Beamium collect metrics from HTTP endpoints like and supports Prometheus and Warp10/Sensision format. Once scraped, Beamium can filter and forward data to a Warp10 Time Series platform. While acquiring metrics, Beamium uses DFO (Disk Fail Over) to prevent metrics loss due to eventual network issues or unavailable service.
Beamium is written in Rust to ensure efficiency, a very low footprint and deterministic performances.
Beamium key points:
- Simple: Beamium is a single binary that does one thing : scraping then pushing.
- Integration: Beamium fetch Prometheus metrics and so benefits from a large community.
- Reliable: Beamium handle network failure. Never loose data. We guarantee void proof graph ;)
- Versatile: Beamium can also scrape metrics from a directory.
- Powerful: Beamium is able to filter metrics and send them to multiple Warp10 platforms.
Scraper (optionals) will collect metrics from defined endpoints. They will store them into the source_dir. Beamium will read files inside source_dir, and will fan out them according to the provided selector into sink_dir. Finaly Beamium will push files from the sink_dir to the defined sinks.
The pipeline can be describe this way :
HTTP /metrics endpoint --scrape--> source_dir --route--> sink_dir --forward--> warp10
It also means that given your need, you could produce metrics directly to source/sink directory, example :
$ TS=`date +%s` && echo $TS"000000// metrics{} T" >> /opt/beamium/data/sources/prefix-$TS.metrics
Beamium is not under development. We are moving toward prometheus in agent mode
We provide deb packages for Beamium!
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo lsb_release -a | grep Codename | awk '{print "deb " $2 " main"}' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/beamium.list
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install beamium
We are providing an example yaml file to deploy Beamium within Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes
Beamium is pretty easy to build.
- Clone the repository
- Setup a minimal working config (see below)
- Install rust compile tools with
curl -sSf | sh
- Then
source ~/.cargo/env
- Build with
cargo build
- Finally, run
cargo run
If you have already rust:
cargo install --git
Beamium come with a sample config file. Simply copy the sample to config.yaml, replace WARP10_ENDPOINT
, launch Beamiun and you are ready to go!
Since the release 2.x, Beamium will look for configuration in those directories/files:
- /etc/beamium.d/
- /etc/beamium/config.yaml
- $HOME/beamium.d/
- $HOME/beamium/config.yaml
In addition, it will recursively discover configuration files in beamium.d
directories. Then it will merge all discovered configuration files.
Furthermore, Beamium support multiple formats for configuration files which are hjson
, json
, toml
, yaml
, yml
or ini
Also, Beamium can be started with several labels put as env vars, they must be prefixed by BEAMIUM_LABEL
BEAMIUM_LABEL_HOST=myhost ./beamium -v
This is also available per scraper
BEAMIUM_SCRAPPER1_LABEL_HOST=myhost ./beamium -v
Beamium now supports hot reloading of his configuration. There is no specific thing to do to enable this feature. Actually, this support all features excepted those in relation with the logger.
Besides, beamium debounced file-system event in an interval of two seconds. So, it may appears that the reload of beamium is not released at the same time of the configuration.
Config is composed of four parts:
Beamium can have none to many Prometheus or Warp10/Sensision endpoints. A scraper is defined as follow:
scrapers: # Scrapers definitions (Optional)
scraper1: # Source name (Required)
url: # Prometheus endpoint (Required)
period: 60s # Polling interval (Required)
format: prometheus # Polling format (Optional, default: prometheus, value: [prometheus, sensision])
labels: # Labels definitions (Optional)
label_name: label_value # Label definition (Required)
another: env:USER # label values can be resolved from env vars
filtered_labels: # filtered labels (optional)
- jobid # key label which is removed (required)
metrics: # filter fetched metrics (optional)
- node.* # regex used to select metrics (required)
headers: # Add custom header on request (Optional)
X-Toto: tata # list of headers to add (Optional)
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX
pool: 1 # Number of threads allocated for the scraper (Optionnal)
Beamium can have none to many Warp10 endpoints. A sink is defined as follow:
sinks: # Sinks definitions (Optional)
source1: # Sink name (Required)
url: # Warp10 endpoint (Required)
token: mywarp10token # Warp10 write token (Required)
token-header: X-Custom-Token # Warp10 token header name (Optional, default: X-Warp10-Token)
selector: metrics.* # Regex used to filter metrics (Optional, default: None)
ttl: 1h # Discard file older than ttl (Optional, default: 3600)
size: 100Gb # Discard old file if sink size is greater (Optional, default: 1073741824)
parallel: 1 # Send parallelism (Optional, default: 1)
keep-alive: 1 # Use keep alive (Optional, default: 1)
Beamium can add static labels to collected metrics. A label is defined as follow:
labels: # Labels definitions (Optional)
label_name: label_value # Label definition (Required)
another: env:USER # label values can be resolved from env vars
Beamium can be customized through parameters. See available parameters bellow:
parameters: # Parameters definitions (Optional)
source-dir: sources # Beamer data source directory (Optional, default: sources)
sink-dir: sinks # Beamer data sink directory (Optional, default: sinks)
scan-period: 1s # Delay(ms) between source/sink scan (Optional, default: 1000)
batch-count: 250 # Maximum number of files to process in a batch (Optional, default: 250)
batch-size: 2Kb # Maximum batch size (Optional, default: 200000)
log-file: beamium.log # Log file (Optional, default: beamium.log)
log-level: 4 # Log level (Optional, default: info)
timeout: 500 # Http timeout (Optional, default: 500)
router-parallel: 1 # Routing threads (Optional, default: 1)
metrics: # Open a server on the given address and expose a prometheus /metrics endpoint (Optional, default: none)
filesystem-threads: 100 # Set the maximum number of threads use for blocking treatment per scraper, sink and router (Optional, default: 100)
backoff: # Backoff configuration - slow down push on errors (Optional)
initial: 500ms # Initial interval (Optional, default: 500ms)
max: 1m # Max interval (Optional, default: 1m)
multiplier: 1.5 # Interval multiplier (Optional, default: 1.5)
randomization: 0.3 # Randomization factor - delay = interval * 0.3 (Optional, default: 0.3)
In order to know if the configuration is healthy, you can use the following command:
$ beamium -t [--config </path/to/file>]
This will output if the configuration is healthy.
To print the configuration you can use the -v
$ beamium -t -vvvvv [--config </path/to/file>]
This will output if the configuration is healthy and the configuration loaded.
Beamium can expose metrics about his usage:
name | labels | type | description |
beamium_directory_files | directory | gauge | Number of files in the directory |
beamium_fetch_datapoints | scraper | counter | Number of datapoints fetched |
beamium_fetch_errors | scraper | counter | Number of fetch errors |
beamium_push_datapoints | sink | counter | Number of datapoints pushed |
beamium_push_http_status | sink, status | counter | Push response http status code |
beamium_push_errors | sink | counter | Number of push error |
beamium_reload_count | counter | Number of global reloads |
Instructions on how to contribute to Beamium are available on the Contributing page.
- Twitter: @notd33d33