This file is based off appendix D of the Plutus Core Specification. The decoder function names in this file are based on the decoder functions found in the specification.
requires ""
requires ""
requires ""
imports BYTES
imports INT
A function which decodes a k-byte natural number from the start of a bytestring.
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= BIPair( BitStream, Int )
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= d( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule d( K, S ) =>
BitLen = K *Int 8
BIPair( #advancePosNBits( BitLen, S ) , #readNBits( BitLen, S ) )
A function which decodes the head of a cbor encoding. Takes the first byte N and a bytestring and decodes to the remaining bytestring, the major type and the argument of the head.
syntax DHeadReturnValue ::= DH( CborData:BitStream, MajorType:Int, Arg:Int )
syntax DHeadReturnValue ::= DHead( BitStream ) [function]
rule DHead( S ) => DHead( #readNBits( 8, S ), #advancePosNBits( 8, S ) )
syntax DHeadReturnValue ::= DHead( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DHead( N , S ) =>
BIPair( S1, K ) = d( 2 ^Int ( N %Int 32 -Int 24 ) , S )
DH( S1, N /Int 32, K )
requires 24 <=Int N %Int 32
andBool N %Int 32 <=Int 27
rule DHead( N , S ) => DH( S, N /Int 32, N %Int 32 )
requires N %Int 32 <=Int 23
Decode heads for indefinite items.
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= DIndef( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DIndef( N, S ) =>
M = ( N -Int 31 ) /Int 32
BIPair( S, M )
requires 2 <=Int ( N -Int 31 ) /Int 32
andBool ( N -Int 31 ) /Int 32 <=Int 5
Read N bytes from S.
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= BBPair( BitStream, Bytes )
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DnBytes( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DnBytes( N, S ) =>
BitLen = N *Int 8
Data = #readNBits( BitLen, S )
BBPair( #advancePosNBits(BitLen, S), Int2Bytes(N, Data, BE) )
Extract a bytestring of length at most 64.
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DBlock( BitStream ) [function]
rule DBlock( S ) => DBlock( DHead( S ) )
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DBlock( DHeadReturnValue ) [function]
rule DBlock( DH( S1, BYTESTRING_TYPE, N ) ) => DnBytes( N, S1 )
requires N <=Int 64
Decode a sequence of blocks.
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DBlocks( BitStream ) [function]
rule DBlocks( S ) => DBlocks( S, .Bytes )
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DBlocks( BitStream, Bytes ) [function]
rule DBlocks( S, Bs ) =>
BBPair( Bits, DataBytes ) = DBlock( S )
DBlocks( Bits, Bs +Bytes DataBytes )
requires #readNBits( 8, S ) =/=Int INDEF_TERMINATOR
rule DBlocks( S, Bs ) => BBPair( #advancePosNBits( 8, S ) , Bs )
requires #readNBits( 8, S ) ==Int INDEF_TERMINATOR
Top-level parsing function for bytestrings.
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DBStar( BitStream ) [function]
rule DBStar( Bs ) => DBStar( #readNBits( 8, Bs ), Bs )
syntax BitStreamBytesPair ::= DBStar( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DBStar( Head, Bs ) => DBlocks( #advancePosNBits( 8, Bs ) )
requires HasMValue( Head, 2 )
rule DBStar( Head, Bs ) => DBlock( Bs )
requires notBool HasMValue( Head, 2 )
Decode an integer.
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= DZ( BitStream ) [function]
rule DZ( S ) => DZ( DHead( S ) )
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= DZ( DHeadReturnValue ) [function]
rule DZ( DH( S, UNSIGNED_INT_TYPE, N ) ) => BIPair( S, N )
rule DZ( DH( S, NEGATIVE_INT_TYPE, N ) ) => BIPair( S, -1 *Int N -Int 1 )
Integers that span over 64 bits.
BBPair( S1, B ) = DBStar( S )
BIPair( S1, Bytes2Int( B, BE, Unsigned ) )
BBPair( S1, B ) = DBStar( S )
BIPair( S1, -1 *Int Bytes2Int( B, BE, Unsigned ) -Int 1 )
These values are defined in the CBOR specification and are used in decoding data.
syntax Int ::= "UNSIGNED_INT_TYPE" [macro]
| "ARRAY_TYPE" [macro]
| "MAP_TYPE" [macro]
| "TAG_TYPE" [macro]
rule ARRAY_TYPE => 4
rule MAP_TYPE => 5
rule TAG_TYPE => 6
TAG_TYPE has a "tag number"
syntax Int ::= "POSITIVE_INT_TAG_NUMBER" [macro]
Constructors encoded with indefinite-length end has a byte value that indicates the end of the list.
syntax Int ::= "INDEF_TERMINATOR" [macro]
Helper functions used to match on Major types and M (used for indefine-length objects).
syntax Bool ::= HasMajorType( Int, Int ) [function]
rule HasMajorType( N, Mt ) => N /Int 32 ==Int Mt
syntax Bool ::= HasMValue ( Int, Int ) [function]
rule HasMValue( N, MValue ) => ( ( N -Int 31 ) %Int 32 ==Int 0 ) andBool (( N -Int 31 ) /Int 32 ==Int MValue )
Top-level function that decodes a CBOR bytestring to a pair of BitStream and TextualData. The sepc
defines this function in a way that's not friendly for K and a straight translation does not work.
This implementation matches on the first byte of the current bitStream position called the head.
The head is matched for the major type and the M
value to determine the constructor to decode.
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= BTPair( BitStream, TextualData )
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DData( BitStream ) [function]
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DData( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DData( S ) => DData( #readNBits( 8 , S ), S )
Parsing a Map data:
rule DData( HeadByte, S ) =>
DH( S1, MAP_TYPE, N ) = DHead( S )
DData2NStar( N, S1 )
requires HasMajorType( HeadByte, MAP_TYPE )
Parsing a List data:
rule DData( HeadByte, S ) => DDataStar( S )
requires HasMajorType( HeadByte, ARRAY_TYPE )
orBool HasMValue( HeadByte, 4 )
Parsing a Constr data:
rule DData( HeadByte, S ) =>
BIPair( S1, I ) = DCTag( S )
BTPair( S2, List [ L ] ) = DDataStar( S1 )
BTPair( S2, Constr I [ L ] )
requires HasMajorType( HeadByte, TAG_TYPE )
andBool GetMajorTypeArg( S ) =/=Int POSITIVE_INT_TAG_NUMBER
andBool GetMajorTypeArg( S ) =/=Int NEGATIVE_INT_TAG_NUMBER
Parsing an Integer data:
rule DData( HeadByte, S ) =>
BIPair( S1, N ) = DZ( S )
BTPair( S1, Integer N )
requires HasMajorType( HeadByte, UNSIGNED_INT_TYPE )
orBool HasMajorType( HeadByte, NEGATIVE_INT_TYPE )
orBool (HasMajorType( HeadByte, TAG_TYPE ) andBool GetMajorTypeArg( S ) ==Int POSITIVE_INT_TAG_NUMBER )
orBool (HasMajorType( HeadByte, TAG_TYPE ) andBool GetMajorTypeArg( S ) ==Int NEGATIVE_INT_TAG_NUMBER )
Utility function to get the MajorType's Argument. Only used for decoding Integers.
syntax Int ::= GetMajorTypeArg( BitStream ) [function]
rule GetMajorTypeArg( S ) =>
DH( _, _, ARG ) = DHead( S )
Parsing a ByteString data:
rule DData( HeadByte, S ) =>
BBPair( S1, B ) = DBStar( S )
BTPair( S1, ByteString String2ByteString( "#" +String Bytes2StringBase16( B ) ) )
requires HasMajorType( HeadByte, BYTESTRING_TYPE )
orBool HasMValue( HeadByte, 2 )
Decode a List
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DDataStar( BitStream ) [function]
rule DDataStar( S ) =>
N = #readNBits( 8, S )
DDataStar( N, S )
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DDataStar( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DDataStar( HeadByte, S ) => DDataStar( DHead( S ) )
requires HasMajorType( HeadByte, ARRAY_TYPE )
rule DDataStar( HeadByte, S ) =>
BIPair( S1, _ ) = DIndef( HeadByte, #advancePosNBits( 8, S ) )
DDataIndefStar( S1 )
requires HasMValue( HeadByte, 4 )
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DDataStar( DHeadReturnValue ) [function]
rule DDataStar( DH( S1, ARRAY_TYPE, N ) ) => DDataNStar( N, S1 )
Decode a list of N items
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DDataNStar( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DDataNStar( 0, S ) => BTPair( S, List [ .DataList ] )
rule DDataNStar( N, S ) =>
BTPair( S1, D ) = DData( S )
BTPair( S2, List [ L ] ) = DDataNStar( N -Int 1, S1 )
BTPair( S2, List [ D , L ] )
requires N =/=Int 0
Decode a list of indefinite items.
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DDataIndefStar( BitStream ) [function]
rule DDataIndefStar( S ) => DDataIndefStar( #readNBits( 8, S ), S )
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DDataIndefStar( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DDataIndefStar( INDEF_TERMINATOR, S ) => BTPair( #advancePosNBits(8, S ), List [ .DataList ] )
rule DDataIndefStar( B, S ) =>
BTPair( S1, D ) = DData( S )
BTPair( S2, List [ L ] ) = DDataIndefStar( S1 )
BTPair( S2, List [ D , L ] )
requires B =/=Int INDEF_TERMINATOR
Decode a Map where each element is a pair of data.
syntax BitStreamTextualPair ::= DData2NStar( Int, BitStream ) [function]
rule DData2NStar( 0, S ) => BTPair( S, Map [ .DataPairList ] )
rule DData2NStar( N, S ) =>
BTPair( S1, K ) = DData( S )
BTPair( S2, D ) = DData( S1 )
BTPair( S3, Map [ DataPair ] ) = DData2NStar( N -Int 1, S2)
BTPair( S3, Map [ ( K, D ) , DataPair ] )
requires N =/=Int 0
Decode a Contr Int [ Data ]
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= DCTag( BitStream ) [function]
rule DCTag( S ) => DCTag( DHead( S ) )
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= DCTag( DHeadReturnValue ) [function]
rule DCTag( DH( S1, TAG_TYPE, I ) ) => BIPair( S1, I -Int 121 )
requires 121 <=Int I
andBool I <=Int 127
rule DCTag( DH( S1, TAG_TYPE, I ) ) => BIPair( S1, I -Int 1280 +Int 7 )
requires 1280 <=Int I
andBool I <=Int 1400
rule DCTag( DH( S1, TAG_TYPE, 102 ) ) => DCTag( DHead( S1 ) )
rule DCTag( DH( S2, ARRAY_TYPE, 2 ) ) => DCTag( DZ( S2 ) )
syntax BitStreamIntPair ::= DCTag( BitStreamIntPair ) [function]
rule DCTag( BIPair( S3, I ) ) => BIPair( S3, I )
requires 0 <=Int I
andBool I <=Int (2 ^Int 64) -Int 1
This function converts the input ByteString to a Bytes sort and calls DData
with Bytes as the parameter.
syntax TextualData ::= DecodeCborData( ByteString ) [function]
rule DecodeCborData( Bs ) =>
INPUT = trimByteString( Bs )
INPUT_BYTES = Int2Bytes( lengthString( INPUT ) /Int 2, String2Base( INPUT, 16 ), BE )
BTPair( _, T ) = DData( BitStream( 0, INPUT_BYTES ) )
Decode function called after program load. This function traverses the entire input program and decodes any CBOR data constants to the textualData format. By the time the rewrite rules are applied, all data constants would be expressed as TextualData.
syntax Program ::= #decodeCBORBytestrings( Program ) [function]
syntax Term ::= #decodeCBORBytestrings( Term ) [function]
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( program V:Version T:Term ) ) => ( program V #decodeCBORBytestrings( T ) )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( con data Bs:ByteString ) ) => ( con data { DecodeCborData(Bs) } )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( con T:TypeConstant C:Constant ) ) => ( con T C ) [owise]
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( U:UplcId ) => U
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( error ) ) => ( error )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( delay T ) ) => ( delay #decodeCBORBytestrings( T ) )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( force T ) ) => ( force #decodeCBORBytestrings( T ) )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( builtin Bn:BuiltinName ) ) => ( builtin Bn )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( ( lam U:UplcId T:Term ) ) => ( lam U #decodeCBORBytestrings( T ) )
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( [ T Ts ] ) => [ #decodeCBORBytestrings( T ) #decodeCBORBytestrings( Ts ) ]
syntax TermList ::= #decodeCBORBytestrings( TermList ) [function]
rule #decodeCBORBytestrings( T:Term Ts:TermList ) => #decodeCBORBytestrings( T ) #decodeCBORBytestrings( Ts )