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Jitsi rtcstats client

Rtcstats client fork tailored for jitsi-meet integration. Server repository can be found here rtcstats-servers.


The rtcstats ecosystem consists of a javascript client library which sends statistics and a node.js server which gathers and processes them.

This repo represents the client side component. It's meant to run in a browsers/electron environment which exposes GUM and WebRTC standard functionality.

In short, once integrated, the library overwrites GUM and RTCPeerConnection functionality and proxies most calls and events going through them, sending the gathered data via a websocket to the rtcstats-server. On top of that, each newly created RTCPeerConnection has a configured interval set for it, which calls getStats periodically, this too is sent to the rtcstats-server.


The project is organised as simple ES6 modules that can be easily imported into jitsi-meet. Originally rtcstats had a more generic approach and was bundled for maximum compatibility, this created issues when importing into jitsi-meet so that option is no longer supported, it now relies on jitsi-meet to do bundling and transpiling.

To install simply.

npm install github:jitsi/rtcstats#vx.x.x


In order to initialise rtcstats the following steps are required:

import rtcstatsInit from 'rtcstats/rtcstats';
import traceInit from 'rtcstats/trace-ws';

 * Initialises the trace object which is the channel that rtcstats uses to send data.
 * @rtcstatsEndpoint - rtcstats-server endpoint ex: "wss:\\"
 * @handleTraceWSClose - callback for handling websocket closed event.
const trace = traceInit(rtcstatsEndpoint, handleTraceWSClose);

 * Initialises rtcstats, overwrites GUM and RTCPeerConnection and starts sending data.
 * @trace - trace channel on which data is sent.
 * @pollInterval - interval at which getStats is called and sent.
 * @prefixesToWrap - legacy RTCPeerConnection prefixes for older browser compatibility. Almost all browser now support the RTCPeerConnection API so it can be left empty
 * @connectionFilter - callback used to filter out RTCPeerConnections based on their config.
rtcstatsInit(trace, pollInterval, ['', 'webkit', 'moz'], connectionFilter);

Because GUM and RTCPeerConnection are overwritten, rtcstats needs to be initialized before any aliases to them are created. For instance lib-jitsi-meet doesn't directly call these functions but rather has references, thus initializing rtcstats after lib-jitsi-meet would result in the original methods being called and not those that are proxied.

If you need things like a client or conference identifier to be sent along, the recommended way is to use the legacy peerconnection constraints when constructing your RTCPeerConnection like this:

var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(yourConfiguration, {
  optional: [
    {rtcStatsClientId: "your client identifier"},
    {rtcStatsPeerId: "identifier for the current peer"},
    {rtcStatsConferenceId: "identifier for the conference, e.g. room name"}

If that integration is not possible there is a fallback integration which allows sending per-client information about the user id and conference id. This can be used by calling

trace('identity', null, {user: 'your client identifier',
    conference:'identifier for the conference, e.g. room name'});

When using ontop of adapter it is typically not necessary (and potentially harmful) to shim the webkit and moz prefixes in addition to the unprefixed version.


The client overwrites and proxies the following functions and associated events:

  • getUserMedia, getDisplayMedia. Data such as parameters which gum used and the outcome of the operation is sent to the server.
  • RTCPeerConnection. Constructor parameters are sent to the server. By having control over the c’tor the client adds listeners to several events of interest on a newly created peer connection object, such as.
    • icecandidate
    • addstream
    • track
    • removestream
    • signalingstatechange
    • iceconnectionstatechange
    • icegatheringstatechange
    • connectionstatechange
    • negotiationneeded
    • datachannel

Data regarding each event is sent to the server.

RTCPeerConnection methods are also hooked into and parameters sent to the server:

  • createDataChannel
  • addStream, removeStream
  • addTrack
  • removeTrack
  • addTransceiver
  • createOffer
  • createAnswer
  • setLocalDescription
  • setRemoteDescription
  • addIceCandidate

When a participant leaves a conference, the server will have a complete overview of the gum and peer connection flows. At this point the server will begin extracting a “feature set”, which is sent to a database, once this is complete the statistics dump is stored on s3. The s3 dump can be visualized, giving you an almost chrome://webrtc-internals view of the participants sessions see Importing the dumps.

Importing the dumps

The dumps generated can be imported and visualized using this tool

Authors and acknowledgment

The project is a fork of thus proper thanks are in order to the original contributors.