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+layout: default
+title: ROS 2 Launch XML Format
+permalink: articles/roslaunch_xml.html
+ The XML format for declarative launch descriptions in the ROS 2 launch system.
+author: '[Michel Hidalgo](https://github.com/hidmic)'
+published: false
+- This will become a table of contents (this text will be scraped).
+# {{ page.title }}
+{{ page.abstract }}
+Authors: {{ page.author }}
+# ROS 2 Launch XML Format v0.1.0
+## Rationale
+As an alternative to a programmatic approach to the ROS 2 launch system's API, a declarative description features a WYSIWYG approach, easier to read, audit and maintain.
+This is the preferred approach for ROS 1 `roslaunch` launch files, thus some degree of familiarity is expected (and relied upon).
+The body of such a description is mainly comprised of statically declared launch actions with a prescribed configuration.
+To that, runtime value substitution is added in order to fullfill common dynamic (re)configuration needs like conditional execution, resource lookups, etc.
+It is intended for these entities to map to those of the underlying implementation, reducing support to file parsing.
+This article describes XML aiming to ease the bridge between ROS and ROS 2 launch files.
+YAML is currently supported too, and other markup languages could be added.
+## Static Description
+### Schema Definition
+{% include_relative specs/launch.0.1.0.xsd %}
+### Tags Semantics
+#### All Tags
+Every tag's execution can be conditioned on a boolean predicate via `if` or `unless` attributes.
+#### `` Tag
+Root tag of any launch file.
+There must only be one `` tag on a given launch file.
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for bringing a launch file description into another, enabling re-use of hierarchical launch layouts.
+The included launch file description has its own scope for launch configurations.
+The included launch file description is not necessarily written in this format nor a declarative one (i.e. a programmatic description).
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for launch actions' grouping as well as optional launch file configuration scoping.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tags allows for definition of scoped launch file configuration variables.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for launch file configuration via the command-line or when including it via an `` tag.
+Arguments are launch configuration variables just like the ones defined by `` tags.
+Arguments are limited to the scope of their definition and thus have to be explictly passed to included files if any.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for executing a ROS node in the form of local OS process.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for setting ROS parameters of a ROS node.
+These can be scalar values or sequences of scalar values, defined directly or
+either nested or brought from a YAML file to make a map.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for ROS name remapping of a `` instance.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for modifying an OS process environment.
+It can be used nested in `node` or `executable` tags.
+It doesn't allow conditional execution.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for modifying an OS process environment.
+It can be used nested in `launch` or `group` tags.
+It allows conditional execution.
+##### Examples
+#### `` Tag
+##### Description
+The `` tag allows for deleting an OS process environment variable.
+It can be used nested in `launch` or `group` tags.
+It allows conditional execution.
+##### Examples
+## Dynamic Configuration
+### Substitution Syntax
+All substitutions are enclosed by `$(...)`.
+### Built-in Substitutions
+`$(find-package )`
+: Substituted by the path to package installation directory in the local filesystem.
+ Forward and backwards slashes will be resolved to the local filesystem convention.
+ Substitution will fail if the package cannot be found.
+`$(find-exec )`
+: Substituted by the path to the executable in the local filesystem.
+ Lookups make use of the PATH environment variable.
+ Forward and backwards slashes will be resolved to the local filesystem convention.
+ Substitution will fail if the executable cannot be found.
+`$(var )`
+: Substituted by the value of the launch configuration variable.
+ Substitution will fail if the named argument does not exist.
+`$(env [default-value])`
+: Substituted by the value of the given environment variable
+ Substitution will fail if the variable is not set, unless a default value is provided.
+: Substituted by the current launch file directory name.
+ Substitution will always succeed.
+#### User-defined Substitutions
diff --git a/articles/specs/launch.0.1.0.xsd b/articles/specs/launch.0.1.0.xsd
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@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ ROS 2 launch XML schema v0.1.0
+ The root element of a launch file.
+ A collection of actions to be launched in order of appearance, plus
+ launch arguments for callers to provide, either through a tool or
+ by inclusion.
+ Declares launch file-level arguments.
+ Name of the launch argument.
+ Fixed value for the launch argument, disables overrides.
+ Default value for the launch argument, used if non is provided.
+ Brief description of the launch argument.
+ Launch XML schema version in use.
+ Defines a launch configuration variable.
+ Name of the launch configuration variable.
+ Value for the launch configuration variable.
+ Includes another launch file, either descriptive or programmatic.
+ Path to the launch file to be included.
+ A predicate to condition launch inclusion i.e. only do
+ so if the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ A predicate to condition launch inclusion i.e. do
+ so unless the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ Arguments for the included launch file, if any.
+ An included launch file argument provision.
+ Name of the launch argument.
+ Value for the launch argument.
+ Groups and optionally scopes a set of actions.
+ The actions that make up the group.
+ Whether the group is a scoping one launch configuration-wise or not.
+ A predicate to condition group launch i.e. only do
+ so if the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ A predicate to condition group launch i.e. do
+ so unless the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ Modifies an executable process environment.
+ Name of the environment variable to be set.
+ Value to be set for the environment variable.
+ Modifies an executable process environment.
+ Name of the environment variable to be set.
+ Value to be set for the environment variable.
+ A predicate to condition executable launch i.e. only do
+ so if the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ A predicate to condition executable launch i.e. do so unless
+ the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ Modifies an executable process environment.
+ Name of the environment variable to be set.
+ A predicate to condition executable launch i.e. only do
+ so if the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ A predicate to condition executable launch i.e. do so unless
+ the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ Executes an executable as a local OS process.
+ A collection of environment variable settings for the
+ launched executable.
+ Path to the executable or a command-line if a
+ shell is used to launch.
+ The working directory for the launched process.
+ A name or label for the launched executable.
+ Additional 'command-line' arguments for the executable.
+ Whether to use a shell to launch or not.
+ A prefix for the executable command-line if a shell is used to launch.
+ Output type for the launched executable.
+ Executable output goes to a log file.
+ Executable output goes to stdout.
+ A predicate to condition executable launch i.e. only do
+ so if the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ A predicate to condition executable launch i.e. do so unless
+ the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ Sets a ROS parameter for the enclosing node to a scalar
+ value, a sequence of scalar values delimited by a known
+ separator or a sequence of nested named parameters, either
+ defined in place or in a file to be loaded.
+ A collection of nested ROS parameters to be set.
+ Name of the ROS parameter to be set.
+ Value or list of values to set the the ROS parameter with.
+ Value separator when dealing with list of values.
+ Path to the parameters file to be loaded.
+ Remaps ROS names for a node.
+ Name matching expression to look for replacement candidates.
+ Name replacement expression to replace candidates found.
+ Executes a ROS node executable in a local OS process.
+ A collection of ROS parameters, ROS remappings and/or
+ environment variable settings for the launched ROS node.
+ Name of the package where the node is to be found.
+ Name of the node executable.
+ A name for the launched ROS node.
+ Additional 'command-line' arguments for the ROS node.
+ A ROS namespace to scope the launched ROS node.
+ A prefix for the ROS node command-line used for launch.
+ Output type for the launched ROS node.
+ ROS node output goes to a log file.
+ ROS node output goes to stdout.
+ A predicate to condition ROS node launch i.e. only do
+ so if the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.
+ A predicate to condition ROS node launch i.e. do so unless
+ the predicate evaluates to a truthy value.