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Evolutionary Protein-Protein Interface Classifier

If you use this software for your research, please cite:

Duarte JM, Srebniak A, Schärer MA and Capitani G, Protein interface classification by evolutionary analysis, BMC Bioinformatics 2012 13:334 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-334

The software is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).


Use 'eppic -h' to obtain help about the available command line options for eppic. A typical run would be:

eppic -i 1smt.pdb -s

That will first calculate all interfaces present in the given PDB file, then find homologs in UniProt by using BLAST and finally align them to produce evolutionary scores (core-rim score and core-surface score) for all interfaces found. The geometry scores will also be output.

Many output files are produced. The most important one is the .scores file containing the scoring for the 3 indicators and for the combined consensus calls:

  • 1smt.scores - The scores table

Also interesting are the sequence-related files, one per chain (the chain code e.g. 'A' is used for the extension):

  • 1smt.A.aln - The alignment of the homolog sequences and query
  • 1smt.A.entropies - The entropy values for each of the query's positions
  • 1smt.A.log - The list of homologs used with some taxonomy info

With the -p option PDB files per interface are produced (interface identified by a serial number from 1 to n going from largest interface to smallest).

  • 1smt.1.pdb.gz - The structure of interface 1: first partner of interface is in the original PDB file position, second partner is the one transformed with a crystal operator (unless it is in asymmetric unit). The entropy values per residue are encoded as b-factors (useful for PyMOL coloring)

Note that more structure files can be produced per interface by running with the -l switch (requires PyMOL): PyMOL session files (pse), PyMOL script files (pml), thumbnail png images of interfaces, etc.


EPPIC is a java program that should work in any Unix like system. It has only been tested in Linux but there is no reason why it should not work in MacOSX.

You need Java 1.7 or newer. Most systems will have java already installed. Otherwise get it by installing the OpenJDK package in Linux or downloading java from

  1. Prerequisites:

    As minimum prerequisites you will need:

  2. Building:

    • A pre-built package is available from
    • To build from source, run mvn package (optionally with the -DskipTests option) from the top-level or eppic-cli directory. This will generate the package eppic-cli/target/eppic-cli-<version>.zip
  3. Configuring it:

    • Unzip the file. This will produce an eppic directory with a few files in it (including this README) and two subdirectories bin and lib.

    • (Optional) To use a local copy of uniprotjapi.jar, copy or symlink it to the lib/ subdirectory. Otherwise, this will be automatically downloaded on the first run.

    • Copy the eppic.conf file provided to your home directory with the name .eppic.conf. Edit it and set the parameters:

      • BLAST_DB_DIR
      • BLAST_DB
      • BLASTP_BIN

      to their appropriate paths. Optionally you can also set PYMOL_EXE and GRAPHVIZ_EXE (needed for -l option) and LOCAL_CIF_DIR (needed to provide PDB codes with -i).

  4. Now you can run eppic:


    In order to run it from anywhere in your system you will need to add the directory containing it to your path or simply add an alias to your .bashrc:

     alias eppic='/path/to/unpacked/eppic/bin/eppic'  


EPPIC uses the following third-party libraries which are contained in the EPPIC download archive:

  1. [OWL library for Structural Bioinformatics] ( License: GPL

  2. [Jama] ( License: Public Domain

  3. [Jaligner] ( License: GPL

  4. [MySQL java connector] ( License: GPL

  5. [Java vecmath] ( License: [GPL with Classpath exception] (

  6. [JUNG graph library] ( License: [JUNG license (BSD)] (

  7. [java-getopt] ( License: LGPL

  8. [UniProt JAPI] ( License: Apache License, version 2