diff --git a/compiler/rustc_ast/src/tokenstream.rs b/compiler/rustc_ast/src/tokenstream.rs
index 4d2049cbc41ee..1d3c4fcca0a44 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_ast/src/tokenstream.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_ast/src/tokenstream.rs
@@ -245,12 +245,12 @@ impl AttrTokenStream {
                                 // properly implemented - we always synthesize fake tokens,
                                 // so we never reach this code.
-                                let mut builder = TokenStreamBuilder::new();
+                                let mut stream = TokenStream::default();
                                 for inner_attr in inner_attrs {
-                                    builder.push(inner_attr.tokens());
+                                    stream.push_stream(inner_attr.tokens());
-                                builder.push(delim_tokens.clone());
-                                *tree = TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *delim, builder.build());
+                                stream.push_stream(delim_tokens.clone());
+                                *tree = TokenTree::Delimited(*span, *delim, stream);
                                 found = true;
@@ -505,76 +505,49 @@ impl TokenStream {
         self.trees().map(|tree| TokenStream::flatten_token_tree(tree)).collect()
-// 99.5%+ of the time we have 1 or 2 elements in this vector.
-pub struct TokenStreamBuilder(SmallVec<[TokenStream; 2]>);
-impl TokenStreamBuilder {
-    pub fn new() -> TokenStreamBuilder {
-        TokenStreamBuilder(SmallVec::new())
-    }
-    pub fn push(&mut self, stream: TokenStream) {
-        self.0.push(stream);
-    }
-    pub fn build(self) -> TokenStream {
-        let mut streams = self.0;
-        match streams.len() {
-            0 => TokenStream::default(),
-            1 => streams.pop().unwrap(),
-            _ => {
-                // We will extend the first stream in `streams` with the
-                // elements from the subsequent streams. This requires using
-                // `make_mut()` on the first stream, and in practice this
-                // doesn't cause cloning 99.9% of the time.
-                //
-                // One very common use case is when `streams` has two elements,
-                // where the first stream has any number of elements within
-                // (often 1, but sometimes many more) and the second stream has
-                // a single element within.
-                // Determine how much the first stream will be extended.
-                // Needed to avoid quadratic blow up from on-the-fly
-                // reallocations (#57735).
-                let num_appends = streams.iter().skip(1).map(|ts| ts.len()).sum();
-                // Get the first stream, which will become the result stream.
-                // If it's `None`, create an empty stream.
-                let mut iter = streams.into_iter();
-                let mut res_stream_lrc = iter.next().unwrap().0;
-                // Append the subsequent elements to the result stream, after
-                // reserving space for them.
-                let res_vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(&mut res_stream_lrc);
-                res_vec_mut.reserve(num_appends);
-                for stream in iter {
-                    let stream_iter = stream.0.iter().cloned();
-                    // If (a) `res_mut_vec` is not empty and the last tree
-                    // within it is a token tree marked with `Joint`, and (b)
-                    // `stream` is not empty and the first tree within it is a
-                    // token tree, and (c) the two tokens can be glued
-                    // together...
-                    if let Some(TokenTree::Token(last_tok, Spacing::Joint)) = res_vec_mut.last()
-                        && let Some(TokenTree::Token(tok, spacing)) = stream.0.first()
-                        && let Some(glued_tok) = last_tok.glue(&tok)
-                    {
-                        // ...then overwrite the last token tree in
-                        // `res_vec_mut` with the glued token, and skip the
-                        // first token tree from `stream`.
-                        *res_vec_mut.last_mut().unwrap() = TokenTree::Token(glued_tok, *spacing);
-                        res_vec_mut.extend(stream_iter.skip(1));
-                    } else {
-                        // Append all of `stream`.
-                        res_vec_mut.extend(stream_iter);
-                    }
-                }
+    // If `vec` is not empty, try to glue `tt` onto its last token. The return
+    // value indicates if gluing took place.
+    fn try_glue_to_last(vec: &mut Vec<TokenTree>, tt: &TokenTree) -> bool {
+        if let Some(TokenTree::Token(last_tok, Spacing::Joint)) = vec.last()
+            && let TokenTree::Token(tok, spacing) = tt
+            && let Some(glued_tok) = last_tok.glue(&tok)
+        {
+            // ...then overwrite the last token tree in `vec` with the
+            // glued token, and skip the first token tree from `stream`.
+            *vec.last_mut().unwrap() = TokenTree::Token(glued_tok, *spacing);
+            true
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
-                TokenStream(res_stream_lrc)
-            }
+    // Push `tt` onto the end of the stream, possibly gluing it to the last
+    // token. Uses `make_mut` to maximize efficiency.
+    pub fn push_tree(&mut self, tt: TokenTree) {
+        let vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(&mut self.0);
+        if Self::try_glue_to_last(vec_mut, &tt) {
+            // nothing else to do
+        } else {
+            vec_mut.push(tt);
+        }
+    }
+    // Push `stream` onto the end of the stream, possibly gluing the first
+    // token tree to the last token. (No other token trees will be glued.)
+    // Uses `make_mut` to maximize efficiency.
+    pub fn push_stream(&mut self, stream: TokenStream) {
+        let vec_mut = Lrc::make_mut(&mut self.0);
+        let stream_iter = stream.0.iter().cloned();
+        if let Some(first) = stream.0.first() && Self::try_glue_to_last(vec_mut, first) {
+            // Now skip the first token tree from `stream`.
+            vec_mut.extend(stream_iter.skip(1));
+        } else {
+            // Append all of `stream`.
+            vec_mut.extend(stream_iter);
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs
index 17a348ec6baae..cc2858d3f73a1 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 use crate::base::ExtCtxt;
+use pm::bridge::{
+    server, DelimSpan, Diagnostic, ExpnGlobals, Group, Ident, LitKind, Literal, Punct, TokenTree,
+use pm::{Delimiter, Level, LineColumn};
 use rustc_ast as ast;
 use rustc_ast::token;
 use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{self, Spacing::*, TokenStream};
@@ -13,11 +16,7 @@ use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
 use rustc_span::def_id::CrateNum;
 use rustc_span::symbol::{self, sym, Symbol};
 use rustc_span::{BytePos, FileName, Pos, SourceFile, Span};
-use pm::bridge::{
-    server, DelimSpan, Diagnostic, ExpnGlobals, Group, Ident, LitKind, Literal, Punct, TokenTree,
-use pm::{Delimiter, Level, LineColumn};
+use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
 use std::ops::Bound;
 trait FromInternal<T> {
@@ -253,23 +252,57 @@ impl FromInternal<(TokenStream, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>)> for Vec<TokenTree<TokenStre
-impl ToInternal<TokenStream> for (TokenTree<TokenStream, Span, Symbol>, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>) {
-    fn to_internal(self) -> TokenStream {
+// We use a `SmallVec` because the output size is always one or two `TokenTree`s.
+impl ToInternal<SmallVec<[tokenstream::TokenTree; 2]>>
+    for (TokenTree<TokenStream, Span, Symbol>, &mut Rustc<'_, '_>)
+    fn to_internal(self) -> SmallVec<[tokenstream::TokenTree; 2]> {
         use rustc_ast::token::*;
         let (tree, rustc) = self;
-        let (ch, joint, span) = match tree {
-            TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch, joint, span }) => (ch, joint, span),
+        match tree {
+            TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch, joint, span }) => {
+                let kind = match ch {
+                    b'=' => Eq,
+                    b'<' => Lt,
+                    b'>' => Gt,
+                    b'!' => Not,
+                    b'~' => Tilde,
+                    b'+' => BinOp(Plus),
+                    b'-' => BinOp(Minus),
+                    b'*' => BinOp(Star),
+                    b'/' => BinOp(Slash),
+                    b'%' => BinOp(Percent),
+                    b'^' => BinOp(Caret),
+                    b'&' => BinOp(And),
+                    b'|' => BinOp(Or),
+                    b'@' => At,
+                    b'.' => Dot,
+                    b',' => Comma,
+                    b';' => Semi,
+                    b':' => Colon,
+                    b'#' => Pound,
+                    b'$' => Dollar,
+                    b'?' => Question,
+                    b'\'' => SingleQuote,
+                    _ => unreachable!(),
+                };
+                smallvec![if joint {
+                    tokenstream::TokenTree::token_joint(kind, span)
+                } else {
+                    tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(kind, span)
+                }]
+            }
             TokenTree::Group(Group { delimiter, stream, span: DelimSpan { open, close, .. } }) => {
-                return tokenstream::TokenStream::delimited(
+                smallvec![tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(
                     tokenstream::DelimSpan { open, close },
-                );
+                )]
             TokenTree::Ident(self::Ident { sym, is_raw, span }) => {
                 rustc.sess().symbol_gallery.insert(sym, span);
-                return tokenstream::TokenStream::token_alone(Ident(sym, is_raw), span);
+                smallvec![tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(Ident(sym, is_raw), span)]
             TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal {
                 kind: self::LitKind::Integer,
@@ -282,7 +315,7 @@ impl ToInternal<TokenStream> for (TokenTree<TokenStream, Span, Symbol>, &mut Rus
                 let integer = TokenKind::lit(token::Integer, symbol, suffix);
                 let a = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(minus, span);
                 let b = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(integer, span);
-                return [a, b].into_iter().collect();
+                smallvec![a, b]
             TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal {
                 kind: self::LitKind::Float,
@@ -295,46 +328,14 @@ impl ToInternal<TokenStream> for (TokenTree<TokenStream, Span, Symbol>, &mut Rus
                 let float = TokenKind::lit(token::Float, symbol, suffix);
                 let a = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(minus, span);
                 let b = tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(float, span);
-                return [a, b].into_iter().collect();
+                smallvec![a, b]
             TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal { kind, symbol, suffix, span }) => {
-                return tokenstream::TokenStream::token_alone(
+                smallvec![tokenstream::TokenTree::token_alone(
                     TokenKind::lit(kind.to_internal(), symbol, suffix),
-                );
+                )]
-        };
-        let kind = match ch {
-            b'=' => Eq,
-            b'<' => Lt,
-            b'>' => Gt,
-            b'!' => Not,
-            b'~' => Tilde,
-            b'+' => BinOp(Plus),
-            b'-' => BinOp(Minus),
-            b'*' => BinOp(Star),
-            b'/' => BinOp(Slash),
-            b'%' => BinOp(Percent),
-            b'^' => BinOp(Caret),
-            b'&' => BinOp(And),
-            b'|' => BinOp(Or),
-            b'@' => At,
-            b'.' => Dot,
-            b',' => Comma,
-            b';' => Semi,
-            b':' => Colon,
-            b'#' => Pound,
-            b'$' => Dollar,
-            b'?' => Question,
-            b'\'' => SingleQuote,
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        };
-        if joint {
-            tokenstream::TokenStream::token_joint(kind, span)
-        } else {
-            tokenstream::TokenStream::token_alone(kind, span)
@@ -549,7 +550,7 @@ impl server::TokenStream for Rustc<'_, '_> {
         &mut self,
         tree: TokenTree<Self::TokenStream, Self::Span, Self::Symbol>,
     ) -> Self::TokenStream {
-        (tree, &mut *self).to_internal()
+        Self::TokenStream::new((tree, &mut *self).to_internal().into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>())
     fn concat_trees(
@@ -557,14 +558,14 @@ impl server::TokenStream for Rustc<'_, '_> {
         base: Option<Self::TokenStream>,
         trees: Vec<TokenTree<Self::TokenStream, Self::Span, Self::Symbol>>,
     ) -> Self::TokenStream {
-        let mut builder = tokenstream::TokenStreamBuilder::new();
-        if let Some(base) = base {
-            builder.push(base);
-        }
+        let mut stream =
+            if let Some(base) = base { base } else { tokenstream::TokenStream::default() };
         for tree in trees {
-            builder.push((tree, &mut *self).to_internal());
+            for tt in (tree, &mut *self).to_internal() {
+                stream.push_tree(tt);
+            }
-        builder.build()
+        stream
     fn concat_streams(
@@ -572,14 +573,12 @@ impl server::TokenStream for Rustc<'_, '_> {
         base: Option<Self::TokenStream>,
         streams: Vec<Self::TokenStream>,
     ) -> Self::TokenStream {
-        let mut builder = tokenstream::TokenStreamBuilder::new();
-        if let Some(base) = base {
-            builder.push(base);
+        let mut stream =
+            if let Some(base) = base { base } else { tokenstream::TokenStream::default() };
+        for s in streams {
+            stream.push_stream(s);
-        for stream in streams {
-            builder.push(stream);
-        }
-        builder.build()
+        stream
     fn into_trees(
@@ -705,6 +704,7 @@ impl server::Span for Rustc<'_, '_> {
     fn source_text(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Option<String> {
     /// Saves the provided span into the metadata of
     /// *the crate we are currently compiling*, which must
     /// be a proc-macro crate. This id can be passed to
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/tokenstream/tests.rs b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/tokenstream/tests.rs
index eed69681011e3..91c4dd732e3a5 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/tokenstream/tests.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/tokenstream/tests.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use crate::tests::string_to_stream;
 use rustc_ast::token;
-use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenStreamBuilder};
+use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenTree};
 use rustc_span::create_default_session_globals_then;
 use rustc_span::{BytePos, Span, Symbol};
@@ -19,10 +19,9 @@ fn test_concat() {
         let test_res = string_to_ts("foo::bar::baz");
         let test_fst = string_to_ts("foo::bar");
         let test_snd = string_to_ts("::baz");
-        let mut builder = TokenStreamBuilder::new();
-        builder.push(test_fst);
-        builder.push(test_snd);
-        let eq_res = builder.build();
+        let mut eq_res = TokenStream::default();
+        eq_res.push_stream(test_fst);
+        eq_res.push_stream(test_snd);
         assert_eq!(test_res.trees().count(), 5);
         assert_eq!(eq_res.trees().count(), 5);
         assert_eq!(test_res.eq_unspanned(&eq_res), true);
@@ -99,11 +98,10 @@ fn test_is_empty() {
 fn test_dotdotdot() {
     create_default_session_globals_then(|| {
-        let mut builder = TokenStreamBuilder::new();
-        builder.push(TokenStream::token_joint(token::Dot, sp(0, 1)));
-        builder.push(TokenStream::token_joint(token::Dot, sp(1, 2)));
-        builder.push(TokenStream::token_alone(token::Dot, sp(2, 3)));
-        let stream = builder.build();
+        let mut stream = TokenStream::default();
+        stream.push_tree(TokenTree::token_joint(token::Dot, sp(0, 1)));
+        stream.push_tree(TokenTree::token_joint(token::Dot, sp(1, 2)));
+        stream.push_tree(TokenTree::token_alone(token::Dot, sp(2, 3)));
         assert_eq!(stream.trees().count(), 1);
diff --git a/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/client.rs b/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/client.rs
index 4461b21802adb..506b2a773cc49 100644
--- a/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/client.rs
+++ b/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/client.rs
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ pub(crate) use super::symbol::Symbol;
 macro_rules! define_client_side {
     ($($name:ident {
-        $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)*;)*
+        $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)*
     }),* $(,)?) => {
         $(impl $name {
-            $(pub(crate) fn $method($($arg: $arg_ty),*) $(-> $ret_ty)* {
+            $(pub(crate) fn $method($($arg: $arg_ty),*) $(-> $ret_ty)? {
                 Bridge::with(|bridge| {
                     let mut buf = bridge.cached_buffer.take();