This document explains the commitments of each of the parties involved in the pre-SWOT launch Adopt-A-Crossover ocean model inter-comparison study (hereon SWOT-AdAC).
The study is organised by Takaya Uchida and Julien Le Sommer from IGE with contributions from several collaborators (including data providers).
- Agreeing to contribute to the SWOT-AdAC study as a data provider entails the following :
- Providing ocean model data according to the data request for at least one of the cross-over regions and one of the seasons;
- Agreeing to share the model data within the group of participants for the SWOT-AdAC study;
- Agreeing that the data and code will be accessible to all the group members through a cloud-based Jupyterhub;
- Agreeing to acquire explicit consent from each data provider for any other use of their data outside of SWOT-AdAC study;
- Providing at least one GitHub username per data provider for internal communication.
- In return, Takaya Uchida and Julien Le Sommer commit to :
- Requesting explicit consent from each of the collaborators for any communication coming from the study (including presentations for CLIVAR OMDP and SWOT Science Team);
- Providing co-authorship to each data provider for any scientific publication coming from the SWOT-AdAC work;
- Being open to any suggestion and ideas regarding the analysis of the model data and the interpretation of the results.