Use Sinatra to build the app
- Utilizes the corneal gem which sets up all files and directories needed to create a project in sinatra.
- All of the controllers that handle GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE methods are inherited by the ApplicationController, which inherits from Sinatra::Base
Use ActiveRecord for storing information in a database
- In the environment file ActiveRecord::Base establishes a connection to an SQLite3 database.
- Uses the 'rake' gem to create migrations that create tables to which data is seeded
- In turn, every model in app/ inherits from ActiveRecord::Base which grants access to many Object Relational Mapper methods
- These methods allow creation, readability, updating, and deletion of said data
Include more than one model class (e.g. User, Post, Category)
- There are three model classes: album.rb, user.rb, and library.rb
- The library model acts as join table between the album and user model
Include at least one has_many relationship on your User model (e.g. User has_many Posts)
- An Album has many libraries and has many users through libraries
- A User has many libraries and has many albums through libraries
Include at least one belongs_to relationship on another model (e.g. Post belongs_to User)
- A Library belongs to an album and belongs to a users
Include user accounts with unique login attribute (username or email)
- User accounts have a unique login attribute of a username
Ensure that the belongs_to resource has routes for Creating, Reading, Updating and Destroying
- The LibrariesController contains all seven methods of CRUD including:
- get '/library'
- get '/library/new'
- post '/library'
- get '/library/:id'
- get '/library/:id/edit'
- patch '/library/:id'
- delete '/library/:id'
- The LibrariesController contains all seven methods of CRUD including:
Ensure that users can't modify content created by other users
- Added logged_in? helper methods as a conditional in controllers
- In order to access a users account a user must be logged in
Include user input validations
- In the ApplicationController method post '/signup' there is a validation that directs to the failure.erb page if the user does not complete the form with all three fields - email, username, and password.
- In the ApplicationController method post '/login' a user is found by the parameters of their username; their password is then authenticated through the session and user id.
- if user enters the correct information they will be redirected to their library; if not, they will encounter a failure page
BONUS - not required - Display validation failures to user with error message (example form URL e.g. /posts/new)
- added flash messages on welcome and signup page for when users do not fill out fields in respective forms
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