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Montreal Python: Sage Demo

.. MODULEAUTHOR:: Franco Saliola <saliola at> and Sébastien Labbé <slabbe at>

Two important (but minor) differences between Sage language and Python

Integer division in Python :

sage: %python
sage: 2/3 + 4/5 + 1/7

in Sage:

sage: 2/3 + 4/5 + 1/7

Exponent (^) in Python :

sage: %python
sage: 10^14  #exclusive OR

in Sage :

sage: 10^14

The preparser

sage: preparse('2/3 + 2^3 + 3.0')
"Integer(2)/Integer(3) + Integer(2)**Integer(3) + RealNumber('3.0')"
sage: preparse('2^3')

2D Plots

sage: f = sin(1/x)
sage: P = plot(f, -10, 10, color='red')
sage: P
sage: Q = line([(3,0.9), (7,0.9), (7,1.1), (3,1.1), (3,0.9)], color='green')
sage: Q
sage: R = text('$f(x) = \\sin(\\frac{1}{x})$', (5,1))
sage: R
sage: Q + R + P

L'outil interact (exemples tirés du wiki de Sage :

Curves of Pursuit

by Marshall Hampton.

sage: %hide
sage: npi = RDF(pi)
sage: from math import cos,sin
sage: def rot(t):
....:     return matrix([[cos(t),sin(t)],[-sin(t),cos(t)]])
sage: def pursuit(n,x0,y0,lamb,steps = 100, threshold = .01):
....:     paths = [[[x0,y0]]]
....:     for i in range(1,n):
....:         rx,ry = list(rot(2*npi*i/n)*vector([x0,y0]))
....:         paths.append([[rx,ry]])
....:     oldpath = [x[-1] for x in paths]
....:     for q in range(steps):
....:         diffs = [[oldpath[(j+1)%n][0]-oldpath[j][0],oldpath[(j+1)%n][1]-oldpath[j][1]] for j in range(n)]
....:         npath = [[oldpath[j][0]+lamb*diffs[j][0],oldpath[j][1]+lamb*diffs[j][1]] for j in range(n)]
....:         for j in range(n):
....:             paths[j].append(npath[j])
....:         oldpath = npath
....:     return paths
sage: html('<h3>Curves of Pursuit</h3>')
sage: @interact
sage: def curves_of_pursuit(n = slider([2..20],default = 5, label="# of points"),steps = slider([floor(1.4^i) for i in range(2,18)],default = 10, label="# of steps"), stepsize = slider(srange(.01,1,.01),default = .2, label="stepsize"), colorize = selector(['BW','Line color', 'Filled'],default = 'BW')):
....:     outpaths = pursuit(n,0,1,stepsize, steps = steps)
....:     mcolor = (0,0,0)
....:     outer = line([q[0] for q in outpaths]+[outpaths[0][0]], rgbcolor = mcolor)
....:     polys = Graphics()
....:     if colorize=='Line color':
....:         colors = [hue(j/steps,1,1) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
....:     elif colorize == 'BW':
....:         colors = [(0,0,0) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
....:     else:
....:         colors = [hue(j/steps,1,1) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
....:         polys = sum([polygon([outpaths[(i+1)%n][j+1],outpaths[(i+1)%n][j], outpaths[i][j+1]], rgbcolor = colors[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(len(outpaths[0])-1)])
....:         #polys = polys[0]
....:         colors = [(0,0,0) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
....:     nested = sum([line([q[j] for q in outpaths]+[outpaths[0][j]], rgbcolor = colors[j]) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))])
....:     lpaths = [line(x, rgbcolor = mcolor) for x in outpaths]
....:     show(sum(lpaths)+nested+polys, axes = False, figsize = [5,5], xmin = -1, xmax = 1, ymin = -1, ymax =1)

Factor Trees

by William Stein

sage: %hide
sage: import random
sage: def ftree(rows, v, i, F):
....:     if len(v) > 0: # add a row to g at the ith level.
....:         rows.append(v)
....:     w = []
....:     for i in range(len(v)):
....:         k, _, _ = v[i]
....:         if k is None or is_prime(k):
....:             w.append((None,None,None))
....:         else:
....:             d = random.choice(divisors(k)[1:-1])
....:             w.append((d,k,i))
....:             e = k//d
....:             if e == 1:
....:                 w.append((None,None))
....:             else:
....:                 w.append((e,k,i))
....:     if len(w) > len(v):
....:         ftree(rows, w, i+1, F)
sage: def draw_ftree(rows,font):
....:     g = Graphics()
....:     for i in range(len(rows)):
....:         cur = rows[i]
....:         for j in range(len(cur)):
....:             e, f, k = cur[j]
....:             if e is not None:
....:                 if is_prime(e):
....:                      c = (1,0,0)
....:                 else:
....:                      c = (0,0,.4)
....:                 g += text(str(e), (j*2-len(cur),-i), fontsize=font, rgbcolor=c)
....:                 if k is not None and f is not None:
....:                     g += line([(j*2-len(cur),-i), ((k*2)-len(rows[i-1]),-i+1)],
....:                     alpha=0.5)
....:     return g
sage: @interact
sage: def factor_tree(n=100, font=(10, (8..20)), redraw=['Redraw']):
....:     n = Integer(n)
....:     rows = []
....:     v = [(n,None,0)]
....:     ftree(rows, v, 0, factor(n))
....:     show(draw_ftree(rows, font), axes=False)

Illustrating the prime number theorem

by William Stein

sage: @interact
sage: def _(N=(100,(2..2000))):
....:     html(r"<font color='red'>$\pi(x)$</font> and <font color='blue'>$x/(\log(x)-1)$</font> for $x < %s$" % N)
....:     show(plot(prime_pi, 0, N, rgbcolor='red') + plot(x/(log(x)-1), 5, N, rgbcolor='blue'))

Stock Market data, fetched from Yahoo and Google

by William Stein

sage: %hide
sage: import urllib
sage: class Day:
....:     def __init__(self, date, open, high, low, close, volume):
....: = date
....:; self.high=float(high); self.low=float(low); self.close=float(close)
....:         self.volume=int(volume)
....:     def __repr__(self):
....:         return '%10s %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f %10d'%(,, self.high,
....:                    self.low, self.close, self.volume)
sage: class Stock:
....:     def __init__(self, symbol):
....:         self.symbol = symbol.upper()
....:     def __repr__(self):
....:         return "%s (%s)"%(self.symbol,['price'])
....:     def yahoo(self):
....:         url = '' % (self.symbol, 'l1c1va2xj1b4j4dyekjm3m4rr5p5p6s7')
....:         values = urllib.urlopen(url).read().strip().strip('"').split(',')
....:         data = {}
....:         data['price'] = values[0]
....:         data['change'] = values[1]
....:         data['volume'] = values[2]
....:         data['avg_daily_volume'] = values[3]
....:         data['stock_exchange'] = values[4]
....:         data['market_cap'] = values[5]
....:         data['book_value'] = values[6]
....:         data['ebitda'] = values[7]
....:         data['dividend_per_share'] = values[8]
....:         data['dividend_yield'] = values[9]
....:         data['earnings_per_share'] = values[10]
....:         data['52_week_high'] = values[11]
....:         data['52_week_low'] = values[12]
....:         data['50day_moving_avg'] = values[13]
....:         data['200day_moving_avg'] = values[14]
....:         data['price_earnings_ratio'] = values[15]
....:         data['price_earnings_growth_ratio'] = values[16]
....:         data['price_sales_ratio'] = values[17]
....:         data['price_book_ratio'] = values[18]
....:         data['short_ratio'] = values[19]
....:         return data
....:     def historical(self):
....:         try:
....:             return self.__historical
....:         except AttributeError:
....:             pass
....:         symbol = self.symbol
....:         def get_data(exchange):
....:              name = get_remote_file(''%(exchange, symbol.upper()),
....:                        verbose=False)
....:              return open(name).read()
....:         R = get_data('NASDAQ')
....:         if "Bad Request" in R:
....:              R = get_data("NYSE")
....:         R = R.splitlines()
....:         headings = R[0].split(',')
....:         self.__historical = []
....:         try:
....:             for x in reversed(R[1:]):
....:                 date, opn, high, low, close, volume = x.split(',')
....:                 self.__historical.append(Day(date, opn,high,low,close,volume))
....:         except ValueError:
....:              pass
....:         self.__historical = Sequence(self.__historical,cr=True,universe=lambda x:x)
....:         return self.__historical
....:     def plot_average(self, spline_samples=10):
....:         d = self.historical()
....:         if len(d) == 0:
....:             return text('no historical data at Google Finance about %s'%self.symbol, (0,3))
....:         avg = list(enumerate([(z.high+z.low)/2 for z in d]))
....:         P = line(avg) + points(avg, rgbcolor='black', pointsize=4) + \
....:                  text(self.symbol, (len(d)*1.05, d[-1].low), horizontal_alignment='right', rgbcolor='black')
....:         if spline_samples > 0:
....:             k = 250//spline_samples
....:             spl = spline([avg[i*k] for i in range(len(d)//k)] + [avg[-1]])
....:             P += plot(spl, (0,len(d)+30), color=(0.7,0.7,0.7))
....:         P.xmax(260)
....:         return P
....:     def plot_diff(self):
....:         d = self.historical()
....:         if len(d) == 0:
....:             return text('no historical data at Google Finance about %s'%self.symbol, (0,3))
....:         diff = []
....:         for i in range(1, len(d)):
....:              z1 = d[i]; z0 = d[i-1]
....:              diff.append((i, (z1.high+z1.low)/2 - (z0.high + z0.low)/2))
....:         P = line(diff,thickness=0.5) + points(diff, rgbcolor='black', pointsize=4) + \
....:                  text(self.symbol, (len(d)*1.05, 0), horizontal_alignment='right', rgbcolor='black')
....:         P.xmax(260)
....:         return P
sage: symbols = ['bsc', 'vmw', 'sbux', 'aapl', 'amzn', 'goog', 'wfmi', 'msft', 'yhoo', 'ebay', 'java', 'rht', ]; symbols.sort()
sage: stocks = dict([(s,Stock(s)) for s in symbols])
sage: @interact
sage: def data(symbol = symbols, other_symbol='', spline_samples=(8,[0..15])):
....:      if other_symbol != '':
....:          symbol = other_symbol
....:      S = Stock(symbol)
....:      html('<h1 align=center><font color="darkred">%s</font></h1>'%S)
....:      S.plot_average(spline_samples).save('avg.png', figsize=[10,2])
....:      S.plot_diff().save('diff.png', figsize=[10,2])
....:      Y =
....:      k = sorted(Y)
....:      html('Price during last 52 weeks:<br>Grey line is a spline through %s points (do not take seriously!):<br> <img src="cell://avg.png">'%spline_samples)
....:      html('Difference from previous day:<br> <img src="cell://diff.png">')
....:      html('<table align=center>' + '\n'.join('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>'%(k[i], Y[k[i]]) for i in range(len(k))) + '</table>')


The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol

by Timothy Clemans and William Stein

sage: @interact
sage: def diffie_hellman(bits=slider(8, 513, 4, 8, 'Number of bits', False),
....:     button=selector(["Show new example"],label='',buttons=True)):
....:     maxp = 2 ^ bits
....:     p = random_prime(maxp)
....:     k = GF(p)
....:     if bits > 100:
....:         g = k(2)
....:     else:
....:         g = k.multiplicative_generator()
....:     a = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
....:     b = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
....:     print("""
....: <html>
....: <style>
....: .gamodp, .gbmodp {
....: color:#000;
....: padding:5px
....: }
....: .gamodp {
....: background:#846FD8
....: }
....: .gbmodp {
....: background:#FFFC73
....: }
....: .dhsame {
....: color:#000;
....: font-weight:bold
....: }
....: </style>
....: <h2 style="color:#000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">%s-Bit Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange</h2>
....: <ol style="color:#000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
....: <li>Alice and Bob agree to use the prime number p = %s and base g = %s.</li>
....: <li>Alice chooses the secret integer a = %s, then sends Bob (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gamodp">%s</span>.</li>
....: <li>Bob chooses the secret integer b=%s, then sends Alice (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gbmodp">%s</span>.</li>
....: <li>Alice computes (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>a</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
....: <li>Bob computes (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>b</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
....: </ol></html>
....:     """ % (bits, p, g, a, g, a, p, (g^a), b, g, b, p, (g^b), (g^b), a, p,
....:        (g^ b)^a, g^a, b, p, (g^a)^b)


Dessiner une fonction \mathbb{R}^2\mapsto \mathbb{R} : la commande plot3d

sage: def f(x, y):
....:     return x^2 + y^2
sage: plot3d(f, (-10,10), (-10,10), viewer='tachyon')


sage: a = animate([sin(x + float(k)) for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.3)], xmin=0, xmax=2*pi, figsize=[2,1])

La commande complex_plot pour les fonctions complexe

sage: f(x) = x^4 - 1
sage: complex_plot(f, (-2,2), (-2,2))
sage: def newton(f, z, precision=0.001) :
....:     while abs(f(x=z)) >= precision:
....:         z = z - f(x=z) / diff(f)(x=z)
....:     return z
sage: complex_plot(lambda z : newton(f, z), (-1,1), (-1,1))

Utilisation du Notebook : Écriture, édition et évaluation d'une saisie

Pour évaluer une saisie dans le Notebook de Sage, tapez la saisie dans une cellule et faites shift-entrée ou cliquer le lien evaluate
. Essayez-le maintenant avec une expression simple (e.g., 2 + 2 ). La première évaluation d'une cellule prend plus de temps que les fois suivantes, car un processus commence.
sage: 2+3
sage: 4+5

Créez de nouvelles cellules de saisie en cliquant sur la ligne bleue qui apparaît entre les cellules lorsque vous déplacez la souris. Essayez-le maintenant.

Vous pouvez rééditer n'importe quelle cellule en cliquant dessus (ou en utilisant les flèches du clavier). Retournez plus haut et changez votre 2 + 2 en un 3 + 3 et réévaluez la cellule.

Vous pouvez aussi éditer ce texte-ci en double cliquant dessus ce qui fera apparaître un éditeur de texte TinyMCE Javascript. Vous pouvez même ajouter des expressions mathématiques telles que \sin(x) - y^3 comme avec LaTeX.

\int e^x dx = e^x + c

Comment consulter l'aide contextuelle et obtenir de la documentation

Vous trouvez la liste des fonctions que vous pouvez appelez sur un objet X en tappant X.<touche de tabulation> .

sage: X = 2009
Écrivez X.
et appuyez sur la touche de tabulation.
sage: X.factor()
7^2 * 41

Une fois que vous avez sélectionné une fonction, disons factor, tappez X.factor(<touche de tabulation> ou X.factor?<touche de tabulation> pour *obtenir de l'aide et des exemples* d'utilisation de cette fonction. Essayez-le maintenant avec X.factor .

sage: 4+5
Pour obtenir l'aide complète et un tutoriel plus exhaustif, cliquez sur le lien Help
en haut à droite de cette page, et cliquer ensuite sur Fast Static Versions of the Documentation.

Résolution d'équations polynomiales

sage: a,b,c,d,X = var('a,b,c,d,X')
sage: s = solve(a*X^2 + b*X + c == 0, X)
sage: show(s)
\left[X = -\frac{b + \sqrt{-4 \, a c + b^{2}}}{2 \, a}, X = -\frac{b - \sqrt{-4 \, a c + b^{2}}}{2 \, a}\right]
sage: s = solve(a*X^3 + b*X^2 + c*X + d == 0, X)
sage: show(s[0])
X = -\frac{1}{2} \, {\left(i \, \sqrt{3} + 1\right)} {\left(\frac{\sqrt{27 \, a^{2} d^{2} + 4 \, a c^{3} - b^{2} c^{2} - 2 \, {\left(9 \, a b c - 2 \, b^{3}\right)} d} \sqrt{3}}{18 \, a^{2}} - \frac{27 \, a^{2} d - 9 \, a b c + 2 \, b^{3}}{54 \, a^{3}}\right)}^{\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)} - \frac{b}{3 \, a} + \frac{{\left(-i \, \sqrt{3} + 1\right)} {\left(3 \, a c - b^{2}\right)}}{18 \, {\left(\frac{\sqrt{27 \, a^{2} d^{2} + 4 \, a c^{3} - b^{2} c^{2} - 2 \, {\left(9 \, a b c - 2 \, b^{3}\right)} d} \sqrt{3}}{18 \, a^{2}} - \frac{27 \, a^{2} d - 9 \, a b c + 2 \, b^{3}}{54 \, a^{3}}\right)}^{\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)} a^{2}}

Algèbre linéaire

sage: A = matrix(3, [9,4,2,4,6,1,6,4,3,2,3,4,2,7,8,6,5,3]); A
[9 4 2 4 6 1]
[6 4 3 2 3 4]
[2 7 8 6 5 3]
sage: show(A)
9 & 4 & 2 & 4 & 6 & 1 \\
6 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
2 & 7 & 8 & 6 & 5 & 3
sage: latex(A)
9 & 4 & 2 & 4 & 6 & 1 \\
6 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
2 & 7 & 8 & 6 & 5 & 3
sage: r = random_matrix(ZZ, 200)
sage: r[0]
(6, 1, -4, 1, 3, 2, 0, 4, 1, 2, 1, -2, 0, 3, 1, 5, 0, 0, 3, -4, 68, 4, -1, -29, 2, 0, 1, 2, 4, -1, 1, 0, 1, 0, -22, 0, -2, 0, -1, -1, -3, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, -32, 1, -1, -1, 0, 5, -1, -13, 0, 2, -1, -50, -1, 0, 16, 1, 1, -5, 0, -5, -3, -1, 1, 0, 1, -6, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 5, -5, 3, 0, -9, 3, -1, 5, 0, -1, -1, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, -7, 1, 0, 0, -3, -1, 12, 1, 0, -74, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1164, 21, -109, -5, -2, 1, 1, 3, -30, 17, -28, 1, 1, 161, -4, 1, 10, 2, -1, -1, 4, -6, 0, 17, 0, 25, -1, -1, -1, 0, -2, -1, -1, -1, 1, -6, -1, -2, 1, 2, -1, 0, -6, 1, -3, -1, 6, 0, -3, 0, -4, -1, 1, 1, 12, -7, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 2, 2, -25, -2, -1, 0, -1, 2, 3, 1, -3, 12, -10, 1, 0)
sage: time r.determinant()
Time: CPU 0.45 s, Wall: 0.73 s
sage: r.determinant?

Théorie des graphes

sage: D = graphs.DodecahedralGraph()
sage: D.show3d(viewer='tachyon')
sage: D.chromatic_polynomial()
x^20 - 30*x^19 + 435*x^18 - 4060*x^17 + 27393*x^16 - 142194*x^15 + 589875*x^14 - 2004600*x^13 + 5673571*x^12 - 13518806*x^11 + 27292965*x^10 - 46805540*x^9 + 68090965*x^8 - 83530946*x^7 + 85371335*x^6 - 71159652*x^5 + 46655060*x^4 - 22594964*x^3 + 7171160*x^2 - 1111968*x
sage: graph_editor(D);

Recherche dans l'encyclopédie de séquences en ligne de Sloane

sage: sloane_find([1,5,29,169],1)
Searching Sloane's online database...
sage: sloane_find([1,2,3,4,5,6],1)
Searching Sloane's online database...


The Sage notebook allows transparently editing and compiling Cython code simply by typing %cython at the top of a cell and evaluate it. Variables and functions defined in a Cython cell are imported into the running session.

Example 1, pure Python

Here is some simple Python code to numerically integrate the function f(x) = x^2.

sage: from math import sin
sage: def f(x):
....:     return sin(x**2)
sage: def integrate_f_py(a, b, N):
....:     s = 0
....:     dx = (b-a)/N
....:     for i in range(N):
....:         s += f(a+i*dx)
....:     return s * dx
sage: timeit('integrate_f_py(0, 1, 1000)', number=50)
50 loops, best of 3: 18.5 ms per loop

Example 1, compiled with Cython (no other changes)

Simply compiling this in Cython gives a speedup.

sage: %cython
sage: from math import sin
sage: def f(x):
....:     return sin(x**2)
sage: def integrate_f_cy0(a, b, N):
....:     s = 0
....:     dx = (b-a)/N
....:     for i in range(N):
....:         s += f(a+i*dx)
....:     return s * dx
sage: timeit('integrate_f_cy0(0, 1, 1000)', number=50)
50 loops, best of 3: 16.7 ms per loop

Example 1, typed and compiled with Cython

Adding some static type declarations makes a much greater difference.

sage: %cython
sage: from math import sin
sage: def f(double x):
....:     return sin(x**2)
sage: def integrate_f_cy(double a, double b, int N):
....:     cdef int i
....:     cdef double s, dx
....:     s = 0
....:     dx = (b-a)/N
....:     for i in range(N):
....:         s += f(a+i*dx)
....:     return s * dx
sage: timeit('integrate_f_cy(0, 1, 1000)')
625 loops, best of 3: 489 µs per loop
sage: 18500 /489.0

Example 2, pure Python

Here is a Python function that computes the sum of the first n positive integers.

sage: def mysum_py(n):
....:     s = 0
....:     for k in range(n):
....:         s += k
....:     return s
sage: time mysum_py(10^6)
Time: CPU 2.09 s, Wall: 2.16 s

Example 2, just compiled with Cython

Simply compiling this function with Cython provides a speedup.

sage: %cython
sage: def mysum_cy0(n):
....:     s = 0
....:     for k in range(n):
....:         s += k
....:     return s
sage: time mysum_cy0(10^6)
Time: CPU 0.25 s, Wall: 0.27 s
sage: 2.09 / 0.25

Example 2, typed and compiled with Cython

Adding some static type declarations makes a much greater difference.

sage: %cython
sage: def mysum_cy1(n):
....:     cdef int k
....:     cdef long long s
....:     s = 0
....:     for k in range(n):
....:         s += k
....:     return s
sage: time mysum_cy1(10^6)
Time: CPU 0.00 s, Wall: 0.00 s
sage: 2.09 / 0.00
sage: timeit('mysum_cy1(10^6)')
125 loops, best of 3: 1.57 ms per loop
sage: 2.09/0.00157