- [FIX] - fixed accessibility arrows selections
- [CHORE] - added scarf for stats
- [UPDATED] - now supporting "cleared" selection when the input query is not in results - this allows the user to select the actual value in the input and no value from the list of suggestions.
- [FIXED] - selection with a mouse selected always the first result
- [UPDATED] - if no results - input value is used as the selected value
- [NEW] - added "@Input() taCaseSensitive" to allow forcing case sensitive when filtering the list
- [NEW] - added "@Input() taDisplayOnFocus" to show the result when the input is clicked (focused)
- [FIXED] - static list should be filtered regardless of letters case
- [NEW] - allow static list items to be of type object
- [NEW] - added "@Input() taListItemField" - allows to select fields to filter by for items in a static list
- [NEW] - added "@Input() taListItemLabel" - allows to select a key from objec to be displayed when using static list (of objects)
- [UPGRADE] - now follows Angular 6 and rxjs 6
- [FIXED] - if no results - input value is used as the selected value
- [NEW] - added "[taAllowEmpty]" to allow empty strings to pass
- [FIX] - active item not updated correctly
- [UPGRADE] - using rxjs new lettable operators ( > 5.5 )
- [REFACTOR] - now using Rxjs 'Subject' and not 'fromEvent' to subscribe for dom events
- [ADD] - new 'taDebounce' - to set debounce for key events
- [ADD] - new scoped classnames for results and items - 'ta-results', 'ta-item', 'ta-backdrop'
- [FIXED] - static list is not filtered by the query's value
- [REFACTOR] - moved functions to utilities
- [DEPRECATED] - removed 'taResponseTransform'
- [UPDATE] - example directory
- [UPGRADE] - now using Angular 5
- [NEW] - now supports static list via 'taList' attribute.
- [CHANGE] - result container now is with 'position: absolute' by default
- [FIXED] - list items are now above the blocking container (z-index: 10)
- Replaced deprecated ngOutletContext by ngTemplateOutletContext to support Angular version 5.
- Added taItemTpl example to Readme
- Added Api for choosing protocols (jsonp or http)
- Added Unit Tests for utils and component
- First release