diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 6eb4eae..7db69c1 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -30,13 +30,6 @@ help: # - `BUILD_TAGS="jsoniter" make build` build with specified tags. # - `BUILD_PLATFORMS="linux/amd64,linux/arm64" make build` do multiple platforms go build. # - # * [dev] `make package`, embed running resources into a Docker image on one platform. - # - `REPO=xyz make package` package all targets named with xyz repository. - # - `VERSION=vX.y.z+l.m make package` package all targets named with vX.y.z-l.m tag. - # - `TAG=main make package` package all targets named with main tag. - # - `OS=linux ARCH=arm64 make package` package all targets run on linux/arm64 arch. - # - `PACKAGE_BUILD=false make package` prepare build resource but disable docker build. - # - `DOCKER_USERNAME=... DOCKER_PASSWORD=... PACKAGE_PUSH=true make package` execute docker push after build. # # * [ci] `make ci`, execute `make deps`, `make lint`, `make test`, `make build` and `make package`. # - `CI_CHECK=false make ci` only execute `make build` and `make package`. diff --git a/hack/lib/target.sh b/hack/lib/target.sh index d277c8b..9051236 100644 --- a/hack/lib/target.sh +++ b/hack/lib/target.sh @@ -39,10 +39,16 @@ function seal::target::build_tags() { } readonly DEFAULT_BUILD_PLATFORMS=( - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 + freebsd/386 + freebsd/amd64 + freebsd/arm + linux/386 + linux/amd64 + linux/arm64 + linux/arm + windows/arm64 windows/amd64 )