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Seeing how many Natural Disasters and Health Hazard we face in the current time, and how easily can even one such event misplace the lives of millions of humans. I wanted to create a platform where anyone and everyone can come and create fundraisers for any humanitarian clause. The best part is that instead of dealing with the pesky banks or other payment provider where every single one of the middle man wants a cut of the money. Here you get paid directly into your wallet with Ethers!

What it does

It is a platform where you can create FundRaisers for any given cause. It will then send you messages using Twilio and store all your data on chain. You can set how much money you want to raise, how long are you planning to run the fundraiser and for what is the money going to be used. After the funds are raised or the timer turns to 0 the deployer wallet will get whatever funds was raised and then you will get another notification by Twilio that the FundRaiser has run its course. The best part is that since everything happens on chain, the money and the trail is very transparent and it is good for anyone giving money to see that the money is not being used nefariously.

How I built it

I built it using Solidity, react, Flask and Twilio

Challenges I ran into

There were so many challenges in getting this project together and so much learning to be done in this weekend but I am glad that I did it all. The main issues were getting React to play nicely with all the use effects and state management then it was also an issue to get the frontend just right and data to flow like it should. There were so many issues at one point that I had to leave sleep for a night just to try and fix them but even then I had to come back to it the next day and then it was solved.

Accomplishments that I am proud of

The fact that everything works as intended

What I learned

I learned a lot of things about React, Solidity and Twilio

What's next for FundRaiser

Adding a fraud detection algo to avoid fake fundraisers