Welcome to CS2051 Spring 2023! This semester, the course is taught synchronously with CS 2050. In contrast to past semesters, we'll be trying out a few programming questions this time (it is a CS course after all!)
Course Coordinators:
- Sarthak: Handling all coding supplements.
- Nithya: Responsible for all math-only supplements.
Please redirect your questions about the supplements to the appropriate person. Find their emails in the syllabus.
Note: We apologize for the numerous commits. The repository is currently linked with Overleaf via a bridge which does not support branching.
Week | Assignments | Relevant Files |
1 | Syllabus Posted | Syllabus |
2 | hw0-supp (ungraded) due Friday hw1-supp due Friday |
Homework 0 Supplement: Python Primer Homework 1 Supplement: Logic+ (math only) |
3 | hw2-supp due Friday | Homework 2 Supplement: Logic Playground |
4 | hw3-supp due Friday | Homework 3 Supplement: Inference, Satisfiability and Reductions |
5 | CS 2050 Exam 1 | |
6 | Project Topic Selection due Sunday hw4-supp due Friday |
Homework 4 Supplement: Infinite Sets (math only) Project Topics |
7 | hw5-supp due Sunday | Homework 5 Supplement: Relations and Parallel Task Scheduling |
8 | CS 2050 Exam 2 | |
9 | hw6-supp due Saturday | Homework 6 Supplement: Number theory (math only) |
10 | Project Outline due Sunday | Project Outline Template |
11 | Spring Break | |
12 | CS 2050 Exam 3 hw7-supp due Friday |
Homework 7 Supplement: Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
13 | Project Draft due Sunday hw8-supp due Friday |
Project Paper Template Homework 8 Supplement: Induction+ (math only) |
14 | CS 2050 Exam 4 | |
15 | hw9-supp due Friday Project Final Paper due Sunday Project Final Presentations in class on Monday |
Homework 9 Supplement: Models of Computation, Syntactical Structures Project Examples |
16 | All Grades Finalized | Grade Calculator |