This repository is created to help people creating decentralized packages via IPFS easy
Single command to deploy!
Version control based on Hashes
Typescript and Javascript compatible
Message history
Readme data (TODO)
Parcel Lazy Module import for Browser (currently not supported) files will not be downloaded so the resolver will not find them (TODO)
Web UI Included!
npm i @rxdi/deploy -g
rxdi-deploy --webui --open-browser
Or using command line
rxdi-deploy ./index.ts @yournamespace "fix(ManyThings): inside core module" -v --tsconfig
echo "export const rxdi_deploy = 'rxdi-deploy-test';" > index.ts
rxdi-deploy ./index.ts @nonamespace "init(): init commit" -v --tsconfig
npm install -g @rxdi/core
rxdi install `ipfs-hash`
rxdi i QmWxi1tiVRJfVCTkFD9upaeQoPgG4NzbagxyA1RQCt3X3P
rxdi-deploy `main-file` `namespace` `message` `...arguments`
: This is the main bundle file
: How this module will be imported
example: @yournamespace
import {} from '@yournamespace';
: Short message representing what is changed in this version
: Simple commit message when deploying module
: Parcel build out dir
: Pass file path after this argument
: How this module will be named ? Later when you install it you can use it as follow import { MyModule } from @mynamespace
: How many seconds the application should stay after deploy recomended 20 seconds so file will be distributed accross the network
: Pass your html file this will override --message or 3-th argument message and you can put whole html
: Will spawn web ui with many settings, history, last deployed module etc. can be passed with --open-browser argument
: Will open browser for web user interface
: Development purposes open graphiql-playground dev tools
: Will just spawn node so you can use it for persistent data
: Will silent every program output log
: Tell ParcelJS to not minify or uglify current deployed module
: Will tell ParcelJS to build current module for browser
: Create tsconfig file if not exist
: Better logging or you can use -v argument for simplicity
: ` ipfs node is GO but if you want you can use JS '--default-ipfs-node js'
: This is the address of the IPFS Gatway default: 8081
: This is the port of the IPFS Api default: 5002
: These are the swarms for the Ipfs daemon passing them with comma separated example: --ipfs-swarms /ip4/,/ip6/::/tcp/4001, etc...
: This is default reactive.json filename you can change with other but in this moment is not tested very well
: Open GraphiQL dev screen
: Open browser for development purposes with Graphiql Dev tools
: If this argument passed we can spawn our server watcher so we can manage syncronization with UI and passing data from the rxdi-deploy server
: Watcher port is the main status port for webui if changed webui will not work defaults: 8957
: Graphiql Dev tool subscription endpoint
: Authentication token for graphiql dev tools
: Endpoint for the Graphql webserver
: Development effects are for graphql webserver can be checked here for more info
: This argument will start also graphql web server so you can start making queries and interact with deployer only via API
: Endpoint for Graphiql development tools
: Development server api port is random, if set --random-port false will default to: 9300 if --graphql-api-port 8*** is not set
: This parameter will set random port to Graphql Server if for example you dont have the port avalable
: Disable collecting dependencies from package.json
: Collect dependencies from package.json and transfer it to reactive.json
: Interval for server push service this is how fast the data will update by default is 7 seconds
: This help suite :)
- Reason that we don't have minify
option and by default
rxdi-deploy minify
every bundle is that we care about Nature and for every deployed IPFS file even for testing will cost in the future many environmental changes for maintaining much larger space than we actualy can use.
argument is created for better control over process termination.
Reason this exist is internal mechanism since we ADD file to IPFS and then stop the Daemon no one can serve the file for us.
So to fix this we need to PING biggest IPFS nodes available at the moment with our new generated HASH.
Since some of them may be down or the connection may be slow the flow of Pinging content onto IPFS is separated from the main Deploy chain.
This solution will provide us with stable independent build with correct end result.
rxdi-deploy P1010094.jpg
rxdi-deploy P1010094.jpg --beat 30
Available on docker hub
Single command to run
docker run -p 8957:8957 -p 5001:5001 -p 8080:8080 -p 9300:9300 -v $(pwd)/files:/usr/src/app/files -v $(pwd)/packages:/usr/src/app/packages -v $(pwd)/.rxdi:/root/.rxdi -v $(pwd)/.jsipfs:/root/.jsipfs -i -t rxdi/deploy:latest --graphiql-playground --webui
docker pull rxdi/deploy
Manual build from source
docker build -t rxdi/deploy .
docker-compose up -d
Open browser to http://localhost:9300/webui
To change the port open docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
image: rxdi/deploy:latest
restart: always
mem_limit: 1000000000
cpu_shares: 73
container_name: rxdi-ipfs-deployer
- API_PORT=9300
- "9300:9300"
- "5001:5001"
- "8080:8080"
- "8957:8957"
- ./packages:/usr/src/app/packages
- ./.rxdi:/root/.rxdi
- ./.jsipfs:/root/.jsipfs
Add inside the working directory file with name interceptor.ts
and add following content;
if using docker
place interceptor.ts
inside my-project
or mount it at with custom folder -v $(pwd)/files:/usr/src/app/files
as long as interceptor.ts
present inside /usr/src/app/files
it will be loaded.
Working with this approach you need to set --interceptor ./interceptor.ts
To be sure that packages will be installed inside container you can pass following option:
--globals 'firebase-admin, @rxdi/firestore, express, @angular/cli'
import { Request } from 'hapi';
import { errorUnauthorized, GenericGapiResolversType } from '@gapi/core';
interface Context {
user: { type: string };
interface Resolver extends GenericGapiResolversType {
scope?: string[];
public?: boolean;
function canAccess(resolverScope: string[], context: Context) {
return context && context.user && resolverScope.filter(scope => scope === context.user.type).length
? true
: errorUnauthorized();
function AuthenticationHooks(resolver: Resolver, context: Context) {
canAccess(resolver.scope, context);
function ResolverHooks(resolver: Resolver, root, args, context: Context, info) {
if (resolver && !resolver.public) {
AuthenticationHooks(resolver, context);
export async function OnRequestHook(request: Request) {
return { user: { type: 'ADMIN' } };
export async function ResolverHook(resolver: Resolver, root, args, context: Context, info) {
return ResolverHooks(resolver, root, args, context, info);
Important part is that we export 2 methods OnRequestHook
and ResolverHook
These are named for convenience the script internally will take UP to 2 methods
- Request handler function - will populate
variable for resolver - Resolver hook function - on every request apply some authentication logic
- By default every resolver scope is predefined with
to change it set Environment variableAPP_DEFAULT_SCOPE
export async function MyMethodWhichWillPopulateContext(request: Request) {
return { user: { type: 'ADMIN' } };
export async function MyMethodThatWillBeRunnedOnEveryRequest(resolver: Resolver, root, args, context: Context, info) {
return ResolverHooks(resolver, root, args, context, info);