This file is used to list changes made in each version of the squid cookbook.
- [COOK-4373] Add conditional output of optional attribute for cache_peer to template
- [COOK-4376] remove duplicated attributes
- [COOK-4377] Generate a sysconfig on Fedora
[COOK-4066] - squid attributes should be default and not set/normal
- COOK-3936 - configure squid cache size on disk
- updating style and test harness
- COOK-3590 - Fix hard-coded daemon listen port
Cleanup in 5fc5df4 (v0.2.4) was a bit overzealous:
Ubuntu needs upstart provider specified for the service or reload failures may occur.
- [COOK-2979]: squid cookbook has foodcritic failures
- [COOK-3042]: squid acl incorrect for centos 5
Initial public release and migration from @mattray's repository. Changelog was not created/updated at this time.