The PerPlayerKit API is a simple Java API that allows developers to interact with the plugin. The API is NOT stable and will possibly change in the future.
Add plugin jar to ./lib
folder in your project.
Add to pom.xml:
import dev.noah.perplayerkit.API;
import dev.noah.perplayerkit.PublicKit;
// other imports etc
public class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
// On enable code...
// Give a player a public kit when they join the server
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
// Get the API instance
API api = API.getInstance();
// Get a list of all public kits
List<PublicKit> publicKits = api.getPublicKits();
// Load a public kit
api.loadPublicKit(e.getPlayer(), publicKits.get(0));