diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
index 4e1bbbbf59d89..6c2b264063d24 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
@@ -1106,6 +1106,153 @@ class RoaringBitmapBits {
+ * A prefix tree, used for name-based search.
+ *
+ * This data structure is used to drive prefix matches,
+ * such as matching the query "link" to `LinkedList`,
+ * and Lev-distance matches, such as matching the
+ * query "hahsmap" to `HashMap`. Substring matches,
+ * such as "list" to `LinkedList`, are done with a
+ * tailTable that deep-links into this trie.
+ *
+ * children
+ * : A [sparse array] of subtrees. The array index
+ * is a charCode.
+ *
+ * [sparse array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/
+ * Indexed_collections#sparse_arrays
+ *
+ * matches
+ * : A list of search index IDs for this node.
+ *
+ * @typedef {{
+ * children: [NameTrie],
+ * matches: [number],
+ * }}
+ */
+class NameTrie {
+ constructor() {
+ this.children = [];
+ this.matches = [];
+ }
+ insert(name, id, tailTable) {
+ this.insertSubstring(name, 0, id, tailTable);
+ }
+ insertSubstring(name, substart, id, tailTable) {
+ const l = name.length;
+ if (substart === l) {
+ this.matches.push(id);
+ } else {
+ const sb = name.charCodeAt(substart);
+ let child;
+ if (this.children[sb] !== undefined) {
+ child = this.children[sb];
+ } else {
+ child = new NameTrie();
+ this.children[sb] = child;
+ let sste;
+ if (substart >= 2) {
+ const tail = name.substring(substart - 2, substart + 1);
+ if (tailTable.has(tail)) {
+ sste = tailTable.get(tail);
+ } else {
+ sste = [];
+ tailTable.set(tail, sste);
+ }
+ sste.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ child.insertSubstring(name, substart + 1, id, tailTable);
+ }
+ }
+ search(name, tailTable) {
+ const results = new Set();
+ this.searchSubstringPrefix(name, 0, results);
+ if (results.size < MAX_RESULTS && name.length >= 3) {
+ const levParams = name.length >= 6 ?
+ new Lev2TParametricDescription(name.length) :
+ new Lev1TParametricDescription(name.length);
+ this.searchLev(name, 0, levParams, results);
+ const tail = name.substring(0, 3);
+ if (tailTable.has(tail)) {
+ for (const entry of tailTable.get(tail)) {
+ entry.searchSubstringPrefix(name, 3, results);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [...results];
+ }
+ searchSubstringPrefix(name, substart, results) {
+ const l = name.length;
+ if (substart === l) {
+ for (const match of this.matches) {
+ results.add(match);
+ }
+ // breadth-first traversal orders prefix matches by length
+ let unprocessedChildren = [];
+ for (const child of this.children) {
+ if (child) {
+ unprocessedChildren.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ let nextSet = [];
+ while (unprocessedChildren.length !== 0) {
+ const next = unprocessedChildren.pop();
+ for (const child of next.children) {
+ if (child) {
+ nextSet.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const match of next.matches) {
+ results.add(match);
+ }
+ if (unprocessedChildren.length === 0) {
+ const tmp = unprocessedChildren;
+ unprocessedChildren = nextSet;
+ nextSet = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ const sb = name.charCodeAt(substart);
+ if (this.children[sb] !== undefined) {
+ this.children[sb].searchSubstringPrefix(name, substart + 1, results);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ searchLev(name, substart, levParams, results) {
+ const stack = [[this, 0]];
+ const n = levParams.n;
+ while (stack.length !== 0) {
+ const [trie, levState] = stack.pop();
+ for (const [charCode, child] of trie.children.entries()) {
+ if (!child) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const levPos = levParams.getPosition(levState);
+ const vector = levParams.getVector(
+ name,
+ charCode,
+ levPos,
+ Math.min(name.length, levPos + (2 * n) + 1),
+ );
+ const newLevState = levParams.transition(
+ levState,
+ levPos,
+ vector,
+ );
+ if (newLevState >= 0) {
+ stack.push([child, newLevState]);
+ if (levParams.isAccept(newLevState)) {
+ for (const match of child.matches) {
+ results.add(match);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
class DocSearch {
constructor(rawSearchIndex, rootPath, searchState) {
@@ -1210,6 +1357,20 @@ class DocSearch {
this.TYPES_POOL = new Map();
+ /**
+ * A trie for finding items by name.
+ * This is used for edit distance and prefix finding.
+ *
+ * @type {NameTrie}
+ */
+ this.nameTrie = new NameTrie();
+ /**
+ * Find items by 3-substring. This is a map from three-char
+ * prefixes into lists of subtries.
+ */
+ this.tailTable = new Map();
* @type {Array}
@@ -1613,6 +1774,7 @@ class DocSearch {
// This object should have exactly the same set of fields as the "row"
// object defined below. Your JavaScript runtime will thank you.
// https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/shapes-ics
+ let normalizedName = crate.indexOf("_") === -1 ? crate : crate.replace(/_/g, "");
const crateRow = {
ty: 3, // == ExternCrate
@@ -1627,10 +1789,11 @@ class DocSearch {
paramNames: lastParamNames,
word: crate,
- normalizedName: crate.indexOf("_") === -1 ? crate : crate.replace(/_/g, ""),
+ normalizedName,
bitIndex: 0,
implDisambiguator: null,
+ this.nameTrie.insert(normalizedName, id, this.tailTable);
id += 1;
currentIndex += 1;
@@ -1749,6 +1912,7 @@ class DocSearch {
// This object should have exactly the same set of fields as the "crateRow"
// object defined above.
const itemParentIdx = itemParentIdxDecoder.next();
+ normalizedName = word.indexOf("_") === -1 ? word : word.replace(/_/g, "");
const row = {
ty: itemTypes.charCodeAt(i) - 65, // 65 = "A"
@@ -1763,11 +1927,12 @@ class DocSearch {
- normalizedName: word.indexOf("_") === -1 ? word : word.replace(/_/g, ""),
+ normalizedName,
implDisambiguator: implDisambiguator.has(i) ?
implDisambiguator.get(i) : null,
+ this.nameTrie.insert(normalizedName, id, this.tailTable);
id += 1;
lastPath = row.path;
@@ -2060,6 +2225,7 @@ class DocSearch {
"/index.html#reexport." + name;
} else if (type === "primitive" || type === "keyword") {
displayPath = "";
+ exactPath = "";
href = this.rootPath + path.replace(/::/g, "/") +
"/" + type + "." + name + ".html";
} else if (type === "externcrate") {
@@ -2075,6 +2241,7 @@ class DocSearch {
if (parentType === "primitive") {
displayPath = myparent.name + "::";
+ exactPath = myparent.name;
} else if (type === "structfield" && parentType === "variant") {
// Structfields belonging to variants are special: the
// final path element is the enum name.
@@ -3588,96 +3755,6 @@ class DocSearch {
- /**
- * This function is called in case the query is only one element (with or without generics).
- * This element will be compared to arguments' and returned values' items and also to items.
- *
- * Other important thing to note: since there is only one element, we use edit
- * distance for name comparisons.
- *
- * @param {Row} row
- * @param {integer} pos - Position in the `searchIndex`.
- * @param {QueryElement} elem - The element from the parsed query.
- * @param {Results} results_others - Unqualified results (not in arguments nor in
- * returned values).
- * @param {Results} results_in_args - Matching arguments results.
- * @param {Results} results_returned - Matching returned arguments results.
- */
- function handleSingleArg(
- row,
- pos,
- elem,
- results_others,
- results_in_args,
- results_returned,
- maxEditDistance,
- ) {
- if (!row || (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates)) {
- return;
- }
- let path_dist = 0;
- const fullId = row.id;
- // fpDist is a minimum possible type distance, where "type distance" is the number of
- // atoms in the function not present in the query
- const tfpDist = compareTypeFingerprints(
- fullId,
- parsedQuery.typeFingerprint,
- );
- if (tfpDist !== null) {
- const in_args = row.type && row.type.inputs
- && checkIfInList(row.type.inputs, elem, row.type.where_clause, null, 0);
- const returned = row.type && row.type.output
- && checkIfInList(row.type.output, elem, row.type.where_clause, null, 0);
- if (in_args) {
- results_in_args.max_dist = Math.max(results_in_args.max_dist || 0, tfpDist);
- const maxDist = results_in_args.size < MAX_RESULTS ?
- (tfpDist + 1) :
- results_in_args.max_dist;
- addIntoResults(results_in_args, fullId, pos, -1, tfpDist, 0, maxDist);
- }
- if (returned) {
- results_returned.max_dist = Math.max(results_returned.max_dist || 0, tfpDist);
- const maxDist = results_returned.size < MAX_RESULTS ?
- (tfpDist + 1) :
- results_returned.max_dist;
- addIntoResults(results_returned, fullId, pos, -1, tfpDist, 0, maxDist);
- }
- }
- if (!typePassesFilter(elem.typeFilter, row.ty)) {
- return;
- }
- let index = row.word.indexOf(elem.pathLast);
- const normalizedIndex = row.normalizedName.indexOf(elem.pathLast);
- if (index === -1 || (index > normalizedIndex && normalizedIndex !== -1)) {
- index = normalizedIndex;
- }
- if (elem.fullPath.length > 1) {
- path_dist = checkPath(elem.pathWithoutLast, row);
- if (path_dist === null) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (parsedQuery.literalSearch) {
- if (row.word === elem.pathLast) {
- addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, index, 0, path_dist);
- }
- return;
- }
- const dist = editDistance(row.normalizedName, elem.normalizedPathLast, maxEditDistance);
- if (index === -1 && dist > maxEditDistance) {
- return;
- }
- addIntoResults(results_others, fullId, pos, index, dist, path_dist, maxEditDistance);
- }
* This function is called in case the query has more than one element. In this case, it'll
* try to match the items which validates all the elements. For `aa -> bb` will look for
@@ -3893,23 +3970,79 @@ class DocSearch {
if (parsedQuery.foundElems === 1 && !parsedQuery.hasReturnArrow) {
- if (parsedQuery.elems.length === 1) {
- const elem = parsedQuery.elems[0];
- const length = this.searchIndex.length;
- for (let i = 0, nSearchIndex = length; i < nSearchIndex; ++i) {
- // It means we want to check for this element everywhere (in names, args and
- // returned).
- handleSingleArg(
- this.searchIndex[i],
- i,
- elem,
+ const elem = parsedQuery.elems[0];
+ for (const id of this.nameTrie.search(elem.normalizedPathLast, this.tailTable)) {
+ const row = this.searchIndex[id];
+ if (!typePassesFilter(elem.typeFilter, row.ty) ||
+ (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let pathDist = 0;
+ if (elem.fullPath.length > 1) {
+ pathDist = checkPath(elem.pathWithoutLast, row);
+ if (pathDist === null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsedQuery.literalSearch) {
+ if (row.word === elem.pathLast) {
+ addIntoResults(results_others, row.id, id, 0, 0, pathDist);
+ }
+ } else {
+ addIntoResults(
- results_in_args,
- results_returned,
+ row.id,
+ id,
+ row.normalizedName.indexOf(elem.normalizedPathLast),
+ editDistance(
+ row.normalizedName,
+ elem.normalizedPathLast,
+ maxEditDistance,
+ ),
+ pathDist,
+ const length = this.searchIndex.length;
+ for (let i = 0, nSearchIndex = length; i < nSearchIndex; ++i) {
+ const row = this.searchIndex[i];
+ if (filterCrates !== null && row.crate !== filterCrates) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const tfpDist = compareTypeFingerprints(
+ row.id,
+ parsedQuery.typeFingerprint,
+ );
+ if (tfpDist !== null) {
+ const in_args = row.type && row.type.inputs
+ && checkIfInList(row.type.inputs, elem, row.type.where_clause, null, 0);
+ const returned = row.type && row.type.output
+ && checkIfInList(row.type.output, elem, row.type.where_clause, null, 0);
+ if (in_args) {
+ results_in_args.max_dist = Math.max(
+ results_in_args.max_dist || 0,
+ tfpDist,
+ );
+ const maxDist = results_in_args.size < MAX_RESULTS ?
+ (tfpDist + 1) :
+ results_in_args.max_dist;
+ addIntoResults(results_in_args, row.id, i, -1, tfpDist, 0, maxDist);
+ }
+ if (returned) {
+ results_returned.max_dist = Math.max(
+ results_returned.max_dist || 0,
+ tfpDist,
+ );
+ const maxDist = results_returned.size < MAX_RESULTS ?
+ (tfpDist + 1) :
+ results_returned.max_dist;
+ addIntoResults(results_returned, row.id, i, -1, tfpDist, 0, maxDist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
} else if (parsedQuery.foundElems > 0) {
// Sort input and output so that generic type variables go first and
// types with generic parameters go last.
@@ -4653,3 +4786,477 @@ if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
// exports.
initSearch(new Map());
+// Parts of this code are based on Lucene, which is licensed under the
+// Apache/2.0 license.
+// More information found here:
+// https://fossies.org/linux/lucene/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/util/automaton/
+// LevenshteinAutomata.java
+class ParametricDescription {
+ constructor(w, n, minErrors) {
+ this.w = w;
+ this.n = n;
+ this.minErrors = minErrors;
+ }
+ isAccept(absState) {
+ const state = Math.floor(absState / (this.w + 1));
+ const offset = absState % (this.w + 1);
+ return this.w - offset + this.minErrors[state] <= this.n;
+ }
+ getPosition(absState) {
+ return absState % (this.w + 1);
+ }
+ getVector(name, charCode, pos, end) {
+ let vector = 0;
+ for (let i = pos; i < end; i += 1) {
+ vector = vector << 1;
+ if (name.charCodeAt(i) === charCode) {
+ vector |= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return vector;
+ }
+ unpack(data, index, bitsPerValue) {
+ const bitLoc = (bitsPerValue * index);
+ const dataLoc = bitLoc >> 5;
+ const bitStart = bitLoc & 31;
+ if (bitStart + bitsPerValue <= 32) {
+ // not split
+ return ((data[dataLoc] >> bitStart) & this.MASKS[bitsPerValue - 1]);
+ } else {
+ // split
+ const part = 32 - bitStart;
+ return ~~(((data[dataLoc] >> bitStart) & this.MASKS[part - 1]) +
+ ((data[1 + dataLoc] & this.MASKS[bitsPerValue - part - 1]) << part));
+ }
+ }
+ParametricDescription.prototype.MASKS = new Int32Array([
+ 0x1, 0x3, 0x7, 0xF,
+ 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF,
+ 0x1FF, 0x3F, 0x7FF, 0xFFF,
+ 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF,
+ 0x1FFFF, 0x3FFFF, 0x7FFFF, 0xFFFFF,
+// The following code was generated with the moman/finenight pkg
+// This package is available under the MIT License, see NOTICE.txt
+// for more details.
+// This class is auto-generated, Please do not modify it directly.
+// You should modify the https://gitlab.com/notriddle/createAutomata.py instead.
+// The following code was generated with the moman/finenight pkg
+// This package is available under the MIT License, see NOTICE.txt
+// for more details.
+// This class is auto-generated, Please do not modify it directly.
+// You should modify https://gitlab.com/notriddle/moman-rustdoc instead.
+class Lev2TParametricDescription extends ParametricDescription {
+ /**
+ * @param {number} absState
+ * @param {number} position
+ * @param {number} vector
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+ transition(absState, position, vector) {
+ let state = Math.floor(absState / (this.w + 1));
+ let offset = absState % (this.w + 1);
+ if (position === this.w) {
+ if (state < 3) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 3) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs0, loc, 1);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates0, loc, 2) - 1;
+ }
+ } else if (position === this.w - 1) {
+ if (state < 5) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 5) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs1, loc, 1);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates1, loc, 3) - 1;
+ }
+ } else if (position === this.w - 2) {
+ if (state < 13) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 13) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs2, loc, 2);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates2, loc, 4) - 1;
+ }
+ } else if (position === this.w - 3) {
+ if (state < 28) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 28) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs3, loc, 2);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates3, loc, 5) - 1;
+ }
+ } else if (position === this.w - 4) {
+ if (state < 45) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 45) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs4, loc, 3);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates4, loc, 6) - 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (state < 45) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 45) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs5, loc, 3);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates5, loc, 6) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (state === -1) {
+ // null state
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ // translate back to abs
+ return Math.imul(state, this.w + 1) + offset;
+ }
+ }
+ // state map
+ // 0 -> [(0, 0)]
+ // 1 -> [(0, 1)]
+ // 2 -> [(0, 2)]
+ // 3 -> [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
+ // 4 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
+ // 5 -> [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]
+ // 6 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)]
+ // 7 -> [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
+ // 8 -> [(0, 1), (2, 2)]
+ // 9 -> [(0, 2), (2, 1)]
+ // 10 -> [(0, 2), (2, 2)]
+ // 11 -> [t(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]
+ // 12 -> [t(0, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)]
+ // 13 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 14 -> [(0, 1), (1, 1), (3, 2)]
+ // 15 -> [(0, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 16 -> [(0, 1), (3, 2)]
+ // 17 -> [(0, 1), t(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 18 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (3, 1)]
+ // 19 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 20 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), t(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 21 -> [(0, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1)]
+ // 22 -> [(0, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 23 -> [(0, 2), (3, 1)]
+ // 24 -> [(0, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 25 -> [(0, 2), t(1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 26 -> [t(0, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)]
+ // 27 -> [t(0, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (3, 1)]
+ // 28 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 29 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 30 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), t(2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 31 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 32 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 33 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), t(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 34 -> [(0, 2), (1, 2), t(2, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 35 -> [(0, 2), (2, 1), (4, 2)]
+ // 36 -> [(0, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 37 -> [(0, 2), (2, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 38 -> [(0, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 39 -> [(0, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 40 -> [(0, 2), t(1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 41 -> [(0, 2), t(2, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 42 -> [t(0, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 43 -> [t(0, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (4, 2)]
+ // 44 -> [t(0, 2), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), t(2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2)]
+ /** @param {number} w - length of word being checked */
+ constructor(w) {
+ super(w, 2, new Int32Array([
+ 0,1,2,0,1,-1,0,-1,0,-1,0,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-2,-1,-1,-2,-1,-2,
+ -1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,
+ ]));
+ }
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates0 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0xe,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs0 = /*1 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x0,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates1 = /*3 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x1a688a2c,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs1 = /*1 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x3e0,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates2 = /*4 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x70707054,0xdc07035,0x3dd3a3a,0x2323213a,
+ 0x15435223,0x22545432,0x5435,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs2 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x80000,0x55582088,0x55555555,0x55,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates3 = /*5 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x1c0380a4,0x700a570,0xca529c0,0x180a00,
+ 0xa80af180,0xc5498e60,0x5a546398,0x8c4300e8,
+ 0xac18c601,0xd8d43501,0x863500ad,0x51976d6a,
+ 0x8ca0180a,0xc3501ac2,0xb0c5be16,0x76dda8a5,
+ 0x18c4519,0xc41294a,0xe248d231,0x1086520c,
+ 0xce31ac42,0x13946358,0x2d0348c4,0x6732d494,
+ 0x1ad224a5,0xd635ad4b,0x520c4139,0xce24948,
+ 0x22110a52,0x58ce729d,0xc41394e3,0x941cc520,
+ 0x90e732d4,0x4729d224,0x39ce35ad,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs3 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x80000,0xc0c830,0x300f3c30,0x2200fcff,
+ 0xcaa00a08,0x3c2200a8,0xa8fea00a,0x55555555,
+ 0x55555555,0x55555555,0x55555555,0x55555555,
+ 0x55555555,0x55555555,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates4 = /*6 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x801c0144,0x1453803,0x14700038,0xc0005145,
+ 0x1401,0x14,0x140000,0x0,
+ 0x510000,0x6301f007,0x301f00d1,0xa186178,
+ 0xc20ca0c3,0xc20c30,0xc30030c,0xc00c00cd,
+ 0xf0c00c30,0x4c054014,0xc30944c3,0x55150c34,
+ 0x8300550,0x430c0143,0x50c31,0xc30850c,
+ 0xc3143000,0x50053c50,0x5130d301,0x850d30c2,
+ 0x30a08608,0xc214414,0x43142145,0x21450031,
+ 0x1400c314,0x4c143145,0x32832803,0x28014d6c,
+ 0xcd34a0c3,0x1c50c76,0x1c314014,0x430c30c3,
+ 0x1431,0xc300500,0xca00d303,0xd36d0e40,
+ 0x90b0e400,0xcb2abb2c,0x70c20ca1,0x2c32ca2c,
+ 0xcd2c70cb,0x31c00c00,0x34c2c32c,0x5583280,
+ 0x558309b7,0x6cd6ca14,0x430850c7,0x51c51401,
+ 0x1430c714,0xc3087,0x71451450,0xca00d30,
+ 0xc26dc156,0xb9071560,0x1cb2abb2,0xc70c2144,
+ 0xb1c51ca1,0x1421c70c,0xc51c00c3,0x30811c51,
+ 0x24324308,0xc51031c2,0x70820820,0x5c33830d,
+ 0xc33850c3,0x30c30c30,0xc30c31c,0x451450c3,
+ 0x20c20c20,0xda0920d,0x5145914f,0x36596114,
+ 0x51965865,0xd9643653,0x365a6590,0x51964364,
+ 0x43081505,0x920b2032,0x2c718b28,0xd7242249,
+ 0x35cb28b0,0x2cb3872c,0x972c30d7,0xb0c32cb2,
+ 0x4e1c75c,0xc80c90c2,0x62ca2482,0x4504171c,
+ 0xd65d9610,0x33976585,0xd95cb5d,0x4b5ca5d7,
+ 0x73975c36,0x10308138,0xc2245105,0x41451031,
+ 0x14e24208,0xc35c3387,0x51453851,0x1c51c514,
+ 0xc70c30c3,0x20451450,0x14f1440c,0x4f0da092,
+ 0x4513d41,0x6533944d,0x1350e658,0xe1545055,
+ 0x64365a50,0x5519383,0x51030815,0x28920718,
+ 0x441c718b,0x714e2422,0x1c35cb28,0x4e1c7387,
+ 0xb28e1c51,0x5c70c32c,0xc204e1c7,0x81c61440,
+ 0x1c62ca24,0xd04503ce,0x85d63944,0x39338e65,
+ 0x8e154387,0x364b5ca3,0x38739738,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs4 = /*3 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x10000000,0xc00000,0x60061,0x400,
+ 0x0,0x80010008,0x249248a4,0x8229048,
+ 0x2092,0x6c3603,0xb61b6c30,0x6db6036d,
+ 0xdb6c0,0x361b0180,0x91b72000,0xdb11b71b,
+ 0x6db6236,0x1008200,0x12480012,0x24924906,
+ 0x48200049,0x80410002,0x24000900,0x4924a489,
+ 0x10822492,0x20800125,0x48360,0x9241b692,
+ 0x6da4924,0x40009268,0x241b010,0x291b4900,
+ 0x6d249249,0x49493423,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x2492,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates5 = /*6 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x801c0144,0x1453803,0x14700038,0xc0005145,
+ 0x1401,0x14,0x140000,0x0,
+ 0x510000,0x4e00e007,0xe0051,0x3451451c,
+ 0xd015000,0x30cd0000,0xc30c30c,0xc30c30d4,
+ 0x40c30c30,0x7c01c014,0xc03458c0,0x185e0c07,
+ 0x2830c286,0x830c3083,0xc30030,0x33430c,
+ 0x30c3003,0x70051030,0x16301f00,0x8301f00d,
+ 0x30a18617,0xc20ca0c,0x431420c3,0xb1450c51,
+ 0x14314315,0x4f143145,0x34c05401,0x4c30944c,
+ 0x55150c3,0x30830055,0x1430c014,0xc00050c3,
+ 0xc30850,0xc314300,0x150053c5,0x25130d30,
+ 0x5430d30c,0xc0354154,0x300d0c90,0x1cb2cd0c,
+ 0xc91cb0c3,0x72c30cb2,0x14f1cb2c,0xc34c0540,
+ 0x34c30944,0x82182214,0x851050c2,0x50851430,
+ 0x1400c50c,0x30c5085,0x50c51450,0x150053c,
+ 0xc25130d3,0x8850d30,0x1430a086,0x450c2144,
+ 0x51cb1c21,0x1c91c70c,0xc71c314b,0x34c1cb1,
+ 0x6c328328,0xc328014d,0x76cd34a0,0x1401c50c,
+ 0xc31c3140,0x31430c30,0x14,0x30c3005,
+ 0xa0ca00d3,0x535b0c,0x4d2830ca,0x514369b3,
+ 0xc500d01,0x5965965a,0x30d46546,0x6435030c,
+ 0x8034c659,0xdb439032,0x2c390034,0xcaaecb24,
+ 0x30832872,0xcb28b1c,0x4b1c32cb,0x70030033,
+ 0x30b0cb0c,0xe40ca00d,0x400d36d0,0xb2c90b0e,
+ 0xca1cb2ab,0xa2c70c20,0x6575d95c,0x4315b5ce,
+ 0x95c53831,0x28034c5d,0x9b705583,0xa1455830,
+ 0xc76cd6c,0x40143085,0x71451c51,0x871430c,
+ 0x450000c3,0xd3071451,0x1560ca00,0x560c26dc,
+ 0xb35b2851,0xc914369,0x1a14500d,0x46593945,
+ 0xcb2c939,0x94507503,0x328034c3,0x9b70558,
+ 0xe41c5583,0x72caaeca,0x1c308510,0xc7147287,
+ 0x50871c32,0x1470030c,0xd307147,0xc1560ca0,
+ 0x1560c26d,0xabb2b907,0x21441cb2,0x38a1c70c,
+ 0x8e657394,0x314b1c93,0x39438738,0x43083081,
+ 0x31c22432,0x820c510,0x830d7082,0x50c35c33,
+ 0xc30c338,0xc31c30c3,0x50c30c30,0xc204514,
+ 0x890c90c2,0x31440c70,0xa8208208,0xea0df0c3,
+ 0x8a231430,0xa28a28a2,0x28a28a1e,0x1861868a,
+ 0x48308308,0xc3682483,0x14516453,0x4d965845,
+ 0xd4659619,0x36590d94,0xd969964,0x546590d9,
+ 0x20c20541,0x920d20c,0x5914f0da,0x96114514,
+ 0x65865365,0xe89d3519,0x99e7a279,0x9e89e89e,
+ 0x81821827,0xb2032430,0x18b28920,0x422492c7,
+ 0xb28b0d72,0x3872c35c,0xc30d72cb,0x32cb2972,
+ 0x1c75cb0c,0xc90c204e,0xa2482c80,0x24b1c62c,
+ 0xc3a89089,0xb0ea2e42,0x9669a31c,0xa4966a28,
+ 0x59a8a269,0x8175e7a,0xb203243,0x718b2892,
+ 0x4114105c,0x17597658,0x74ce5d96,0x5c36572d,
+ 0xd92d7297,0xe1ce5d70,0xc90c204,0xca2482c8,
+ 0x4171c62,0x5d961045,0x976585d6,0x79669533,
+ 0x964965a2,0x659689e6,0x308175e7,0x24510510,
+ 0x451031c2,0xe2420841,0x5c338714,0x453851c3,
+ 0x51c51451,0xc30c31c,0x451450c7,0x41440c20,
+ 0xc708914,0x82105144,0xf1c58c90,0x1470ea0d,
+ 0x61861863,0x8a1e85e8,0x8687a8a2,0x3081861,
+ 0x24853c51,0x5053c368,0x1341144f,0x96194ce5,
+ 0x1544d439,0x94385514,0xe0d90d96,0x5415464,
+ 0x4f1440c2,0xf0da0921,0x4513d414,0x533944d0,
+ 0x350e6586,0x86082181,0xe89e981d,0x18277689,
+ 0x10308182,0x89207185,0x41c718b2,0x14e24224,
+ 0xc35cb287,0xe1c73871,0x28e1c514,0xc70c32cb,
+ 0x204e1c75,0x1c61440c,0xc62ca248,0x90891071,
+ 0x2e41c58c,0xa31c70ea,0xe86175e7,0xa269a475,
+ 0x5e7a57a8,0x51030817,0x28920718,0xf38718b,
+ 0xe5134114,0x39961758,0xe1ce4ce,0x728e3855,
+ 0x5ce0d92d,0xc204e1ce,0x81c61440,0x1c62ca24,
+ 0xd04503ce,0x85d63944,0x75338e65,0x5d86075e,
+ 0x89e69647,0x75e76576,
+Lev2TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs5 = /*3 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x10000000,0xc00000,0x60061,0x400,
+ 0x0,0x60000008,0x6b003080,0xdb6ab6db,
+ 0x2db6,0x800400,0x49245240,0x11482412,
+ 0x104904,0x40020000,0x92292000,0xa4b25924,
+ 0x9649658,0xd80c000,0xdb0c001b,0x80db6d86,
+ 0x6db01b6d,0xc0600003,0x86000d86,0x6db6c36d,
+ 0xddadb6ed,0x300001b6,0x6c360,0xe37236e4,
+ 0x46db6236,0xdb6c,0x361b018,0xb91b7200,
+ 0x6dbb1b71,0x6db763,0x20100820,0x61248001,
+ 0x92492490,0x24820004,0x8041000,0x92400090,
+ 0x24924830,0x555b6a49,0x2080012,0x20004804,
+ 0x49252449,0x84112492,0x4000928,0x240201,
+ 0x92922490,0x58924924,0x49456,0x120d8082,
+ 0x6da4800,0x69249249,0x249a01b,0x6c04100,
+ 0x6d240009,0x92492483,0x24d5adb4,0x60208001,
+ 0x92000483,0x24925236,0x6846da49,0x10400092,
+ 0x241b0,0x49291b49,0x636d2492,0x92494935,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,
+ 0x92492492,0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,
+ 0x24924924,0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+ 0x49249249,0x92492492,0x24924924,
+class Lev1TParametricDescription extends ParametricDescription {
+ /**
+ * @param {number} absState
+ * @param {number} position
+ * @param {number} vector
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+ transition(absState, position, vector) {
+ let state = Math.floor(absState / (this.w + 1));
+ let offset = absState % (this.w + 1);
+ if (position === this.w) {
+ if (state < 2) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 2) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs0, loc, 1);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates0, loc, 2) - 1;
+ }
+ } else if (position === this.w - 1) {
+ if (state < 3) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 3) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs1, loc, 1);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates1, loc, 2) - 1;
+ }
+ } else if (position === this.w - 2) {
+ if (state < 6) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 6) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs2, loc, 2);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates2, loc, 3) - 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (state < 6) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+ const loc = Math.imul(vector, 6) + state;
+ offset += this.unpack(this.offsetIncrs3, loc, 2);
+ state = this.unpack(this.toStates3, loc, 3) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (state === -1) {
+ // null state
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ // translate back to abs
+ return Math.imul(state, this.w + 1) + offset;
+ }
+ }
+ // state map
+ // 0 -> [(0, 0)]
+ // 1 -> [(0, 1)]
+ // 2 -> [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
+ // 3 -> [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]
+ // 4 -> [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
+ // 5 -> [t(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]
+ /** @param {number} w - length of word being checked */
+ constructor(w) {
+ super(w, 1, new Int32Array([0,1,0,-1,-1,-1]));
+ }
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates0 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x2,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs0 = /*1 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x0,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates1 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0xa43,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs1 = /*1 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x38,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates2 = /*3 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x12180003,0xb45a4914,0x69,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs2 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x558a0000,0x5555,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.toStates3 = /*3 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0x900c0003,0xa1904864,0x45a49169,0x5a6d196a,
+ 0x9634,
+Lev1TParametricDescription.prototype.offsetIncrs3 = /*2 bits per value */ new Int32Array([
+ 0xa0fc0000,0x5555ba08,0x55555555,
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js-std/deduplication.js b/tests/rustdoc-js-std/deduplication.js
index 51279dd5ed467..95049d0a174db 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js-std/deduplication.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js-std/deduplication.js
@@ -5,6 +5,5 @@ const EXPECTED = {
'others': [
{ 'path': 'std::f32', 'name': 'is_nan' },
{ 'path': 'std::f64', 'name': 'is_nan' },
- { 'path': 'std::option::Option', 'name': 'is_none' },
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js-std/path-maxeditdistance.js b/tests/rustdoc-js-std/path-maxeditdistance.js
index 632df658f756d..af71713f05581 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js-std/path-maxeditdistance.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js-std/path-maxeditdistance.js
@@ -3,16 +3,8 @@ const FILTER_CRATE = "std";
const EXPECTED = [
query: 'vec::intoiterator',
- others: [
- // trait std::iter::IntoIterator is not the first result
- { 'path': 'std::vec', 'name': 'IntoIter' },
- { 'path': 'std::vec::Vec', 'name': 'into_iter' },
- { 'path': 'std::vec::Drain', 'name': 'into_iter' },
- { 'path': 'std::vec::IntoIter', 'name': 'into_iter' },
- { 'path': 'std::vec::ExtractIf', 'name': 'into_iter' },
- { 'path': 'std::vec::Splice', 'name': 'into_iter' },
- { 'path': 'std::collections::vec_deque::VecDeque', 'name': 'into_iter' },
- ],
+ // trait std::iter::IntoIterator is not the first result
+ others: [],
query: 'vec::iter',
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/non-english-identifier.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/non-english-identifier.js
index 6a2c4cc637c96..f2180b4c75530 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/non-english-identifier.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/non-english-identifier.js
@@ -133,22 +133,34 @@ const EXPECTED = [
path: "non_english_identifier",
href: "../non_english_identifier/trait.加法.html",
desc: "Add"
- },
+ }],
+ in_args: [{
+ name: "加上",
+ path: "non_english_identifier::加法",
+ href: "../non_english_identifier/trait.加法.html#tymethod.加上",
+ }],
+ returned: [],
+ },
+ { // levensthein and substring checking only kick in at three characters
+ query: '加法宏',
+ others: [
name: "中文名称的加法宏",
path: "non_english_identifier",
href: "../non_english_identifier/macro.中文名称的加法宏.html",
- },
+ }],
+ in_args: [],
+ returned: [],
+ },
+ { // levensthein and substring checking only kick in at three characters
+ query: '加法A',
+ others: [
name: "中文名称的加法API",
path: "non_english_identifier",
href: "../non_english_identifier/fn.中文名称的加法API.html",
- in_args: [{
- name: "加上",
- path: "non_english_identifier::加法",
- href: "../non_english_identifier/trait.加法.html#tymethod.加上",
- }],
+ in_args: [],
returned: [],
{ // Extensive type-based search is still buggy, experimental & work-in-progress.
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/path-maxeditdistance.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/path-maxeditdistance.js
index 73b24a6dddf0a..cf700193ac468 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/path-maxeditdistance.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/path-maxeditdistance.js
@@ -14,21 +14,38 @@ const EXPECTED = [
- // swap br/rb; that's edit distance 2, where maxPathEditDistance = 3 (11 / 3)
+ // swap br/rb; that's edit distance 1, where maxPathEditDistance = 2
'query': 'arbacadarba::hocuspocusprestidigitation',
'others': [
{ 'path': 'abracadabra', 'name': 'HocusPocusPrestidigitation' },
- // truncate 5 chars, where maxEditDistance = 7 (21 / 3)
- 'query': 'abracadarba::hocusprestidigitation',
+ // swap p/o o/p, that's also edit distance 1
+ 'query': 'abracadabra::hocusopcusprestidigitation',
'others': [
{ 'path': 'abracadabra', 'name': 'HocusPocusPrestidigitation' },
- // truncate 9 chars, where maxEditDistance = 5 (17 / 3)
+ // swap p/o o/p and gi/ig, that's edit distance 2
+ 'query': 'abracadabra::hocusopcusprestidiigtation',
+ 'others': [
+ { 'path': 'abracadabra', 'name': 'HocusPocusPrestidigitation' },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ // swap p/o o/p, gi/ig, and ti/it, that's edit distance 3 and not shown (we stop at 2)
+ 'query': 'abracadabra::hocusopcusprestidiigtaiton',
+ 'others': [],
+ },
+ {
+ // truncate 5 chars, where maxEditDistance = 2
+ 'query': 'abracadarba::hocusprestidigitation',
+ 'others': [],
+ },
+ {
+ // truncate 9 chars, where maxEditDistance = 2
'query': 'abracadarba::hprestidigitation',
'others': [],
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/prototype.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/prototype.js
index da72fdce3db93..0862acd8ffa89 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/prototype.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/prototype.js
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ const EXPECTED = [
'query': '__proto__',
- 'others': [],
+ 'others': [
+ {"path": "", "name": "prototype"},
+ ],
'returned': [],
'in_args': [],