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"Data Streaming - No More Batches"

This repository should serve as entrypoint into the world of streaming using Apache Spark as underlying foundation. It should demonstrate how to do state of the art streaming in the Java / BigData ecosystem for operational systems so you never (realistic: rarely) have to do classic batches again and even those are solved more elegantly. This is the foundation for many asynchronous integration patterns in a microservice world where moving data becomes more important than ever. We'll show how data can be transformed with ease and how this all fits in a modern Java-centric developer lifecycle.

The corresponding talk held on Openslava can be found on youtube

Getting Started

The repository consists of multiple components, showcasing how to join real-time data with static data using Apache Kafka and Apache Spark.

Specifically this means we have the following components:

See the Run the applications section for notes on how to start up the applications.


Make sure you have running instance/cluster of Apache Kafka.

Install the Kafka module for python: (sudo) pip install kafka

Run the applications


Therefore we are using the generator written in python.

Start the generator with: python generator-python/ <broker_host> <topic_name>

To verify that the generator is successfully producing message in Kafka, use the Kafka console tool:

<kafka-path>/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server <broker_host> --topic <topic_name> --from-beginning

The output should look like:

{"username": "DarthVader", "action": "login", "uid": "U001", "ts": "2017-10-29T11:00:52.748877"}
{"username": "C-3PO", "action": "login", "uid": "U002", "ts": "2017-10-29T11:00:53.414842"}
{"username": "Chewbacca", "action": "logout", "uid": "U003", "ts": "2017-10-29T11:00:53.916544"}
{"username": "HanSolo", "action": "contacted_support", "uid": "U004", "ts": "2017-10-29T11:00:54.420672"}
{"username": "LukeSkyWalker", "action": "contacted_support", "uid": "U005", "ts": "2017-10-29T11:00:54.922662"}
{"username": "ObiWan", "action": "creditcard_payment", "uid": "U006", "ts": "2017-10-29T11:00:55.424631"}

You can keep the generator running.

First step is done we succefully stored messages in Kafka, now we need to process them.


For sake of demonstration we are joining real-time data with static data of a csv file. This file can easily be replaced by a database.

Navigate into the structured-kafka-streaming directory.

Before running the application make sure the right properties are set in the pom.xml:


To install the intitial dependencies and generate the output files use: mvn install

This is just necessary for the first start.

The application provides two different options of dealing with the data:

  • Print the output on the console
  • Store the joined data back into a Kafka topic (You won't see any output on the console)

The options can be changed in the file.

Run the application with the following command: mvn exec:java

If you choose to print out the joined data to the console, the output should look like:

| uid|           action| username|                  ts|              street|     city|  zip|          state|country|  mobilenumber|
|U008|contacted_support|     Yoda|2017-10-29T11:34:...|2552 Franklin Avenue|   Malibu|98704|     California|     US|   909-931-193|
|U009|contacted_support|SpiderMan|2017-10-29T11:34:...|    32 George Street|   Sydney| 4621|New South Wales|    AUS|(12) 4303 6821|
|U010|contacted_support|  IronMan|2017-10-29T11:34:...|      Marxergasse 12|   Vienna| 1030|         Vienna|    AUT|0676 123 54 93|
|U011|            login| DeadPool|2017-10-29T11:34:...|      Europa-Allee 6|Frankfurt|60327|         Hessen|     DE| 04894 762 119|

Batch: 2
| uid|            action|  username|                  ts|             street|        city|    zip|       state|country| mobilenumber|
|U012|             login|      Thor|2017-10-29T11:34:...|   107 William Road|Johannesburg|   2192|Johannesburg|    ZAF|   2823 23412|
|U013|   checked_balance|      Hulk|2017-10-29T11:34:...|       Detroid Road|       Dubai|   2141|       Dubai|    UAE| 131231234213|
|U001|creditcard_payment|DarthVader|2017-10-29T11:34:...|2552 Lindale Avenue|     Alameda|  94501|  California|     US| 909-221-0684|
|U002| contacted_support|     C-3PO|2017-10-29T11:34:...|59 Hampton Court Rd|   SOUTHWOOD|BA6 5XG|           /|     UK|079 1104 5050|

Batch: 3
| uid|           action|     username|                  ts|              street|           city|  zip|             state|country|  mobilenumber|
|U003|           logout|    Chewbacca|2017-10-29T11:34:...|   Kastanienallee 60|     Fresendelf|25876|Schleswig-Holstein|     DE|04884 98 80 56|
|U004|contacted_support|      HanSolo|2017-10-29T11:34:...|52 Glen William Road|         GUNUNA| 4871|        Queensland|    AUS|(07) 4038 5949|
|U005|            login|LukeSkyWalker|2017-10-29T11:34:...| Löwenzahnstrasse 60|UNTER-OBERNDORF| 3032|     Lower Austria|    AUT|0664 516 77 39|
|U006|            login|       ObiWan|2017-10-29T11:34:...|       Národná 671/1|         Žilina|01001|            Žilina|     SK| 041 562 21 96|

Batch: 4
| uid|           action| username|                  ts|              street|    city|     zip|          state|country|  mobilenumber|
|U007|            login|     R2D2|2017-10-29T11:34:...|      58 Dunmow Road|GROMFORD|IP17 4HG|              /|     UK| 077 3021 9431|
|U008|  checked_balance|     Yoda|2017-10-29T11:34:...|2552 Franklin Avenue|  Malibu|   98704|     California|     US|   909-931-193|
|U009|           logout|SpiderMan|2017-10-29T11:34:...|    32 George Street|  Sydney|    4621|New South Wales|    AUS|(12) 4303 6821|
|U010|contacted_support|  IronMan|2017-10-29T11:34:...|      Marxergasse 12|  Vienna|    1030|         Vienna|    AUT|0676 123 54 93|

Batch: 5
| uid|           action|  username|                  ts|             street|        city|  zip|       state|country| mobilenumber|
|U011|contacted_support|  DeadPool|2017-10-29T11:34:...|     Europa-Allee 6|   Frankfurt|60327|      Hessen|     DE|04894 762 119|
|U012|contacted_support|      Thor|2017-10-29T11:34:...|   107 William Road|Johannesburg| 2192|Johannesburg|    ZAF|   2823 23412|
|U013|contacted_support|      Hulk|2017-10-29T11:34:...|       Detroid Road|       Dubai| 2141|       Dubai|    UAE| 131231234213|
|U001|           logout|DarthVader|2017-10-29T11:34:...|2552 Lindale Avenue|     Alameda|94501|  California|     US| 909-221-0684|

Each table displays Kafka entries of the last two seconds joined with the static data.