough in our fixed size vocabulary) -
: Anp.ndarray
with the counts of the corresponding words inindex
: Anp.ndarray
of words
NOTE: You may need to use a smaller slice depending on the amount of memory on your machine.
targets, contexts = util.generate_batches(word_array[:-4000000])
(this may take 5-10 minutes)
applies SkipGram processing to rolling windows in word_indices
. The first element in the returned tuple is a vector of target word indices, while the second is a vector of the context word indices we'd like to predict.
If you don't want to do preprocessing in memory, or you want to preprocess via another distributed graph computation framework, Tensorflow supports reading from a binary (protobuf) format called TFRecords. We have provided this file publicly available online. See below for how to train with this data.
To define your model, run:
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import time
workshop_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))
output_dir = os.path.join(workshop_root, 'workshop-data', 'output', str(int(time.time())))
word2vec_model = tf.contrib.learn.Estimator(model_fn=word2vec.make_model_fn(index, counts.tolist()), model_dir=output_dir)
To train with the in memory numpy arrays, run:, y=contexts, batch_size=256, max_steps=int(len(targets)/256))
To train with the pre-preprocessed TFRecords, run:, 256))
In another shell (or outside your docker container), run
tensorboard --logdir workshop-data/output
to watch the training outputs.
This word2vec model predicts similarities between words using its trained embeddings.
When given a vector of words, the word2vec model outputs a prediction dictionary with two values: 'predictions'
are the words most similar to the provided words, while 'values'
is a measure of their similarity to the provided words. You can use index
to convert these word indices back into strings.
To predict, simply input a pandas dataframe or numpy array into word2vec_model.predict
. The num_sim
parameter in the original make_model_fn
call controls the number of similar words we predict for each word in the input vector. You can make a new estimator object without retraining as long as you specify the same model_dir
as your trained model. Trained parameters will be loaded from the most recent checkpoint!
For example, predicting the 5 most common known words:
Or predicting a specific word, like: