Simple Python interface to content-addressable storage on IPFS with minimal configuration.
pip install --upgrade git+
To complete the setup you must set an environment variable to specify the mechanism hashio will use to store files on IPFS.
From command line
echo "test-content" > test_content.txt
hashio-store test_content.txt
# output:
# ipfs://bafkreiajr6u7obg3mpunezz2mwarr2sptwr3zaedia665vdayvw6mpn5ga
From Python
import hashio as ha
uri = ha.store_file('filename.dat')
uri = ha.store_text('example text')
uri = ha.store_json({'example': 'dict'})
uri = ha.store_npy(array)
uri = ha.store_pkl({'example': array})
From command line
hashio-load ipfs://bafkreiajr6u7obg3mpunezz2mwarr2sptwr3zaedia665vdayvw6mpn5ga
# output:
# /home/user/hashio-storage/ipfs/ba/fk/re/bafkreiajr6u7obg3mpunezz2mwarr2sptwr3zaedia665vdayvw6mpn5ga
From Python
import hashio as ha
local_fname = ha.load_file('ipfs://bafkreiajr6u7obg3mpunezz2mwarr2sptwr3zaedia665vdayvw6mpn5ga')
text = ha.load_text('ipfs://bafkreiajr6u7obg3mpunezz2mwarr2sptwr3zaedia665vdayvw6mpn5ga')
x = ha.load_json(uri)
y = ha.load_npy(uri)
z = ha.load_pkl(uri)
Uploads are subject to the limits of (for example, no more than 30 uploads per 10 seconds).
If you are using our service for uploading to IPFS (not your own token), then uploads are limited to 50 MiB and are not guaranteed to be available forever. Also, the upload rate may be throttled.