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rumineykova edited this page Jun 22, 2017 · 23 revisions

Scribble Extensions: Annotated Payloads and Assertions.


  • java-smt

You can install java-smt with maven.

  • z3

Unfortunately, there is no maven support for Z3 so you have to install it manually: Here are the instructions from the java-smt site:

Here are few tips on troubleshooting from my personal experience. I have tried it so far on iOS and Ubuntu:

Steps to add Z3 on iOS

  1. Install from Z3 github:

  2. use --java option for make script/python

  3. create directory ‘native/x86_64-linux/’ inside the repository of java-smt, which should be smth like: /homes/username/.m2/repository/org/sosy-lab

  4. Move the compiled files to native/x86_64-linux/

  5. Set the dyl environment in Eclipse as part of your run configuration

Steps to add Z3 on Ubuntu:

  1. Download z3 and its dependencies from

    You need to download:

  2. Rename the files as to omit the long numbers (see below).

    In the end you should have the following files inside folder /homes/rn710/.m2/repository/org/sosy-lab/native/x86_64-linux

  3. In the folder where the smt-jar is, put the z3 jar and rename it to:

The folder should be in : /homes/your_user_name/.m2/repository/org/sosy-lab/java-smt/1.0.1

Steps to add Z3 on Windows

  1. Download the z3 binaries from here

  2. Copy the following files to C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name.m2\repository\org\sosy-lab\java-smt\native\x86_64-windows

    • libz3.dll
    • libz3java.dll
    • Microsoft.z3.dll
  3. Temporary fix (Java-SMT has a bug and requires loading of z3.dll and z3java.dll which is unnecessary)

    • rename Microsoft.z3.dll to z3.dll
    • copy libz3java.dll and name it z3java.dll

In the end you should have the following files in your_path_to_macven_repositories.m2\repository\org\sosy-lab\java-smt\native\x86_64-windows
* libz3.dll * libz3java.dll * z3.dll * z3java.dll 4. Add the (from the Z3 binaries you downloaded earlier in step 1) to the folder where java-smt.jar is. For example, it should be in: C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name.m2\repository\org\sosy-lab\java-smt\1.0.1

  1. To use java-smt with z3 from eclipse, add the path to the z3 related dlls to the java.library.path.

You can do that by choosing from Eclipse Run Configurations -> Go to Arguments tab -> add VM arguments. Add:

-Djava.library.path="C:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\.m2\repository\org\sosy-lab\java-smt\native\x86_64-windows;${env_var:PATH}"


Annotations are message payloads with data types and variables.

For example (x:Int) is an annotated payload in the protocol below: msg(x:Int) from A to B;

All new files related to Annotations are in scribble-core and are prefixed Annot.


Assertions are constraints on messages interactions:

For example, @[x<y] is the assertion for the message exchange given below:

msg(x:Int) from A to B; 

All new files regarding Assertions are in the scribble-assertions module.

What are we checking:

  • Annotations:
    • only knows variables can be forwarded
msg(x:Int) from A to B; // OK 
msg(x) from B to C; 
msg(x:Int) from A to B; // NOT OK
msg(y) from B to C; 
  • variables declarations cannot be repeated
msg(x:Int) from A to B; // NOT OK 
msg(x:Int) from C to D;  
  • Assertions:
    • Assertion variables are always in scope

    • The assertion constraints do not contradict each other (for the given constraints there is a solution such that all of them can be satisfied)

msg(x:Int) from A to B; 
@[y>10 && y=x]
msg(y:Int) from C to D;  
  • for all variables of past constraints we can find a solution for a current constraint
MSG(x:Integer) from A to B;
[x>y && y>6]
MSG(y:Integer) from B to A;

You can try more test cases here:

  • extensions/annotations
  • extensions/assertions

If you want to contribute

Z3 checking:

FormulaUtil.check() is the main function where the Z3 magic happens. It checks that a given formula A is deducible from another formula B by creating a Z3 formula that says that For all variables in B such that B is satisfiable there exist values for the variables in A such that A is also satisfiable

Antlr Grammar for Assertions

Antlr file containing the assertions grammar is Assertion.g


  • Support only limited expressions in constraints (A && B )
  • Currently we parse the assertion nodes twice (should fix that)
  • Required changes to Assertion Grammar
    • add not
    • add true and false constants
  • Give warning when the type domain is not supported (Currently we only support assertions on Int)
  • Introduce4 Locality The protocol below should not be allowed
msg(x:Int) from A to B; 
msg(y:Int) from C to D; // Here the assertion does not refer to the annotated code
  • Choice merging (it is a design choice)
  • guards on the assertion
  • Maybe move the syntactic check to the model checker. Consider the protocol below:
rec Loop {
choice at A {
msg(x:Int) from A to B; 
} or {
msg(z:Int) from A to B; // Here the assertion does not refer to the annotated code
msg(z) from A to C; // should be allowed. Currently it isn't. the syntactic checks detects that z is not in scope
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