Diagnostic trouble code for J1939 vehicles.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
fmi_description | str | A short description of the FMI identifier, if available. | [optional] |
fmi_id | int | The FMI identifier. | |
mil_status | int | The MIL status, indicating a check engine light. | |
occurrence_count | int | The number of times this fault has triggered. | |
source_address_name | str | The source address name corresponding to the txId | [optional] |
spn_description | str | A short description of the SPN identifier, if available. | [optional] |
spn_id | int | The SPN identifier. | |
tx_id | int | The TX identifier. | |
vendor_specific_fields | VehicleStatsFaultCodesVendorSpecificFields | [optional] |