Milestone (4-week cycle) progress with closed issues and merged pull-requests. The first number indicates the issue id followed by the issue title.
- tbd.
Please note that from here on the Kiso private Bosch AE software repo has been transferred to the public Eclipse Foundation hosted repo. Thus, the issue id urls have changed from to
- 442 Feature/#440 hugo doc cleanup
- 440 Hugo documentation clean-up
- 438 Hugo documentation additional editions
- 431 Enable git lfs support for binary files
- 429 Upload ICD code to public EF repo
- 426 New quick start guide
- 418 clang-tidy: using .clang-tidy file instead of passing checks in cmake…
- 416 "Remove section ""Releases"" in Hugo documentation"
- 415 Configure (enable) Clang readability check
- 401 STM32F7: config
- 388 STM32F7: LED example
- 381 Base basic tooling and quick start on Windows 10 WSL
- 353 Quick Start Documentation
- 352 Quick start documentation
- 351 Need to clean FAQs
- 125 STM32F7: BSP
- 383 Bugfix/#349 flash support wsl
- 380 Update issue templates
- 379 Add issue template
- 378 hotfix/remove-CGW-in-cellular-2
- 374 gitflow-hotfix: remove-CGW-in-cellular
- 373 Feature/#349 flash support
- 372 Add Clang config to Kiso docu
- 371 test1
- 369 fix build error while compiling for c-cellular
- 368 Delete tlv
- 367 Increase coverage SyncRecorder logging
- 366 #231 Cellular const correctness
- 365 #311-Fix-GuardedTask-2
- 364 #311-Fix-GuardedTask
- 362 Questionnaire tester to verify quality goals
- 361 Feature/#231 cellular const correctness
- 360 Fix the hugo documentation
- 357 Fix c-sensors
- 356 Bugfix/ Fix Utils-Logging
- 349 Flash support and debug support as part of documentation and build process
- 342 Add verification step for hugo website
- 341 Fix broken links in older versions of Hugo
- 335 Cellular UT Coverage Additions
- 331 Further improve documentation
- 319 Fix Utils/Xprotocol
- 318 Fix Utils/UARTTranceiver
- 317 Fix Utils/TaskMonitor
- 315 Fix Utils/RingBuffer
- 314 Fix Utils/PipeAndFilter
- 313 Fix Utils-Logging
- 420 Fix wrong link to disclaimer (release notes)
- 417 Feature/#355 docu readme release notes
- 409 Update AT_UBlox.h
- 408 Feature/#297 standartize config headers
- 406 Feature/#401 stm32 f7 configuration and MPS - DRAFT
- 405 Add MCU as done for STM32L4
- 404 Feature/#400 stm32 f7 add stm32f7cube library
- 400 STM32F7: vendor library as 3rd party
- 397 #346-Empty-Clang_report
- 396 #346-Empty-Clang_report----TEST_ONLY----
- 395 Feature/#134 add lwip to kiso
- 394 Test PR for Nucleo Development
- 393 restructuring doxygen documentation
- 392 Feature/#193 document cellular
- 386 Access rights for Uwe
- 385 Documentation hosting
- 377 #127 adapting servalstack to kiso
- 355 Add know issues and limitations to the docu
- 346 Empty Clang report in Jenkins
- 344 "Documentation upgrade: Bosch internal setup (proxy, etc.)"
- 332 Perform manual integration test for ICD tagged version
- 302 Configuration rework POC
- 301 "Gather all TODOs in a ticket, and clean-up before ICD"
- 297 Standardize Config headers --cmake generated vs standard--
- 266 OSS delta scan on ICD tagged version
- 226 Follow and drive ICD process with EF
- 134 add lwip
- 126 STM32F7: HAL MCU in essentials
- 111 "Fix or change the TLV module, Utils"
- 363 #315-Fix-RingBuffer
- 359 Feature/#265 khalifima improving cellular unittest part2
- 358 #357-Fix-c-sensors
- 354 Feature/#272 update disclaimer
- 348 #319-Fix-XProtocol
- 345 Feature/#344 upgrade docu
- 343 Fix PipeAndFilter
- 340 #335 cellular ut coverage additions
- 339 Enable EventHub unittests and expose config header
- 338 #308-#309-Fix-ErrorLogger
- 337 Enable TaskMonitor tests and remove FreeRTOS headers from public API
- 336 Delete the link to other MCUs
- 334 #318 Fix Utils/UARTTransceiver
- 333 #312 Fix Utils/I2CTranceiver
- 328 Feature/#265 khalifima improving cellular unittest
- 327 Feature/#227 nucleo l4 bsp
- 326 Implemented the BSP for nucleo L4 Boards
- 325 adding tests for httpservice unit
- 324 example poc type 2
- 323 Feature/project config poc2
- 322 #222 - Extend c-sensors example
- 303 Feature/#265 improve unit tests cellular engine reopened
- 299 Refactoring/cleanup
- 298 Look and feel fixes
- 296 Feature/#265 improve unit tests cellular engine
- 293 Feature/#265 improve unit test coverage of cellular glue code
- 292 Feature/#98 essentials spi stm32l4 unittest
- 291 Feature/#98 essentials spi stm32l4 unittest
- 290 Feature/#98 essentials i2c stm32l4 unittest
- 289 Add emulator unit-tests for ublox file handling