//! Simple winit application. use std::collections::HashMap; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt::Debug; #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] use std::num::NonZeroU32; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{fmt, mem}; use ::tracing::{error, info}; use cursor_icon::CursorIcon; #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] use rwh_06::{DisplayHandle, HasDisplayHandle}; #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] use softbuffer::{Context, Surface}; use winit::application::ApplicationHandler; use winit::dpi::{LogicalSize, PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize}; use winit::event::{DeviceEvent, DeviceId, Ime, MouseButton, MouseScrollDelta, WindowEvent}; use winit::event_loop::{ActiveEventLoop, EventLoop}; use winit::keyboard::{Key, ModifiersState}; #[cfg(macos_platform)] use winit::platform::macos::{OptionAsAlt, WindowAttributesExtMacOS, WindowExtMacOS}; #[cfg(any(x11_platform, wayland_platform))] use winit::platform::startup_notify::{ self, EventLoopExtStartupNotify, WindowAttributesExtStartupNotify, WindowExtStartupNotify, }; use winit::window::{ Cursor, CursorGrabMode, CustomCursor, CustomCursorSource, Fullscreen, Icon, ResizeDirection, Theme, Window, WindowId, }; #[path = "util/tracing.rs"] mod tracing; /// The amount of points to around the window for drag resize direction calculations. const BORDER_SIZE: f64 = 20.; fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { #[cfg(web_platform)] console_error_panic_hook::set_once(); tracing::init(); let event_loop = EventLoop::new()?; let _event_loop_proxy = event_loop.create_proxy(); // Wire the user event from another thread. #[cfg(not(web_platform))] std::thread::spawn(move || { // Wake up the `event_loop` once every second and dispatch a custom event // from a different thread. info!("Starting to send user event every second"); loop { _event_loop_proxy.wake_up(); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } }); let mut state = Application::new(&event_loop); event_loop.run_app(&mut state).map_err(Into::into) } /// Application state and event handling. struct Application { /// Custom cursors assets. custom_cursors: Vec<CustomCursor>, /// Application icon. icon: Icon, windows: HashMap<WindowId, WindowState>, /// Drawing context. /// /// With OpenGL it could be EGLDisplay. #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] context: Option<Context<DisplayHandle<'static>>>, } impl Application { fn new(event_loop: &EventLoop) -> Self { // SAFETY: we drop the context right before the event loop is stopped, thus making it safe. #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] let context = Some( Context::new(unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<DisplayHandle<'_>, DisplayHandle<'static>>( event_loop.display_handle().unwrap(), ) }) .unwrap(), ); // You'll have to choose an icon size at your own discretion. On X11, the desired size // varies by WM, and on Windows, you still have to account for screen scaling. Here // we use 32px, since it seems to work well enough in most cases. Be careful about // going too high, or you'll be bitten by the low-quality downscaling built into the // WM. let icon = load_icon(include_bytes!("data/icon.png")); info!("Loading cursor assets"); let custom_cursors = vec![ event_loop.create_custom_cursor(decode_cursor(include_bytes!("data/cross.png"))), event_loop.create_custom_cursor(decode_cursor(include_bytes!("data/cross2.png"))), event_loop.create_custom_cursor(decode_cursor(include_bytes!("data/gradient.png"))), ]; Self { #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] context, custom_cursors, icon, windows: Default::default(), } } fn create_window( &mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, _tab_id: Option<String>, ) -> Result<WindowId, Box<dyn Error>> { // TODO read-out activation token. #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut window_attributes = Window::default_attributes() .with_title("Winit window") .with_transparent(true) .with_window_icon(Some(self.icon.clone())); #[cfg(any(x11_platform, wayland_platform))] if let Some(token) = event_loop.read_token_from_env() { startup_notify::reset_activation_token_env(); info!("Using token {:?} to activate a window", token); window_attributes = window_attributes.with_activation_token(token); } #[cfg(macos_platform)] if let Some(tab_id) = _tab_id { window_attributes = window_attributes.with_tabbing_identifier(&tab_id); } #[cfg(web_platform)] { use winit::platform::web::WindowAttributesExtWebSys; window_attributes = window_attributes.with_append(true); } let window = event_loop.create_window(window_attributes)?; #[cfg(ios_platform)] { use winit::platform::ios::WindowExtIOS; window.recognize_doubletap_gesture(true); window.recognize_pinch_gesture(true); window.recognize_rotation_gesture(true); window.recognize_pan_gesture(true, 2, 2); } let window_state = WindowState::new(self, window)?; let window_id = window_state.window.id(); info!("Created new window with id={window_id:?}"); self.windows.insert(window_id, window_state); Ok(window_id) } fn handle_action(&mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, window_id: WindowId, action: Action) { // let cursor_position = self.cursor_position; let window = self.windows.get_mut(&window_id).unwrap(); info!("Executing action: {action:?}"); match action { Action::CloseWindow => { let _ = self.windows.remove(&window_id); }, Action::CreateNewWindow => { #[cfg(any(x11_platform, wayland_platform))] if let Err(err) = window.window.request_activation_token() { info!("Failed to get activation token: {err}"); } else { return; } if let Err(err) = self.create_window(event_loop, None) { error!("Error creating new window: {err}"); } }, Action::ToggleResizeIncrements => window.toggle_resize_increments(), Action::ToggleCursorVisibility => window.toggle_cursor_visibility(), Action::ToggleResizable => window.toggle_resizable(), Action::ToggleDecorations => window.toggle_decorations(), Action::ToggleFullscreen => window.toggle_fullscreen(), Action::ToggleMaximize => window.toggle_maximize(), Action::ToggleImeInput => window.toggle_ime(), Action::Minimize => window.minimize(), Action::NextCursor => window.next_cursor(), Action::NextCustomCursor => window.next_custom_cursor(&self.custom_cursors), #[cfg(web_platform)] Action::UrlCustomCursor => window.url_custom_cursor(event_loop), #[cfg(web_platform)] Action::AnimationCustomCursor => { window.animation_custom_cursor(event_loop, &self.custom_cursors) }, Action::CycleCursorGrab => window.cycle_cursor_grab(), Action::DragWindow => window.drag_window(), Action::DragResizeWindow => window.drag_resize_window(), Action::ShowWindowMenu => window.show_menu(), Action::PrintHelp => self.print_help(), #[cfg(macos_platform)] Action::CycleOptionAsAlt => window.cycle_option_as_alt(), Action::SetTheme(theme) => { window.window.set_theme(theme); // Get the resulting current theme to draw with let actual_theme = theme.or_else(|| window.window.theme()).unwrap_or(Theme::Dark); window.set_draw_theme(actual_theme); }, #[cfg(macos_platform)] Action::CreateNewTab => { let tab_id = window.window.tabbing_identifier(); if let Err(err) = self.create_window(event_loop, Some(tab_id)) { error!("Error creating new window: {err}"); } }, Action::RequestResize => window.swap_dimensions(), } } fn dump_monitors(&self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { info!("Monitors information"); let primary_monitor = event_loop.primary_monitor(); for monitor in event_loop.available_monitors() { let intro = if primary_monitor.as_ref() == Some(&monitor) { "Primary monitor" } else { "Monitor" }; if let Some(name) = monitor.name() { info!("{intro}: {name}"); } else { info!("{intro}: [no name]"); } let PhysicalSize { width, height } = monitor.size(); info!( " Current mode: {width}x{height}{}", if let Some(m_hz) = monitor.refresh_rate_millihertz() { format!(" @ {}.{} Hz", m_hz / 1000, m_hz % 1000) } else { String::new() } ); let PhysicalPosition { x, y } = monitor.position(); info!(" Position: {x},{y}"); info!(" Scale factor: {}", monitor.scale_factor()); info!(" Available modes (width x height x bit-depth):"); for mode in monitor.video_modes() { let PhysicalSize { width, height } = mode.size(); let bits = mode.bit_depth(); let m_hz = mode.refresh_rate_millihertz(); info!(" {width}x{height}x{bits} @ {}.{} Hz", m_hz / 1000, m_hz % 1000); } } } /// Process the key binding. fn process_key_binding(key: &str, mods: &ModifiersState) -> Option<Action> { KEY_BINDINGS .iter() .find_map(|binding| binding.is_triggered_by(&key, mods).then_some(binding.action)) } /// Process mouse binding. fn process_mouse_binding(button: MouseButton, mods: &ModifiersState) -> Option<Action> { MOUSE_BINDINGS .iter() .find_map(|binding| binding.is_triggered_by(&button, mods).then_some(binding.action)) } fn print_help(&self) { info!("Keyboard bindings:"); for binding in KEY_BINDINGS { info!( "{}{:<10} - {} ({})", modifiers_to_string(binding.mods), binding.trigger, binding.action, binding.action.help(), ); } info!("Mouse bindings:"); for binding in MOUSE_BINDINGS { info!( "{}{:<10} - {} ({})", modifiers_to_string(binding.mods), mouse_button_to_string(binding.trigger), binding.action, binding.action.help(), ); } } } impl ApplicationHandler for Application { fn proxy_wake_up(&mut self, _event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { info!("User wake up"); } fn window_event( &mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, window_id: WindowId, event: WindowEvent, ) { let window = match self.windows.get_mut(&window_id) { Some(window) => window, None => return, }; match event { WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { window.resize(size); }, WindowEvent::Focused(focused) => { if focused { info!("Window={window_id:?} focused"); } else { info!("Window={window_id:?} unfocused"); } }, WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { scale_factor, .. } => { info!("Window={window_id:?} changed scale to {scale_factor}"); }, WindowEvent::ThemeChanged(theme) => { info!("Theme changed to {theme:?}"); window.set_draw_theme(theme); }, WindowEvent::RedrawRequested => { if let Err(err) = window.draw() { error!("Error drawing window: {err}"); } }, WindowEvent::Occluded(occluded) => { window.set_occluded(occluded); }, WindowEvent::CloseRequested => { info!("Closing Window={window_id:?}"); self.windows.remove(&window_id); }, WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(modifiers) => { window.modifiers = modifiers.state(); info!("Modifiers changed to {:?}", window.modifiers); }, WindowEvent::MouseWheel { delta, .. } => match delta { MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(x, y) => { info!("Mouse wheel Line Delta: ({x},{y})"); }, MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(px) => { info!("Mouse wheel Pixel Delta: ({},{})", px.x, px.y); }, }, WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { event, is_synthetic: false, .. } => { let mods = window.modifiers; // Dispatch actions only on press. if event.state.is_pressed() { let action = if let Key::Character(ch) = event.logical_key.as_ref() { Self::process_key_binding(&ch.to_uppercase(), &mods) } else { None }; if let Some(action) = action { self.handle_action(event_loop, window_id, action); } } }, WindowEvent::MouseInput { button, state, .. } => { let mods = window.modifiers; if let Some(action) = state.is_pressed().then(|| Self::process_mouse_binding(button, &mods)).flatten() { self.handle_action(event_loop, window_id, action); } }, WindowEvent::CursorLeft { .. } => { info!("Cursor left Window={window_id:?}"); window.cursor_left(); }, WindowEvent::CursorMoved { position, .. } => { info!("Moved cursor to {position:?}"); window.cursor_moved(position); }, WindowEvent::ActivationTokenDone { token: _token, .. } => { #[cfg(any(x11_platform, wayland_platform))] { startup_notify::set_activation_token_env(_token); if let Err(err) = self.create_window(event_loop, None) { error!("Error creating new window: {err}"); } } }, WindowEvent::Ime(event) => match event { Ime::Enabled => info!("IME enabled for Window={window_id:?}"), Ime::Preedit(text, caret_pos) => { info!("Preedit: {}, with caret at {:?}", text, caret_pos); }, Ime::Commit(text) => { info!("Committed: {}", text); }, Ime::Disabled => info!("IME disabled for Window={window_id:?}"), }, WindowEvent::PinchGesture { delta, .. } => { window.zoom += delta; let zoom = window.zoom; if delta > 0.0 { info!("Zoomed in {delta:.5} (now: {zoom:.5})"); } else { info!("Zoomed out {delta:.5} (now: {zoom:.5})"); } }, WindowEvent::RotationGesture { delta, .. } => { window.rotated += delta; let rotated = window.rotated; if delta > 0.0 { info!("Rotated counterclockwise {delta:.5} (now: {rotated:.5})"); } else { info!("Rotated clockwise {delta:.5} (now: {rotated:.5})"); } }, WindowEvent::PanGesture { delta, phase, .. } => { window.panned.x += delta.x; window.panned.y += delta.y; info!("Panned ({delta:?})) (now: {:?}), {phase:?}", window.panned); }, WindowEvent::DoubleTapGesture { .. } => { info!("Smart zoom"); }, WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure { .. } | WindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled | WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { .. } | WindowEvent::CursorEntered { .. } | WindowEvent::AxisMotion { .. } | WindowEvent::DroppedFile(_) | WindowEvent::HoveredFile(_) | WindowEvent::Destroyed | WindowEvent::Touch(_) | WindowEvent::Moved(_) => (), } } fn device_event( &mut self, _event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, device_id: DeviceId, event: DeviceEvent, ) { info!("Device {device_id:?} event: {event:?}"); } fn can_create_surfaces(&mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { info!("Ready to create surfaces"); self.dump_monitors(event_loop); // Create initial window. self.create_window(event_loop, None).expect("failed to create initial window"); self.print_help(); } fn about_to_wait(&mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { if self.windows.is_empty() { info!("No windows left, exiting..."); event_loop.exit(); } } #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] fn exiting(&mut self, _event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { // We must drop the context here. self.context = None; } } /// State of the window. struct WindowState { /// IME input. ime: bool, /// Render surface. /// /// NOTE: This surface must be dropped before the `Window`. #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] surface: Surface<DisplayHandle<'static>, Arc<Window>>, /// The actual winit Window. window: Arc<Window>, /// The window theme we're drawing with. theme: Theme, /// Cursor position over the window. cursor_position: Option<PhysicalPosition<f64>>, /// Window modifiers state. modifiers: ModifiersState, /// Occlusion state of the window. occluded: bool, /// Current cursor grab mode. cursor_grab: CursorGrabMode, /// The amount of zoom into window. zoom: f64, /// The amount of rotation of the window. rotated: f32, /// The amount of pan of the window. panned: PhysicalPosition<f32>, #[cfg(macos_platform)] option_as_alt: OptionAsAlt, // Cursor states. named_idx: usize, custom_idx: usize, cursor_hidden: bool, } impl WindowState { fn new(app: &Application, window: Window) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>> { let window = Arc::new(window); // SAFETY: the surface is dropped before the `window` which provided it with handle, thus // it doesn't outlive it. #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] let surface = Surface::new(app.context.as_ref().unwrap(), Arc::clone(&window))?; let theme = window.theme().unwrap_or(Theme::Dark); info!("Theme: {theme:?}"); let named_idx = 0; window.set_cursor(CURSORS[named_idx]); // Allow IME out of the box. let ime = true; window.set_ime_allowed(ime); let size = window.inner_size(); let mut state = Self { #[cfg(macos_platform)] option_as_alt: window.option_as_alt(), custom_idx: app.custom_cursors.len() - 1, cursor_grab: CursorGrabMode::None, named_idx, #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] surface, window, theme, ime, cursor_position: Default::default(), cursor_hidden: Default::default(), modifiers: Default::default(), occluded: Default::default(), rotated: Default::default(), panned: Default::default(), zoom: Default::default(), }; state.resize(size); Ok(state) } pub fn toggle_ime(&mut self) { self.ime = !self.ime; self.window.set_ime_allowed(self.ime); if let Some(position) = self.ime.then_some(self.cursor_position).flatten() { self.window.set_ime_cursor_area(position, PhysicalSize::new(20, 20)); } } pub fn minimize(&mut self) { self.window.set_minimized(true); } pub fn cursor_moved(&mut self, position: PhysicalPosition<f64>) { self.cursor_position = Some(position); if self.ime { self.window.set_ime_cursor_area(position, PhysicalSize::new(20, 20)); } } pub fn cursor_left(&mut self) { self.cursor_position = None; } /// Toggle maximized. fn toggle_maximize(&self) { let maximized = self.window.is_maximized(); self.window.set_maximized(!maximized); } /// Toggle window decorations. fn toggle_decorations(&self) { let decorated = self.window.is_decorated(); self.window.set_decorations(!decorated); } /// Toggle window resizable state. fn toggle_resizable(&self) { let resizable = self.window.is_resizable(); self.window.set_resizable(!resizable); } /// Toggle cursor visibility fn toggle_cursor_visibility(&mut self) { self.cursor_hidden = !self.cursor_hidden; self.window.set_cursor_visible(!self.cursor_hidden); } /// Toggle resize increments on a window. fn toggle_resize_increments(&mut self) { let new_increments = match self.window.resize_increments() { Some(_) => None, None => Some(LogicalSize::new(25.0, 25.0)), }; info!("Had increments: {}", new_increments.is_none()); self.window.set_resize_increments(new_increments); } /// Toggle fullscreen. fn toggle_fullscreen(&self) { let fullscreen = if self.window.fullscreen().is_some() { None } else { Some(Fullscreen::Borderless(None)) }; self.window.set_fullscreen(fullscreen); } /// Cycle through the grab modes ignoring errors. fn cycle_cursor_grab(&mut self) { self.cursor_grab = match self.cursor_grab { CursorGrabMode::None => CursorGrabMode::Confined, CursorGrabMode::Confined => CursorGrabMode::Locked, CursorGrabMode::Locked => CursorGrabMode::None, }; info!("Changing cursor grab mode to {:?}", self.cursor_grab); if let Err(err) = self.window.set_cursor_grab(self.cursor_grab) { error!("Error setting cursor grab: {err}"); } } #[cfg(macos_platform)] fn cycle_option_as_alt(&mut self) { self.option_as_alt = match self.option_as_alt { OptionAsAlt::None => OptionAsAlt::OnlyLeft, OptionAsAlt::OnlyLeft => OptionAsAlt::OnlyRight, OptionAsAlt::OnlyRight => OptionAsAlt::Both, OptionAsAlt::Both => OptionAsAlt::None, }; info!("Setting option as alt {:?}", self.option_as_alt); self.window.set_option_as_alt(self.option_as_alt); } /// Swap the window dimensions with `request_inner_size`. fn swap_dimensions(&mut self) { let old_inner_size = self.window.inner_size(); let mut inner_size = old_inner_size; mem::swap(&mut inner_size.width, &mut inner_size.height); info!("Requesting resize from {old_inner_size:?} to {inner_size:?}"); if let Some(new_inner_size) = self.window.request_inner_size(inner_size) { if old_inner_size == new_inner_size { info!("Inner size change got ignored"); } else { self.resize(new_inner_size); } } else { info!("Request inner size is asynchronous"); } } /// Pick the next cursor. fn next_cursor(&mut self) { self.named_idx = (self.named_idx + 1) % CURSORS.len(); info!("Setting cursor to \"{:?}\"", CURSORS[self.named_idx]); self.window.set_cursor(Cursor::Icon(CURSORS[self.named_idx])); } /// Pick the next custom cursor. fn next_custom_cursor(&mut self, custom_cursors: &[CustomCursor]) { self.custom_idx = (self.custom_idx + 1) % custom_cursors.len(); let cursor = Cursor::Custom(custom_cursors[self.custom_idx].clone()); self.window.set_cursor(cursor); } /// Custom cursor from an URL. #[cfg(web_platform)] fn url_custom_cursor(&mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { let cursor = event_loop.create_custom_cursor(url_custom_cursor()); self.window.set_cursor(cursor); } /// Custom cursor from a URL. #[cfg(web_platform)] fn animation_custom_cursor( &mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, custom_cursors: &[CustomCursor], ) { use std::time::Duration; use winit::platform::web::CustomCursorExtWebSys; let cursors = vec![ custom_cursors[0].clone(), custom_cursors[1].clone(), event_loop.create_custom_cursor(url_custom_cursor()), ]; let cursor = CustomCursor::from_animation(Duration::from_secs(3), cursors).unwrap(); let cursor = event_loop.create_custom_cursor(cursor); self.window.set_cursor(cursor); } /// Resize the window to the new size. fn resize(&mut self, size: PhysicalSize<u32>) { info!("Resized to {size:?}"); #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] { let (width, height) = match (NonZeroU32::new(size.width), NonZeroU32::new(size.height)) { (Some(width), Some(height)) => (width, height), _ => return, }; self.surface.resize(width, height).expect("failed to resize inner buffer"); } self.window.request_redraw(); } /// Change the theme that things are drawn in. fn set_draw_theme(&mut self, theme: Theme) { self.theme = theme; self.window.request_redraw(); } /// Show window menu. fn show_menu(&self) { if let Some(position) = self.cursor_position { self.window.show_window_menu(position); } } /// Drag the window. fn drag_window(&self) { if let Err(err) = self.window.drag_window() { info!("Error starting window drag: {err}"); } else { info!("Dragging window Window={:?}", self.window.id()); } } /// Drag-resize the window. fn drag_resize_window(&self) { let position = match self.cursor_position { Some(position) => position, None => { info!("Drag-resize requires cursor to be inside the window"); return; }, }; let win_size = self.window.inner_size(); let border_size = BORDER_SIZE * self.window.scale_factor(); let x_direction = if position.x < border_size { ResizeDirection::West } else if position.x > (win_size.width as f64 - border_size) { ResizeDirection::East } else { // Use arbitrary direction instead of None for simplicity. ResizeDirection::SouthEast }; let y_direction = if position.y < border_size { ResizeDirection::North } else if position.y > (win_size.height as f64 - border_size) { ResizeDirection::South } else { // Use arbitrary direction instead of None for simplicity. ResizeDirection::SouthEast }; let direction = match (x_direction, y_direction) { (ResizeDirection::West, ResizeDirection::North) => ResizeDirection::NorthWest, (ResizeDirection::West, ResizeDirection::South) => ResizeDirection::SouthWest, (ResizeDirection::West, _) => ResizeDirection::West, (ResizeDirection::East, ResizeDirection::North) => ResizeDirection::NorthEast, (ResizeDirection::East, ResizeDirection::South) => ResizeDirection::SouthEast, (ResizeDirection::East, _) => ResizeDirection::East, (_, ResizeDirection::South) => ResizeDirection::South, (_, ResizeDirection::North) => ResizeDirection::North, _ => return, }; if let Err(err) = self.window.drag_resize_window(direction) { info!("Error starting window drag-resize: {err}"); } else { info!("Drag-resizing window Window={:?}", self.window.id()); } } /// Change window occlusion state. fn set_occluded(&mut self, occluded: bool) { self.occluded = occluded; if !occluded { self.window.request_redraw(); } } /// Draw the window contents. #[cfg(not(any(android_platform, ios_platform)))] fn draw(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { if self.occluded { info!("Skipping drawing occluded window={:?}", self.window.id()); return Ok(()); } const WHITE: u32 = 0xffffffff; const DARK_GRAY: u32 = 0xff181818; let color = match self.theme { Theme::Light => WHITE, Theme::Dark => DARK_GRAY, }; let mut buffer = self.surface.buffer_mut()?; buffer.fill(color); self.window.pre_present_notify(); buffer.present()?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(any(android_platform, ios_platform))] fn draw(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { info!("Drawing but without rendering..."); Ok(()) } } struct Binding<T: Eq> { trigger: T, mods: ModifiersState, action: Action, } impl<T: Eq> Binding<T> { const fn new(trigger: T, mods: ModifiersState, action: Action) -> Self { Self { trigger, mods, action } } fn is_triggered_by(&self, trigger: &T, mods: &ModifiersState) -> bool { &self.trigger == trigger && &self.mods == mods } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Action { CloseWindow, ToggleCursorVisibility, CreateNewWindow, ToggleResizeIncrements, ToggleImeInput, ToggleDecorations, ToggleResizable, ToggleFullscreen, ToggleMaximize, Minimize, NextCursor, NextCustomCursor, #[cfg(web_platform)] UrlCustomCursor, #[cfg(web_platform)] AnimationCustomCursor, CycleCursorGrab, PrintHelp, DragWindow, DragResizeWindow, ShowWindowMenu, #[cfg(macos_platform)] CycleOptionAsAlt, SetTheme(Option<Theme>), #[cfg(macos_platform)] CreateNewTab, RequestResize, } impl Action { fn help(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Action::CloseWindow => "Close window", Action::ToggleCursorVisibility => "Hide cursor", Action::CreateNewWindow => "Create new window", Action::ToggleImeInput => "Toggle IME input", Action::ToggleDecorations => "Toggle decorations", Action::ToggleResizable => "Toggle window resizable state", Action::ToggleFullscreen => "Toggle fullscreen", Action::ToggleMaximize => "Maximize", Action::Minimize => "Minimize", Action::ToggleResizeIncrements => "Use resize increments when resizing window", Action::NextCursor => "Advance the cursor to the next value", Action::NextCustomCursor => "Advance custom cursor to the next value", #[cfg(web_platform)] Action::UrlCustomCursor => "Custom cursor from an URL", #[cfg(web_platform)] Action::AnimationCustomCursor => "Custom cursor from an animation", Action::CycleCursorGrab => "Cycle through cursor grab mode", Action::PrintHelp => "Print help", Action::DragWindow => "Start window drag", Action::DragResizeWindow => "Start window drag-resize", Action::ShowWindowMenu => "Show window menu", #[cfg(macos_platform)] Action::CycleOptionAsAlt => "Cycle option as alt mode", Action::SetTheme(None) => "Change to the system theme", Action::SetTheme(Some(Theme::Light)) => "Change to a light theme", Action::SetTheme(Some(Theme::Dark)) => "Change to a dark theme", #[cfg(macos_platform)] Action::CreateNewTab => "Create new tab", Action::RequestResize => "Request a resize", } } } impl fmt::Display for Action { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(&self, f) } } fn decode_cursor(bytes: &[u8]) -> CustomCursorSource { let img = image::load_from_memory(bytes).unwrap().to_rgba8(); let samples = img.into_flat_samples(); let (_, w, h) = samples.extents(); let (w, h) = (w as u16, h as u16); CustomCursor::from_rgba(samples.samples, w, h, w / 2, h / 2).unwrap() } #[cfg(web_platform)] fn url_custom_cursor() -> CustomCursorSource { use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}; use winit::platform::web::CustomCursorExtWebSys; static URL_COUNTER: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0); CustomCursor::from_url( format!("https://picsum.photos/128?random={}", URL_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)), 64, 64, ) } fn load_icon(bytes: &[u8]) -> Icon { let (icon_rgba, icon_width, icon_height) = { let image = image::load_from_memory(bytes).unwrap().into_rgba8(); let (width, height) = image.dimensions(); let rgba = image.into_raw(); (rgba, width, height) }; Icon::from_rgba(icon_rgba, icon_width, icon_height).expect("Failed to open icon") } fn modifiers_to_string(mods: ModifiersState) -> String { let mut mods_line = String::new(); // Always add + since it's printed as a part of the bindings. for (modifier, desc) in [ (ModifiersState::SUPER, "Super+"), (ModifiersState::ALT, "Alt+"), (ModifiersState::CONTROL, "Ctrl+"), (ModifiersState::SHIFT, "Shift+"), ] { if !mods.contains(modifier) { continue; } mods_line.push_str(desc); } mods_line } fn mouse_button_to_string(button: MouseButton) -> &'static str { match button { MouseButton::Left => "LMB", MouseButton::Right => "RMB", MouseButton::Middle => "MMB", MouseButton::Back => "Back", MouseButton::Forward => "Forward", MouseButton::Other(_) => "", } } /// Cursor list to cycle through. const CURSORS: &[CursorIcon] = &[ CursorIcon::Default, CursorIcon::Crosshair, CursorIcon::Pointer, CursorIcon::Move, CursorIcon::Text, CursorIcon::Wait, CursorIcon::Help, CursorIcon::Progress, CursorIcon::NotAllowed, CursorIcon::ContextMenu, CursorIcon::Cell, CursorIcon::VerticalText, CursorIcon::Alias, CursorIcon::Copy, CursorIcon::NoDrop, CursorIcon::Grab, CursorIcon::Grabbing, CursorIcon::AllScroll, CursorIcon::ZoomIn, CursorIcon::ZoomOut, CursorIcon::EResize, CursorIcon::NResize, CursorIcon::NeResize, CursorIcon::NwResize, CursorIcon::SResize, CursorIcon::SeResize, CursorIcon::SwResize, CursorIcon::WResize, CursorIcon::EwResize, CursorIcon::NsResize, CursorIcon::NeswResize, CursorIcon::NwseResize, CursorIcon::ColResize, CursorIcon::RowResize, ]; const KEY_BINDINGS: &[Binding<&'static str>] = &[ Binding::new("Q", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::CloseWindow), Binding::new("H", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::PrintHelp), Binding::new("F", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleFullscreen), Binding::new("D", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleDecorations), Binding::new("I", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleImeInput), Binding::new("L", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::CycleCursorGrab), Binding::new("P", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleResizeIncrements), Binding::new("R", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleResizable), Binding::new("R", ModifiersState::ALT, Action::RequestResize), // M. Binding::new("M", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleMaximize), Binding::new("M", ModifiersState::ALT, Action::Minimize), // N. Binding::new("N", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::CreateNewWindow), // C. Binding::new("C", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::NextCursor), Binding::new("C", ModifiersState::ALT, Action::NextCustomCursor), #[cfg(web_platform)] Binding::new( "C", ModifiersState::CONTROL.union(ModifiersState::SHIFT), Action::UrlCustomCursor, ), #[cfg(web_platform)] Binding::new( "C", ModifiersState::ALT.union(ModifiersState::SHIFT), Action::AnimationCustomCursor, ), Binding::new("Z", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ToggleCursorVisibility), // K. Binding::new("K", ModifiersState::empty(), Action::SetTheme(None)), Binding::new("K", ModifiersState::SUPER, Action::SetTheme(Some(Theme::Light))), Binding::new("K", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::SetTheme(Some(Theme::Dark))), #[cfg(macos_platform)] Binding::new("T", ModifiersState::SUPER, Action::CreateNewTab), #[cfg(macos_platform)] Binding::new("O", ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::CycleOptionAsAlt), ]; const MOUSE_BINDINGS: &[Binding<MouseButton>] = &[ Binding::new(MouseButton::Left, ModifiersState::ALT, Action::DragResizeWindow), Binding::new(MouseButton::Left, ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::DragWindow), Binding::new(MouseButton::Right, ModifiersState::CONTROL, Action::ShowWindowMenu), ];