- ✨ Updated smt language support with cross-ref and code completion
- ✨ Alloy- added support for atoms and skolems when parsing expressions
- 🐛 Alloy- fixed tabular output
- 🐛 Alloy- fixed alloy instance is not updating immediately
- 🐛 Alloy- fixed evaluator cleared up when switching tabs
- ✨ Added alloy evaluator
- 🎨 Improved the visualization of alloy text and tabular format
- ⚡️ Switched deprecated method in Java
- 📌Bump python dependencies
⚡️Set alloy memory usage limit; restart if exceeded ⚡️Using minisat for alloy 🐛Handle label on alloy commands
- ✨ Added typo validation in Limboole.
- ✨ Storing language support check as metadata
- 🐛 Fixed issue with ascii char recognition
- 🐛 Fixed limboole syntax highlighting
- ♻️ Refactored error messages
- 🐛 Fixed Alloy default run command ignoring all facts
- 🧪 Fixed Alloy-api bkoken test cases
- ⚡️ Removed some unused code
- ⚡️ Fixed some code smells
- ✨ SMT in editor language support (browser worker)
- ✨ Feedback form
- ⚡️ Added caching mechanism for z3, nuXmv, and Spectra with Redis
- ✨ New api for getting metadata
- 💥 Separated nuxmv, alloy, and z3 api
- 💥 Merged VAL and QBF are merged into SAT
- 🔥 Remove tool specific api
- 🔥 Remove check type for permalink lookup
- 🔥 Remove dark mode (temporarily)
- ♻️ Migrated backend to Flask 3 and poetry
- ♻️ Populating tools dropdown from fmp.conf
- ♻️ Fixed wasm fallback api
- 🎨 Added issue link on error modals
- 🐛Fixed-creating new spec not reseting the editor
- ✨ Limboole in editor language support (browser worker)
- ✨ Store playground version for future reference
- ⚡Migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript
- ♻️Merged some duplicate API endpoints
- 📌Bump esbuild from 0.20.2 to 0.21.5
- 📌Bump micromatch from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8
- 📝Added new examples for SAT, SMT, and Alloy
- 📝Linked YouTube playlist on the readme
- 🐛Fixed #9 - Alloy's subset singnature indication missing in instances
- 🐛Fixed #8 - unexpected behavior on last instance of temporal Alloy models
- 📌Bump axios from 1.6.2 to 1.7.4
- Added alloy tabular and text output
- Bug Fixed- can't parse alloy integer label
- Fixed- Unicode handling
- Fixed- Alloy timeout
- Disabled next instance button while calculating
- Added rate limiter for alloy
- Added download ext for spectra
- Add SQLite option for local development
- Removed legacy alloy4fun
- Added new Alloy API with Spring Boot
- Integrated Alloy UI into the main playground
- Fixed #6 Limboole syntax error reporting blocks running
- Removed DB migration on docker
- Fixed spectra line highlighting error
- nuXmv tutorial URL changed
- Updated workflow for docker build
- Introduce new tool - Spectra Synthesizer
- Line highlighting on the editor on error/core
- Introduced dark mode
- Compressing large response body
- Migrated Z3 to the browser
- Syntax highlighting fails when loading from permalinks 9991aa1c9c83c78fbd1d9849b5b80fd8efd19d19
- Handle non-ASCII characters on specification
- nuXmv time-out blocked by Gunicorn
- Store the specification configuration on refresh/redirect
- Exit fullscreen mode with ESC key keeps current ref
- File upload type
- Run button disable failed when running
- GitHub link breaks on mobile device
- After loading a spec from the history the output panel keeps the content of previous analyses, and the permalink is not updated
- Keep the selected history highlighted
- The search results reset to all specs after loading a spec
- Save user theme preference
- Adjust the height on the fullscreen
- Codebase minification on deployment
- Upgrade Alloy-API to the latest maven and java
- Introduce request limit with flask-limiter
- Limboole parsing error #4
- Copying empty permalink
- API response error
- nuXmv copyright notice
- Completely rewritten frontend with React
- Added login functionality with Google and GitHub
- Added ability to save specifications
- Added ability to download history as JSON
- Search saved history