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import { Callout } from 'nextra/components'


The Safe4337Pack enables Safe accounts to interact with user operations through the implementation of the RelayKitBasePack. You can find more about ERC-4337 at this link.

Install dependencies

To use Safe4337Pack in your project, start by installing the relay-kit package with this command:

yarn add @safe-global/relay-kit


The Safe4337Pack class make easy to use the Safe 4337 Module with your Safe. It enables creating, signing, and executing transactions grouped in user operations using a selected provider. You can select your preferred bundler and paymaster.

const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({


The static method init() generates an instance of Safe4337Pack. Use this method to create the initial instance instead of the regular constructor.


The Safe4337InitOptions used in the init() method are:

Safe4337InitOptions = {
  provider: Eip1193Provider | HttpTransport | SocketTransport
  signer?: HexAddress | PrivateKey | PasskeyArgType
  bundlerUrl: string
  safeModulesVersion?: string
  customContracts?: {
    entryPointAddress?: string
    safe4337ModuleAddress?: string
    addModulesLibAddress?: string
  options: ExistingSafeOptions | PredictedSafeOptions
  paymasterOptions?: PaymasterOptions

HexAddress = string
PrivateKey = string
HttpTransport = string
SocketTransport = string

Eip1193Provider = {
  request: (args: RequestArguments) => Promise<unknown>

RequestArguments = {
  method: string
  params?: readonly unknown[] | object

ExistingSafeOptions = {
  safeAddress: string

PredictedSafeOptions = {
  owners: string[]
  threshold: number
  safeVersion?: SafeVersion
  saltNonce?: string

PaymasterOptions = {
  paymasterUrl?: string
  isSponsored?: boolean
  sponsorshipPolicyId?: string
  paymasterAddress: string
  paymasterTokenAddress?: string
  amountToApprove?: bigint
  • provider : The EIP-1193 compatible provider or RPC URL of the selected chain.
  • signer : A passkey or the signer private key if the provider doesn't resolve to a signer account. If the provider resolves to multiple signer addresses, the signer property can be used to specify which account to connect, otherwise the first address returned will be used.
  • rpcUrl : The RPC URL of the selected chain.
  • bundlerUrl : The bundler's URL.
  • safeModulesVersion : The version of the Safe Modules contract.
  • customContracts : An object with custom contract addresses. This is optional, if no custom contracts are provided, default ones will be used.
    • entryPointAddress : The address of the entry point. Defaults to the address returned by the eth_supportedEntryPoints method from the provider API.
    • safe4337ModuleAddress : The address of the Safe4337Module. Defaults to safe-modules-deployments using the current version.
    • addModulesLibAddress : The address of the AddModulesLib library. Defaults to safe-modules-deployments using the current version.
  • options : The Safe account options.
    • safeAddress : The Safe address. You can only use this prop to specify an existing Safe account.
    • owners : The array with Safe owners.
    • threshold : The Safe threshold. This is the number of owners required to sign and execute a transaction.
    • safeVersion : The version of the Safe contract. Defaults to the current version.
    • saltNonce : The Safe salt nonce. Changing this value enables the creation of different safe (predicted) addresses using the same configuration (owners, threshold, and safeVersion).
  • paymasterOptions : The paymaster options.
    • paymasterUrl : The paymaster URL. You can obtain the URL from the management dashboard of the selected services provider. This URL will be used for gas estimations.
    • isSponsored : A boolean flag to indicate if we want to use a paymaster to sponsor transactions.
    • sponsorshipPolicyId : The sponsorship policy ID can be obtained from the management dashboard of the selected payment services provider.
    • paymasterAddress : The address of the paymaster contract to use.
    • paymasterTokenAddress : The paymaster token address for transaction fee payments.
    • amountToApprove : The paymasterTokenAddress amount to approve.

Returns A promise that resolves to an instance of the Safe4337Pack.


  • Use this method to create the initial instance instead of the standard constructor.
  • You should search for some API services URLs and contract addresses in the management dashboards of your selected provider. These include bundlerUrl, paymasterUrl, paymasterAddress, paymasterTokenAddress, sponsorshipPolicyId, and rpcUrl (In this case any valid RPC should be fine).
  • The SDK uses default versions when safeModulesVersion or safeVersion are not specified. You can find more details about the current versions here.
  • The saltNonce derives different Safe addresses by using the protocol-kit method predictSafeAddress. You can find more details about this process here.
  • We typically initialize the pack in two ways. One way is by using an existing account with the safeAddress prop. The other way is by using the owners, threshold, saltNonce, and safeVersion props to create a new Safe account. You can also apply the second method to existing addresses, as the output address will be the same if the inputs are identical.
  • The SDK queries eth_supportedEntryPoints for a default entryPointAddress if not given. It fetches safe4337ModuleAddress and addModulesLibAddress from the safe-modules-deployments repository if not provided. You can find them at: safe-modules-deployments.
  • To use a paymaster without sponsorship, you need to hold a certain amount of paymasterTokenAddress in the Safe account for fees. Make sure to provide the paymasterAddress as well.
  • You can choose to use a paymaster to sponsor transactions by setting the isSponsored prop. When sponsoring transactions, you need to provide the paymasterUrl, paymasterAddress, and optionally the sponsorshipPolicyId.
  • An approval for the concrete ERC-20 token is required to use the paymaster so remember to add the paymasterTokenAddress of the ERC-20 token that will pay the fees. The SDK will encode this approval internally and send it to the bundler with the rest of the user operation.
  • Specify the amount to approve for the paymasterTokenAddress using the amountToApprove prop. This is necessary when the Safe account is not deployed, and you need to approve the paymaster token for fee payments and Safe account setup.

new Safe4337Pack({protocolKit, bundlerClient, publicClient, bundlerUrl, paymasterOptions, entryPointAddress, safe4337ModuleAddress})

The Safe4337Pack constructor method is used within the init() method and should not be directly accessed. The parameters are calculated or provided by the init() method.


Create a SafeOperation from a transaction batch. You can send multiple transactions to this method. The SDK internally bundles these transactions into a batch sent to the bundler as a UserOperation. If the transaction is only one then no batch is created a it's not necessary.


The Safe4337CreateTransactionProps

Safe4337CreateTransactionProps = {
  transactions: MetaTransactionData[]
  options?: {
    amountToApprove?: bigint
    validUntil?: number
    validAfter?: number
    feeEstimator?: IFeeEstimator
  • transactions : Array of MetaTransactionData to batch in a SafeOperation (using the MultiSend contract if more than one transaction is included).
  • options : Optional parameters.
    • amountToApprove : The amount to approve to the paymasterTokenAddress.
    • validUntil : The UserOperation will remain valid until this block's timestamp.
    • validAfter : The UserOperation will be valid after this block's timestamp.
    • feeEstimator : The fee estimator calculates gas requirements by implementing the IFeeEstimator interface.

Returns A promise that resolves to the SafeOperation.


  • The SafeOperation is similar to the standard user operation but includes Safe-specific fields. Before sending it to the bundler, we convert the SafeOperation to a regular user operation. We need to sign the operation for the bundler to execute it using the Safe4337Module.
  • You can set the amountToApprove in this method to approve the paymasterTokenAddress for transaction payments, similar to how amountToApprove works in the init() method.
  • We use a similar API to protocol-kit for developers transitioning to Safe4337Pack. This API helps with creating and executing transactions, bundling user operations and sending them to the bundler.
  • Use validUntil and validAfter to set the block timestamp range for the user operation's validity. The operation will be rejected if the block timestamp falls outside this range.
  • The feeEstimator calculates gas needs for the UserOperation. We default to Pimlico's feeEstimator, but you can use a different one by providing your own. The IFeeEstimator interface requires an object with specific methods.
IFeeEstimator {
  setupEstimation?: EstimateFeeFunction
  adjustEstimation?: EstimateFeeFunction
  getPaymasterEstimation?: EstimateSponsoredFeeFunction

 EstimateFeeFunctionProps = {
  userOperation: UserOperation
  bundlerUrl: string
  entryPoint: string

EstimateSponsoredFeeFunctionProps = {
  userOperation: UserOperation
  paymasterUrl: string
  entryPoint: string
  sponsorshipPolicyId?: string

All methods are optional and will be called in the specified order if you provide any of them:

  1. setupEstimation : This method, called before using the bundler eth_estimateUserOperationGas in the pack code, allows you to adjust the user operation before the bundler estimates it, as each provider has its own recommendations.
  2. adjustEstimation : This method is used after calling eth_estimateUserOperationGas in the pack code to adjust the bundler estimation.
  3. getPaymasterEstimation : After using the bundler eth_estimateUserOperationGas from the package code, this method is used if the user operation is sponsored. It helps adjust the bundler's estimation when a paymaster sponsors the transaction that use to involve some specific fee estimations.

signSafeOperation(safeOperation, signingMethod)

Signs a SafeOperation.


  • safeOperation : The EthSafeOperation | SafeOperationResponse to sign. Can either be created by the Safe4337Pack or fetched via api-kit.
  • signingMethod : The method to use for signing the transaction. The default is SigningMethod.ETH_SIGN_TYPED_DATA_V4.

Returns A promise that resolves to the signed SafeOperation.


  • Use this method after the SafeOperation is generated with the createTransaction method.
  • This method adds the signer's signature to the signatures map of the SafeOperation object. Additional signatures can be included from multiple owners.
  • It works similar to signTransaction and signMessage methods in the protocol-kit but using SafeOperation instead of SafeTransaction or SafeMessage. For more information, refer to the Safe docs.


This method sends the user operation to the bundler.

If you are not using a paymaster and need to deploy a new Safe (counterfactual deployment), you must hold in the predicted Safe address the amount of native token required to cover the fees.


The Safe4337ExecutableProps

Safe4337ExecutableProps = {
  executable: EthSafeOperation | SafeOperationResponse
  • executable : The SafeOperation to execute. Can either be created by the Safe4337Pack or fetched via api-kit.

Returns A promise, resolves to the user operation hash.


  • The process converts the SafeOperation to a standard user operation, then forwards it to the bundler. The SafeOperation must be created and signed by the Safe owner.
  • You can use the user operation hash to browse the status (e.g{userOpHash})


Retrieve the user operation using its hash.


  • userOpHash : The user operation hash is returned by the executeTransaction method. The user operation can be executed or pending, and the method will return the payload data for the user operation.

Returns A Promise that resolves to UserOperationWithPayload.

UserOperationWithPayload = {
  userOperation: UserOperation
  entryPoint: string
  transactionHash: string
  blockHash: string
  blockNumber: string


  • Use this method to request information about the user operation sent to the bundler, but do not use it for the execution status.


Get UserOperation receipt by a hash.


  • userOpHash : Unique identifier for the UserOperation

Returns A Promise that resolves to UserOperationReceipt after the user operation is executed.

UserOperationReceipt = {
  userOpHash: string
  sender: string
  nonce: string
  actualGasUsed: string
  actualGasCost: string
  success: boolean
  logs: Log[]
  receipt: Receipt


  • Use this method to obtain the full execution trace and status.
  • You can use this method to check if the UserOperation was successful by calling it repeatedly until the receipt is available.


Retrieve all supported entry points.

Returns A promise that resolves to an array of entry point addresses (strings) supported by the bundler.

Caveats We use this method to obtain the default entry point if not provided in the init() method.


Retrieve the EIP-155 Chain ID.

Returns A promise that resolves to the EIP-155 Chain ID string.