{ "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vcpkg-tool/main/docs/vcpkg.schema.json", "name": "openvino", "version": "2023.2.0", "maintainers": "OpenVINO Developers <openvino@intel.com>", "summary": "This is a port for Open Visual Inference And Optimization toolkit for AI inference", "description": [ "Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit is an open-source toolkit for optimizing ", "and deploying AI inference. It can be used to develop applications and solutions based ", "on deep learning tasks, such as: emulation of human vision, automatic speech recognition, ", "natural language processing, recommendation systems, etc. It provides high-performance ", "and rich deployment options, from edge to cloud" ], "homepage": "https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino", "documentation": "https://docs.openvino.ai/latest/index.html", "license": "Apache-2.0", "builtin-baseline": "db0473513e5dc73ec6b6f431ff05d2f398eea042", "dependencies": [ "ade", { "name": "pkgconf", "host": true }, "pugixml", { "name": "tbb", "version>=": "2021.10.0#2" }, "rapidjson", { "name": "xbyak", "platform": "!(arm | uwp)", "version>=": "6.69" } ], "default-features": [ "auto", "auto-batch", { "name": "cpu", "platform": "!(windows & arm)" }, { "name": "gpu", "platform": "(x64 | arm64) & !(arm64 & windows) & !(osx | uwp)" }, "hetero", "ir", "onnx", "paddle", "pytorch", "tensorflow", "tensorflow-lite" ], "features": { "auto": { "description": "Enables Auto plugin for inference" }, "auto-batch": { "description": "Enables Auto Batch plugin for inference, useful for throughput mode" }, "cpu": { "description": "Enables CPU plugin for inference", "supports": "!(windows & arm)" }, "gpu": { "description": "Enables GPU plugin for inference", "supports": "(x64 | arm64) & !(arm64 & windows) & !(osx | uwp)", "dependencies": [ "opencl" ] }, "hetero": { "description": "Enables Hetero plugin for inference" }, "ir": { "description": "Enables IR frontend for reading models in OpenVINO IR format" }, "onnx": { "description": "Enables ONNX frontend for reading models in ONNX format", "dependencies": [ { "name": "onnx", "version>=": "1.15.0" }, { "name": "protobuf", "version>=": "3.21.2" }, { "name": "protobuf", "host": true, "version>=": "3.21.2" } ] }, "paddle": { "description": "Enables PaddlePaddle frontend for reading models in PaddlePaddle format", "dependencies": [ { "name": "protobuf", "version>=": "3.21.2" }, { "name": "protobuf", "host": true, "version>=": "3.21.2" } ] }, "pytorch": { "description": "Enables PyTorch frontend to convert models in PyTorch format" }, "tensorflow": { "description": "Enables TensorFlow frontend for reading models in TensorFlow format", "dependencies": [ { "name": "protobuf", "version>=": "3.21.2" }, { "name": "protobuf", "host": true, "version>=": "3.21.2" }, "snappy" ] }, "tensorflow-lite": { "description": "Enables TensorFlow Lite frontend for reading models in TensorFlow Lite format", "dependencies": [ { "name": "flatbuffers", "version>=": "2.0.6" }, { "name": "flatbuffers", "host": true, "version>=": "2.0.6" } ] } } }