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Releases: scott-griffiths/bitstring


23 Jun 17:54
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March 18th 2010: version 1.3.0 for Python 2.6 and 3.x released

New features:

  • byteswap method for changing endianness.

Changes the endianness in-place according to a format string or
integer(s) giving the byte pattern. See the manual for details.

>>> s = BitString('0x00112233445566')
>>> s.byteswap(2)
>>> s
>>> s.byteswap('h')
>>> s
>>> s.byteswap([2, 5])
>>> s
  • Multiplicative factors in bitstring creation and reading.

For example:

>>> s = Bits('100*0x123')
  • Token grouping using parenthesis.

For example:

>>> s = Bits('3*(uint:6=3, 0b1)')
  • Negative slice indices allowed.

The start and end parameters of many methods may now be negative, with the
same meaning as for negative slice indices. Affects all methods with these

  • Sequence ABCs used.

The Bits class now derives from collections.Sequence, while the BitString
class derives from collections.MutableSequence.

  • Keywords allowed in readlist, peeklist and unpack.

Keywords for token lengths are now permitted when reading. So for example,
you can write

>>> s = bitstring.pack('4*(uint:n)', 2, 3, 4, 5, n=7)
>>> s.unpack('4*(uint:n)', n=7)
[2, 3, 4, 5]
  • start and end parameters added to rol and ror.
  • join function accepts other iterables.

Also its parameter has changed from 'bitstringlist' to 'sequence'. This is
technically a backward incompatibility in the unlikely event that you are
referring to the parameter by name.

  • init method accepts keywords.

Rather than a long list of initialisers the init methods now use a
**kwargs dictionary for all initialisers except 'auto'. This should have no
effect, except that this is a small backward incompatibility if you use
positional arguments when initialising with anything other than auto
(which would be rather unusual).

  • More optimisations.
  • Bug fixed in replace method (it could fail if start != 0).