A python script that converts font to C array, target for embedded systems (e.g. LCD Controller ILI9806)
Pillow (should be installed by default. pip3 install pillow==10.2.0)
- Load the font properties from config file:
python3 font2c.py config.ini
- Use default setting (freemono 24 fixed width):
python3 font2c.py
- Output sequence: Left to right, down to bottom sequentially
- Encoding mode: raw, raw with trim bounding box (rawbb), lvgl
- Bits per pixel(bpp): 1, 2, 4
Configuration | Description |
[microhei32_varsize_rawbb_2bpp] | export C file name |
bpp = 2 | bit per pixel ( 1 or 2 ), 2 is smoother but occupy more size |
font = /usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy/wqy-microhei.ttc | font style ( True Type Font / Open Font ) (Windows platform: kaiu.ttf) |
size = 32 | font size |
text = 0123456789: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 測試間距テスト |
output characters (sorted before export) |
offset = (0,0) | x,y offset |
fixed_width_height = None | None: Flexible size (width, height): Fixed width and height |
max_width = 32 | maximum width |
encoding_method = rawbb | encoding method raw=direct dump the pixels rawbb=direct dump the pixel inside margin area (bounding box) lvgl=use lvgl compression algorithm (currently prefilter set to disable) |
export_dir = ./export/ | export directory |
Example 1: Output with fixed width and height(14,24), encoding method set to rawbb, the generated c source file and preview font images are placed under './export' directory
font = "cour" # font style (Test chinese font: kaiu)
size = 24
text = "0123456789:" \
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # "測試間距テスト" # output which symbol
offset = (0,0)
fixed_width_height = (14,24) # fixed width and height
max_width = 24
encoding_method = rawbb
export_dir = "./export/"
Example 2: Output with flexible glyph size, encoding method set to rawbb, the generated c source file and preview font images are placed under './export' directory
font = "arial" # font style (Test chinese font: kaiu)
size = 32
text = "0123456789:" \
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # "測試間距テスト" # output which symbol
offset = (0,0)
fixed_width_height = None # var_size
max_width = 32
encoding_method = rawbb
export_dir = './export/'
Template keyword | Description |
${bpp} | bpp option |
${font} | font option |
${font_lowercase} | font in lowercase |
${font_uppercase} | font in UPPERCASE |
${size} | font size option |
${space_width} | the width of space character |
${space_height} | the height of space character |
${enable_utf8} | 1 if the text contains any unicode char, otherwise 0 |
${utf8_map} | the unicode char hex representation |
${encoding_method} | encoding method option |
${template_file_path} | current template file name |
${charname} | character name |
${charname_lowercase} | character name in lowercase |
${charname_uppercase} | character name in UPPERCASE |
${codepoint} | character UTF-8 codepoint |
${margin_top} | character margin top |
${margin_bottom} | character margin bottom |
${margin_left} | character margin left |
${margin_right} | character margin right |
${width} | character width |
${height} | character height |
${sizeof_char} | character bmp byte size |
${bmpdata} | character bmp data |
${bmpidx} | character bmp index |