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Table Generator Guide

PyRG is a Python implementation of the PRG framework. It is a simple Python script that allows you to easily create a project tier table for your GitHub Portfolio. Also included is a GitHub Action CI/CD workflow that will automatically generate a table of all your repositories and their PRG tiers to deploy to GitHub Pages in order to showcase your projects/portfolio.

Table of Contents

Connecting Projects to the PRG Framework

In order to get the PRG framework to work, you must perform the following pre-requisites:

PRG Connection File

  1. In each repository, inside the root project folder, there should be a PRG Connection File (or PRGCF for short).
  • The file should be a markdown file called
    • See the PRG Connection File used in this repo, here, for an example and more information on how to use it.
  • Follow the instructions in the file to configure your repository.
  • The file name and path can be changed in the script (default path is your project root directory).


If you do not have a specific Order to sort your repos in, use a large number like 9999 to add as a placeholder for this field, especially for Bronze projects, vs. 0 which will appear on the top of your list per tier.


You can have repeating numbers, but it should be unique by tier. For example, you can have a Order: 1 for Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Rank your repos from 1-* for each category.


Lines 15-18 are mapped in the scripts/ script to the PRG framework. Do not move or change these lines without adjusting the script to account for this change.

  • The GitHub Action Workflow (explained below) uses this file to categorize your repositories.
  • You must have a Repository Tier label for each repository for the categorization to work.
    • Change the repository's Tier label to match the tier of the repository (#E5E4E2 Platinum, #FFD700 Gold, #C0C0C0 Silver, #CD7F32 Bronze, or #6236FF Optimized).
    • The Tier label is the only required label for the PRG framework to work (if configured to look for a PRG Connection File file in the root folder).
    • Optionally, if you don't want to categorize your project, but still want to display it in your table, you can use the #6236FF Optimized badge.
    • There are optional labels you can add to your repository as well: Technology, Category, and Order.
    • Place an empty values for String labels and 0 for Integer labels if you don't want to use them.

PRG Project Logo

  1. Optionally, you can display a logo for your repository in the table. To do so, follow these steps:
    • In the project root folder, there should be a folder called docs/.
    • Inside the docs/ folder, there should be a subfolder called images/.
    • Inside the docs/images/ folder, there should be a file called PRG.png.
    • This is the icon that will be used for the project tier table.
      • See the PRG file used in this repo, here, for an example.
      • By default, if no icon is found, a placeholder image will be used (defined in the build script).
      • If a homepage/website is not defined in the repository settings, clicking on the icon will link to the repository.
      • Clicking on the name of the repository will always link to the repository.


If you do not see your new or updated logo after you run the build script, give it a few minutes for GitHub to finish running its index process and try again. You can view the path manually by going to in your browser, which should redirect to You can also try a hard refresh to reset your browsers cache on the web page in order to see it.


Troubleshooting: Check that the path is correct in the file, make sure the file is indeed in your repository docs/images folder and its correctly named PRG.png and that the build script is using this file name. Also, check the URL path to the file directly on GitHub to view it in a browser.

Finish Setup

  1. Follow the Configuration steps below to configure the workflow and GitHub pages for deployment.


You can reference your built project tier table in your repository README or wherever you see fit. This can be helpful showcasing your projects using the PRG framework.

Python Build Script (PyRG)

  • The python script is located in the scripts folder called
    • Overall, you will see that the script is well documented, highly customizable, and easy to follow.


Make sure you add all the required fields to the private tier table in order for the table to be generated properly or this can cause the output to be incorrect.

Table Configuration

  • The build script that generates the project tier table is located in the scripts folder called
  • There are a number of configuration flags at the top of the script that you can set to customize the output of the table to your liking.
    • For example, you can exclude repositories from the project tier table completely by setting the INCLUDE_PRG_FILE_PROJECTS flag to True and not including a PRG Connection File in the root of the project.
  • The config file for Jekyll/GitHub Pages is located in the _config.yml file in the root of the project.
    • There are a number of titles and descriptions you can set to customize the output of the table to your liking.

Time Zone & Schedule Configuration

The time zone will be updated on the bottom of the table to reflect the time zone of the repository owner and when the table was last updated.

  • For local testing, adjust the MY_TIME_ZONE configuration in the file.
  • For deployment with GitHub Pages, adjust the TZ environment variable under env to your time zone in the .github/workflows/main.yml file.
    • The default time zone is set to America/New_York for both local testing and deployment.
  • The script will run on a weekly basis (Monday's at 12:00 AM (Sunday Night) - defined using a cron expression in the workflow file).
  • The script can also be run manually by clicking on the Run workflow button in the Actions tab in your repository.

Private Repositories and External Projects

If you have private/closed source or external (non-GitHub) projects, you can still use the PRG framework.

Private Repositories

  • Private repositories that are on GitHub will be picked up if configured to do so in the script.

    • Add icons for for your private repositories in the docs/images/private_repos folder.
      • For private repositories, you must name the icon the same as the repository name (case sensitive), otherwise the placeholder image will be used.

    [!IMPORTANT] Even though the API can pick up private repositories, it will not be able to point to the repository URL to get the icon since it is private so you will have to manually add the icon to the docs/images/private_repos folder and name it the same as the repository name (case sensitive).

External Projects

  • You can manually add external projects that are not on GitHub by adding them to the categories/ file.

    • Projects in this file will be consolidated into the main table when the workflow runs.
    • Add icons for for your external projects in the docs/images/private_repos folder (same as private repositories).
      • For external projects, you can name the icon whatever you want, just make sure the file name matches the file in the categories/ file.

    [!IMPORTANT] Be sure to change the INCLUDE_PRIVATE_FILE_PROJECTS flag to True in the file. Check out this handy tool if you need help formatting/viewing your markdown table.

Script Customization

You can customize your build script however you want if you want to categorize your project tier table further.

  • You have three options for customizations:
  1. Static Table Fields:
  • Feel free to add more labels/fields/columns to your project tier table.
  • Be sure to adjust the (PRG Connection File) and the script accordingly.
  • You will also have to adjust the file to display the new fields.
  1. Dynamic Table Fields using GitHub API:
  • There are also other API fields that can be used such as Total Stars, Forks, etc.
  • If you decide to modify the output, consult the GitHub API for more details on what fields are available and be sure to adjust the script accordingly.
  • You will also have to adjust the file to display the new fields.
  1. HTML Layouts, CSS Styles, Images and Fonts:
  • Adjust the _layouts/default.html file to change the layout of the table.
  • Adjust assets/css/style.css to change the styling of the table.
  • Adjust assets/images/ to change the images used in the table.
  • Adjust assets/fonts/ to change the fonts used in the table.

GitHub Actions Workflow

  • The GitHub action is defined in the .github/workflows folder called main.yml.
    • The name of the workflow is weekly-project-tier-table-generator.
    • The workflow will call scripts/ which will build the table and output it to categories/

Project Tier Table (Output) and Private Project Tier Table (Input)

  • See the Project Tier Table and Private Project Tier Table for example inputs and outputs of what the table looks like (placeholder images won't be displayed in the output due to the GitHub Action workflow running on a public repository).
  • The script will also update the Badge Reference Guide file with the latest badges you can use to add to your repository READMEs that use PRG.

Project Tier Badges (Output)

See Badge Reference Guide for more details on how to create badges for your repository.

  • Run the workflow above to get an update categories/ file pointing to your PRG framework.
  • Place the badges in your repository README to showcase your PRG Collection.
  • Use my repos and PRG Collection as an example of how to use the badges in your README files.

GitHub Pages Deployment

Local Testing

  1. Build Script Testing:
  • You can test the script locally by running the following command in the root of the project:
    • python scripts/
  1. Jekyll Testing for GitHub Pages:
  • Install Jekyll on your machine (follow the instructions here):

    • gem install bundler jekyll
  • You can test the Jekyll build locally by running the following command in the root of the project:

    • bundle exec jekyll serve or
    • jekyll build
  • You can view the Jekyll build locally by going to the following URL in your browser:

    • http://localhost:4000/

    [!NOTE] You will need to download and install both Python and Jekyll to run PRG locally.

GitHub Actions API Secret

  • You will need to create a GitHub Actions API Secret in order for the workflow to run:
  1. Go to your GitHub profile settings.
  2. Click on the Developer settings tab.
  3. Click on the Personal access tokens tab.
  4. Click on the Generate new token button.
  5. Name the token GITHUB_TOKEN.
  6. Select the repo scope.
  7. Click on the Generate token button.
  8. Copy the token and save it somewhere safe.
  9. Go to your repository settings.
  10. Click on the Secrets tab.
  11. Click on the New repository secret button.
  12. Name the secret MY_GITHUB_TOKEN (referenced in the main.yml file, and used as the GITHUB_TOKEN variable in the build script).
  • Some common errors you may see when running the workflow:
    • Error: Resource not accessible by integration
      • If you see this error, make sure you have the correct token and that you have the repo scope selected.
    • Error: fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
      • If your secret token is not set correctly, you will see this.
  • For local testing, if you accidentally commit your token, you can revoke the token and generate a new one.

Running the Workflow

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Go to your forked repository and click on the Actions tab.
  3. Click on the weekly-project-tier-table-generator workflow.
  4. Click on the Run workflow button.
  5. Go to your repository settings.
  6. Click on the Pages tab.
  7. Under Source, select the main branch (or whatever branch you want to deploy from).
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. Run the pages workflow.
  10. Click on the URL link to view your project tier table.
  • The workflow should take about 1-2 minutes to run (depending on how many repositories you have).
  • Be sure to add PRG Connection Files to your repositories and add the Tier label to each repository or else the workflow will be blank.
    • Optionally, you can adjust the config files in the build script to ignore the PRG Connection File and pull in all of your repos without categorizing them.
    • If you opt to do this, repositories will have the #6236FF Optimized badge by default.
