We had our 2nd test!
We explained the elements of the Internet's PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
We explained the difference between Symmetric Encryption (Shared Key) and Asymmetric Encryption (Public Key Encryption).
We explained what are Digital Signature and how they're used by operating systems and browsers to check if the certificate is valid (i.e. the certificate was signed by a valid CA).
We also explained the role of CAs (Certificate Authorities).
We used Wireshark to capture and dissect a certificate.
We explained the basics behind Python scripting. We used Python
's requests
package to make HTTP
import requests
r = requests.get('http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json')
Watch Mr. Robot.
Practice with https://www.typingclub.com. Reach at least 55WPM.
Prepare a 2-3 mins talk!
If you haven't done so already - create a CV using these templates: https://docs.google.com/templates. Bring it to me for review.
Start sending your CV to companies! The Job search begins! :)
Use OpenSSL to issue a Public / Private Key Pair. Encrypt something with the private key. Decrypt it with the Public key. (Google it!)
Use Python to do a HTTP request to Chuck Norris random jokes: "https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random"
Use pprint
to pretty print the JSON.
Copyright 2019 Sagi Kedmi