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K Language Features

Defined below is a series of modules used to parse inner syntax in K (ie, the contents of rules, configuration declarations, and contexts).

Much of this file exists in tight correspondence with the K implementation, and K will not work correctly if it is altered without corresponding changes to the source code of the K tools.

Users should only import a few modules from this file. In particular, this includes SORT-K, BASIC-K, ML-SYNTAX, DEFAULT-LAYOUT, DEFAULT-CONFIGURATION, and K-AMBIGUITIES. The remaining modules should not be imported by the user; they are used implicitly by the implementation of K.

Basic K Sorts

The SORT-K module declares the K sort, and nothing else.

module SORT-K
  syntax K [hook(K.K)]

The BASIC-K module declares the K, KItem, and KConfigVar sorts, and imports the syntax of matching logic.

module BASIC-K
  imports ML-SYNTAX
  imports SORT-BOOL
  syntax KItem [hook(K.KItem)]
  syntax K     ::= KItem
  syntax KConfigVar [token]
  syntax KItem ::= KConfigVar

KAST Abstract Syntax

Below is defined the abstract syntax of concrete terms in K, the KAST syntax. Users should rarely if ever have to refer to this syntax; in general, it suffices to use concrete syntax in rules, configuration declarations, contexts, etc.

This syntax is used directly by the K implementation, and exists here as a reference for the syntax of KAST, but it should not be imported directly by the user.

module KSTRING
  syntax KString ::= r"[\\\"](([^\\\"\\n\\r\\\\])|([\\\\][nrtf\\\"\\\\])|([\\\\][x][0-9a-fA-F]{2})|([\\\\][u][0-9a-fA-F]{4})|([\\\\][U][0-9a-fA-F]{8}))*[\\\"]"      [token]
  // optionally qualified strings, like in Scala "abc", i"abc", r"a*bc", etc.

  syntax #LowerId ::= r"[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*"                    [prec(2), token]
  syntax #UpperId ::= r"[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*"                    [prec(2), token]

  imports SORT-K
  syntax KBott

module KAST
  imports BASIC-K
  imports SORT-KBOTT
  imports KSTRING

  syntax KBott ::= "#token" "(" KString "," KString ")"  [symbol(#KToken)]
                 | "#klabel" "(" KLabel ")"              [symbol(#WrappedKLabel)]
                 | KLabel "(" KList ")"                  [symbol(#KApply)]
  syntax KItem ::= KBott

  syntax KLabel ::= r"`(\\\\`|\\\\\\\\|[^`\\\\\\n\\r])+`" [token]
                  | #LowerId                                   [token]
                  | r"[#a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*"               [token, prec(1)]

  syntax KList ::= K
                 | ".KList"          [symbol(#EmptyKList)]
                 | KList "," KList   [symbol(#KList), left, assoc, unit(#EmptyKList), prefer]

// To be used when parsing/pretty-printing ground configurations
module KSEQ
  imports KAST
  imports K-TOP-SORT
  syntax K ::= ".K"      [symbol(#EmptyK)]
             | "."       [symbol(#EmptyK), deprecated, unparseAvoid]
  syntax K ::= K "~>" K  [symbol(#KSequence), left, assoc, unit(#EmptyK)]
  syntax left #KSequence
  syntax {Sort} Sort     ::= "(" Sort ")"    [bracket, group(defaultBracket), applyPriority(1)]

Syntax of Matching Logic

K provides direct access to the symbols of Matching Logic, while giving them their own concrete syntax distinct from the syntax of the KORE intermediate representation. These symbols are primarily used during symbolic execution. The LLVM Backend has relatively little understanding of Matching Logic directly and use of these symbols directly in rules is likely to cause it to crash. However, these symbols are necessary when providing lemmas and other types of logical assistance to proofs and symbolic execution in the Haskell Backend.

The correspondance between K symbols and KORE symbols is as follows:

  • #Top - \top
  • #Bottom - \bottom
  • #Not - \not
  • #Ceil - \ceil
  • #Floor - \floor
  • #Equals - \equals
  • #And - \and
  • #Or - \or
  • #Implies - \implies
  • #Exists - \exists
  • #Forall - \forall
  • #AG - allPathGlobally
  • #wEF - weakExistsFinally
  • #wAF - weakAlwaysFinally
module ML-SYNTAX [not-lr1]
  imports SORT-K

  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= "#Top" [symbol(#Top), group(mlUnary)]
                       | "#Bottom" [symbol(#Bottom), group(mlUnary)]
                       | "#Not" "(" Sort ")" [symbol(#Not), mlOp, group(mlUnary, mlOp)]

  syntax {Sort1, Sort2} Sort2 ::= "#Ceil" "(" Sort1 ")" [symbol(#Ceil), mlOp, group(mlUnary, mlOp)]
                                | "#Floor" "(" Sort1 ")" [symbol(#Floor), mlOp, group(mlUnary, mlOp)]
                                | "{" Sort1 "#Equals" Sort1 "}" [symbol(#Equals), mlOp, group(mlEquals, mlOp), comm, format(%1%i%n%2%d%n%3%i%n%4%d%n%5)]

  syntax priority mlUnary > mlEquals > mlAnd

  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= Sort "#And" Sort [symbol(#And), assoc, left, comm, unit(#Top), mlOp, group(mlAnd, mlOp), format(%i%1%d%n%2%n%i%3%d)]
                       > Sort "#Or" Sort [symbol(#Or), assoc, left, comm, unit(#Bottom), mlOp, group(mlOp), format(%i%1%d%n%2%n%i%3%d)]
                       > Sort "#Implies" Sort [symbol(#Implies), mlOp, group(mlImplies, mlOp), format(%i%1%d%n%2%n%i%3%d)]

  syntax priority mlImplies > mlQuantifier

  syntax {Sort1, Sort2} Sort2 ::= "#Exists" Sort1 "." Sort2 [symbol(#Exists), mlOp, mlBinder, group(mlQuantifier, mlOp)]
                                | "#Forall" Sort1 "." Sort2 [symbol(#Forall), mlOp, mlBinder, group(mlQuantifier, mlOp)]

  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= "#AG" "(" Sort ")" [symbol(#AG), mlOp, group(mlOp)]
                       | "#wEF" "(" Sort ")" [symbol(weakExistsFinally), mlOp, group(mlOp)]
                       | "#wAF" "(" Sort ")" [symbol(weakAlwaysFinally), mlOp, group(mlOp)]

Variables in K

Provided below is the syntax of variables in K. There are four types of variables in K:

  1. Regular variables. These are denoted by variables that begin with an underscore or a capital letter. These variables match exactly one value and can be used to refer to it on the right-hand-side.
  2. Fresh constants. These are denoted by variables that begin with an !. This is a convenience syntax which can be used on the right-hand-side only, and refer to a unique value of the specified sort which is distinct from any other value that has been generated or will be generated by the !X syntax. Note that this may not be distinct from values produced via other means.
  3. Existential variables. This refers to variables that are existentially quantified and begin with a ?. They are not required to appear on the left-hand-side prior to appearing on the right-hand-side, and generally refer to symbolic quantities that are introduced during rewriting. Refer to K's documentation for more details.
  4. Set variables. These are denoted by variables that begin with a @. These variables refer to a set of values and are generally used when writing simplification rules in the Haskell Backend. For more information, refer to K's documentation.

There is also a fifth type of "variable", although it is not technically a variable. This refers to configuration variables, which are used to insert values into the initial configuration that come from outside the semantics. The most common of these is the $PGM variable, which conventionally contains the program being executed and is placed in the <k> cell in the configuration declaration. These "variables" begin with a $ and their values are populated by the frontend prior to symbolic or concrete execution of a program.

  syntax #KVariable

// To be used when parsing/pretty-printing symbolic configurations
  imports KSEQ
  imports ML-SYNTAX

  syntax #KVariable ::= r"(\\!|\\?|@)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9'_]*|_|_[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9'_]*)"   [token, prec(1)]
                      | #UpperId                                                          [token]
  syntax KConfigVar ::= r"(\\$)([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9'_]*)"            [token]
  syntax KBott      ::= #KVariable
  syntax KBott      ::= KConfigVar

Syntax of Cells

While the backend treats cells as regular productions like any other, the frontend provides a significant amount of convenience notation for dealing with groups of cells, in order to make writing modular definitions easier. As a result, we need a syntax for groups of cells and for referring to cells within rules, configuration declarations, and functions.

For historical reasons, the Bag sort is used to refer to groups of cells. This may change in a future release. Users can combine cells in any order by concatenating them together, and can refer to the absence of any cells with the .Bag symbol. You can also refer to cells within a function by placing the cell context symbol, [[ K ]] at the top of a rule, placing a function symbol inside, and referring to cells afterwards. This implicitly inserts a reference to the configuration at the time prior to the currently-applied rule being applied which can be matched on within the function. Functions with such context cannot be referred to in the initial configuration, because the prior configuration does not yet exist.

module KCELLS
  imports KAST

  syntax Cell
  syntax Bag ::= Bag Bag  [left, assoc, symbol(#cells), unit(#cells)]
               | ".Bag"   [symbol(#cells)]
               | ".::Bag" [symbol(#cells)]
               | Cell
  syntax Bag ::= "(" Bag ")" [bracket]
  syntax KItem ::= Bag
  syntax #RuleBody ::= "[" "[" K "]" "]" Bag    [symbol(#withConfig), avoid]
  syntax non-assoc #withConfig
  syntax Bag ::= KBott

Users can also refer to cells in rules. When doing so, an optional ... can be placed immediately after the start of the cell or immediately before the end. In a cell whose contents are commutative, these are equivalent to one another and are also equivalent to placing ... in both places. This means that what is placed in the cell will be combined with the cell contents' concatenation operator with an unnamed variable. In other words, you match on some number of elements in the collection and do not care about the rest of the collection.

In a cell whose contents are not commutative, the ... operators correspond to a variable on the respective side of the contents of the cell that the ... appears. For example, <foo>... L </foo>, if L is a list, means some number of elements followed by L. Note that not all combinations are supported. Cells whose contents are sort K can only have ... appear at the tail of the cell, and cells whose contents are sort List can only have ... appear on at most one side in a single rule.

  imports KCELLS
  imports RULE-LISTS
  // if this module is imported, the parser automatically
  // generates, for all productions that have the attribute 'cell' or 'maincell',
  // a production like below:
  //syntax Cell ::= "<top>" #OptionalDots K #OptionalDots "</top>" [symbol(<top>)]

  syntax #OptionalDots ::= "..." [symbol(#dots)]
                         | ""    [symbol(#noDots)]

  syntax Int
  // this production will be added by the compiler to help handle bang variables,
  // however, it is valuable to put it here because without this production, it
  // will not exist at the point in time when rules and claims are parsed, and
  // as a result it makes it very difficult to write proof claims over fragments
  // of code that exercise rules containing bang variables. We put it here because
  // this production will "vanish" after parsing finishes and not be picked up
  // by the compiler, which is the behavior we want in this case since an actual
  // production will be generated by the compiler later on.
  syntax GeneratedCounterCell ::= "<generatedCounter>" Int "</generatedCounter>" [cell, symbol(<generatedCounter>), internal]

Users can also declare cells in a configuration declaration. This generates a specific set of productions that is used internally to implement the cell. The most important of these is the cell itself, and attributes on this production can be specified in an xml-attribute-like syntax.

You can also use an xml-short-tag-like syntax to compose configuration cells together which were defined in different modules. However, it is a requirement that any K definition have at most one fully-composed configuration; thus, all other configuration declarations must appear composed within another configuration declaration.

  imports KCELLS
  imports RULE-LISTS
  syntax #CellName ::= r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*"  [token, prec(1)]
                     | #LowerId            [token]
                     | #UpperId            [token]

  syntax Cell ::= "<" #CellName #CellProperties ">" K "</" #CellName ">" [symbol(#configCell)]
  syntax Cell ::= "<" #CellName "/>" [symbol(#externalCell)]

  syntax #CellProperties ::= #CellProperty #CellProperties [symbol(#cellPropertyList)]
                           | ""                            [symbol(#cellPropertyListTerminator)]
  syntax #CellProperty ::= #CellName "=" KString           [symbol(#cellProperty)]

Syntax of Rules

Rules can have an optional requires clause or an ensures clause. For backwards- compatibility, you can refer to the requires clause with both the requires and when keywords; The latter, however, is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.

The requires clause specifies the preconditions that must be true in order for the rule to apply. The ensures clause specifies the information which becomes true after the rule has applied. It is a requirement that information present in the ensures clause refer to existential variables only.

When doing concrete execution, you can think of the requires clause as a side-condition. In other words, even if the rule matches, it will not apply unless the requires clause, which must be of sort Bool, evaluates to true.

  imports BASIC-K

  syntax #RuleBody ::= K

  syntax #RuleContent ::= #RuleBody                                 [symbol("#ruleNoConditions")]
                        | #RuleBody "requires" Bool                 [symbol("#ruleRequires")]
                        | #RuleBody "ensures"  Bool                 [symbol("#ruleEnsures")]
                        | #RuleBody "requires" Bool "ensures" Bool  [symbol("#ruleRequiresEnsures")]

Miscellaneous modules

The below modules are used in various ways as indicators to the implementation that certain automatically generated syntax should be created by the parser. These modules should not be imported directly by the user.

module K-TOP-SORT
  imports SORT-KBOTT
  syntax KItem ::= KBott
  syntax {Sort} KItem ::= Sort

  imports SORT-KBOTT
  syntax KItem ::= KBott
  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= KBott

  imports K-TOP-SORT
  imports K-BOTTOM-SORT

  // if this module is imported, the parser automatically
  // generates, for all sorts, productions of the form:
  // Sort  ::= Sort ":Sort"  // semantic cast - force the inner term to be `Sort` or a subsort
  // Sort  ::= Sort "::Sort" // strict cast - force the inner term to be exactly `Sort`. Useful for disambiguation
  // Sort ::= "{" Sort "}" "::Sort" // synonym for strict cast
  // Sort  ::= "{" K "}"    ":>Sort" // projection cast. Allows any term to be placed in a context that expects `Sort`
  // this is part of the mechanism that allows concrete user syntax in K

  // if this module is imported, the parser automatically
  // generates a follow restriction for every terminal which is a prefix
  // of another terminal. This is useful to prevent ambiguities such as:
  // syntax K ::= "a"
  // syntax K ::= "b"
  // syntax K ::= "ab"
  // syntax K ::= K K
  // #parse("ab", "K")
  // In the above example, the terminal "a" is not allowed to be followed by a "b"
  // because it would turn the terminal into the terminal "ab".

  imports SORT-K
  // if this module is imported, the parser automatically
  // replaces the default productions for lists:
  // Es ::= E "," Es [userList("*"), symbol('_,_)]
  //      | ".Es"    [userList("*"), symbol('.Es)]
  // into a series of productions more suitable for programs:
  // Es#Terminator ::= ""      [symbol('.Es)]
  // Ne#Es ::= E "," Ne#Es     [symbol('_,_)]
  //         | E Es#Terminator [symbol('_,_)]
  // Es ::= Ne#Es
  //      | Es#Terminator      // if the list is *

  // if this module is imported, the parser automatically
  // adds the subsort production to the parsing module only:
  // Es ::= E        [userList("*")]


  // if this module is imported, prefix productions of the form
  // syntax Sort ::= name(Args)
  // will be able to be parsed with don't-care variables according
  // to their nonterminal's names

  // if this module is imported, the Bool sort will be annotated with
  // syntax Bool ::= isSort(K) [function]
  // and all sorts will be annotated with
  // syntax Sort ::= project:Sort(K) [function]

Additional Syntax for K Terms in Rules

Certain additional features are available when parsing the contents of rules and contexts. For more information on each of these, refer to K's documentation.

  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= Sort "=>" Sort [symbol(#KRewrite)]
  syntax non-assoc #KRewrite
  syntax priority #KRewrite > #withConfig

// To be used to parse semantic rules
module K
  imports K-SORT-LATTICE
  imports AUTO-CASTS
  imports AUTO-FOLLOW
  imports KREWRITE

  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= Sort "#as" Sort [symbol(#KAs)]
  // functions that preserve sorts and can therefore have inner rewrites
  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= "#fun" "(" Sort ")" "(" Sort ")" [symbol(#fun2), prefer]
  // functions that do not preserve sort and therefore cannot have inner rewrites
  syntax {Sort1, Sort2} Sort1 ::= "#fun" "(" Sort2 "=>" Sort1 ")" "(" Sort2 ")" [symbol(#fun3)]

  syntax {Sort1, Sort2} Sort1 ::= "#let" Sort2 "=" Sort2 "#in" Sort1 [symbol(#let)]

  /*@ Set membership over terms. In addition to equality over
      concrete patterns, K also supports computing equality
      between a concrete pattern and a symbolic pattern.
      This is compiled efficiently down to pattern matching,
      and can be used by putting a term with unbound variables
      in the left child of :=K or =/=K. Note that this does not
      bind variables used on the lhs however (although this may
      change in the future).*/

  syntax Bool ::= left:
                  K ":=K" K           [function, total, symbol(_:=K_), group(equalEqualK)]
                | K ":/=K" K          [function, total, symbol(_:/=K_), group(notEqualEqualK)]

// To be used to parse terms in full K
module K-TERM
  imports K-SORT-LATTICE
  imports AUTO-CASTS
  imports AUTO-FOLLOW
  imports KREWRITE

Layout Information

When constructing a scanner for use during parsing, often you wish to ignore certain types of text, such as whitespace and comments. However, the specific syntax which each language must ignore is a little different from language to language, and thus you wish to specify it manually. You can do this by defining productions of the #Layout sort. For more information, refer to K's documentation. However, this module will be implicitly imported if no productions are declared of sort #Layout. This module will also be used for the purposes of parsing K rules. If you wish to declare a language with no layout productions, simply create a sort declaration for the #Layout sort in your code (e.g. syntax #Layout).

    syntax #Layout ::= r"(\\/\\*([^\\*]|(\\*+([^\\*\\/])))*\\*+\\/)" // C-style multi-line comments
                     | r"(\\/\\/[^\\n\\r]*)"                         // C-style single-line comments
                     | r"([\\ \\n\\r\\t])"                           // Whitespace

Default Configuration

If the user has no configuration declaration in their seamantics, the below configuration declaration will be implicitly imported.

  imports BASIC-K

  configuration <k> $PGM:K </k>

Parsing Ambiguous Languages

On occasion, it may be desirable to parse a language with an ambiguous grammar when parsing a program, and perform additional semantic analysis at a later time in order to resolve the ambiguities. A good example of this is as a substitute for the lexer hack in parsers of the C programming language.

The following module contains a declaration for ambiguities in K. Usually, an ambiguous parse is an error. However, when you use the --gen-glr-parser flag to kast, or the --gen-glr-bison-parser flag to kompile, ambiguities instead become instances of the below parametric production, which you can use regular K rules to disambiguate as necessary.


  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= amb(Sort, Sort) [symbol(amb)]


Annotating Parses with Locations

Another feature of K's Bison parser is the ability to annotate terms parsed with location information about the file and line where they occurred. For more information about how to use this, refer to K's documentation. However, the below module exists to provide a user syntax for the annotations that are generated by the parser.

  imports INT-SYNTAX

  // filename, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol
  syntax {Sort} Sort ::= #location(Sort, String, Int, Int, Int, Int) [symbol(#location), format(%3)]
