Project | Description |
django-rest-serpy | Trying out fast de/serialization with serpy |
django-filter | Trying out the django-filter package with django-crispy-forms |
django-rest-auth | Trying out the dj-rest-auth package with djangorestframework-simplejwt |
django-rest-blog | A blog API, uses drf-yasg for OpenAPI Schema |
django-rest-pastebin | A pastebin, uses pygments for code highlighting |
django-newspaper | The Newspaper app from chapter 8 to 16 of the book Django for Beginners1 plus my additions |
django-blog | The Blog app from chapter 5, 6, and 7 of the book Django for Beginners1 |
django-message-board | The Message Board app from chapter 4 of the book Django for Beginners1 |
django-pages | The Pages app from chapter 3 of the book Django for Beginners1 |
django-polls | The official Django Polls tutorial |