Keep the bot from taking or responding to input. Commands can be flagged to ignore paused status, but should only be used in special circumstances.
Let the bot go back to normal input and response.
Create a new raffle if there is not an active one already. Use !raffle -reset
to clear the current raffle.
Sets the cooldown for how often a user can get another ticket, in minutes. Set to -1 to only allow one ticket per member.
Clear the current raffle and tickets issued. Be careful, cannot be undone.
Pick a random ticket. Does not do anything with the tickets, can be used as many times as you need. Does not exclude previous winners.
This will cause the bot to try and do a git pull
followed by an npm install
and then chmod the deploy script for use the next time. See also !restart.
Currently what this command really does is exit the process which kills the running program. If you use something like systemd to monitor the process and restart if it fails then it will be immediately restarted. Something like nodemon
or possibly pm2
could do something similar.