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File metadata and controls

255 lines (137 loc) · 6.66 KB

Post-Exploitation Session API Spec

ronin-post_ex defines a standard Ruby API for interacting with and sending commands to post-exploitation sessions (ex: reverse shell or JSON RPC). This API is set of Ruby methods that represent various stdlib functions (ex: opening a file, reading from a file, executing a command, etc) that any Ronin::PostEx::Sessions class should define. These methods have specific argument types as well as a specific return type.

Sys Functions

Global system functions.

sys_time -> Integer

Gets the current time and returns the UNIX timestamp.

sys_hostname -> String

Gets the system's hostname.

File Functions

Functions for interacting with individual files.

file_open(path : String, mode : String) -> Integer

Opens a file and returns the file-descriptor number.

file_read(fd : Integer, length : Integer) -> String | nil

Reads from an opened file-descriptor and returns the read data. nil will be returned if there is no more data to be read.

file_write(fd : Integer, pos : Integer, data : String) -> Integer

Writes data to the opened file-descriptor.

file_seek(fd : Integer, new_pos : Integer, whence : String)

Seeks to a position within the file. The whence argument must be one of the following strings:

  • "SEEK_SET" - seek from beginning of file.
  • "SEEK_CUR" - seek from current position.
  • "SEEK_END" - seek from end of file.
  • "SEEK_DATA" - seek to next data.
  • "SEEK_HOLE" - seek to next hole.

file_tell(fd : Integer) -> Integer

Queries the current position within the file.

file_ioctl(fd : Integer, command : String | Array[Integer], argument : Object) -> Integer

Performs a ioctl() operation on the file-descriptor.

file_fcntl(fd : Integer, command : String | Array[Integer], argument : Object) -> Integer

Performs a fcntl() operation on the file-descriptor.

file_stat(fd : Integer) => Hash[Symbol, Object] | nil

Queries file information from the given file-descriptor and returns a Hash of file metadata.

file_close(fd : Integer)

Closes an opened file-descriptor.

File-System Functions

File-System related functions.

fs_getcwd() -> String

Gets the current working directory and returns the directory path.

fs_chdir(path : String)

Changes the current working directory.

fs_readfile(path : String) -> String | nil

Reads the entire file at the given path and returns the full file's contents.

fs_readlink(path : String) -> String

Reads the destination path of a symbolic link.

fs_readdir(path : String) -> Array[String]

Reads the contents of the directory and returns an Array of directory entry names.

fs_glob(pattern : String) -> Array[String]

Evaluates a directory glob pattern and returns all matching paths.

fs_mktemp(basename : String) -> String

Creates a temporary file with the given file basename.

fs_mkdir(new_path : String)

Creates a new directory at the given path.

fs_copy(src : String, dest : String)

Copies a source file to the destination path.

fs_unlink(path : String)

Removes a file at the given path.

fs_rmdir(path : String)

Removes an empty directory at the given path.

fs_move(src : String, dest : String)

Moves or renames a source file to a destination path.

fs_link(src : String, dest : String)

Creates a symbolic link at the destination path pointing to the source path.

fs_chgrp(group : String, path : String)

Changes the group ownership of a file or directory.

fs_chown(user : String, path : String)

Changes the user ownership of a file or directory.

fs_chmod(mode : Integer, path : String)

Changes the permissions on a file or directory.

fs_stat(path : String) => Hash[Symbol, Object] | nil

Queries file information from the given path and returns a Hash of file metadata.

Process Functions

Functions for interacting with the current process or managing other processes.

process_getpid -> Integer

Gets the current process's Process ID (PID).

process_getppid -> Integer

Gets the current process's parent Process ID (PPID).

process_getuid -> Integer

Gets the current process's user ID (UID).

process_setuid(uid : Integer)

Sets the current process's user ID (UID) to the given Integer.

process_geteuid -> Integer

Gets the current process's effective UID (EUID).

process_seteuid(euid : Integer)

Sets the current process's effective UID (EUID) to the given Integer.

process_getgid -> Integer

Gets the current process's group ID (GID).

process_setgid(gid : Integer)

Sets the current process's group ID (GID) to the given Integer.

process_getegid -> Integer

Gets the current process's effective group ID (EGID).

process_setegid(egid : Integer)

Sets the current process's effective group ID (EGID) to the given Integer.

process_getsid -> Integer

Gets the current process's session ID (SID).

process_setsid(sid : Integer) -> Integer

Sets the current process's session ID (SID).

process_environ -> Hash[String, String]

Queries all environment variables of the current process. Returns a Hash of the env variable names and values.

process_getenv(name : String) -> String | nil

Gets an individual environment variable. If the environment variable has not been set, nil will be returned.

process_setenv(name : String, value : String)

Sets an environment variable to the given value.

process_unsetenv(name : String)

Un-sets an environment variable.

process_kill(pid : Integer, signal : Integer)

Kills another process using the given Process ID (POD) and the signal number.

process_popen(command : String) -> Integer

Opens a new process using the given command string. The file descriptor of the new process will be returned.

process_read(fd : Integer, length : Integer) -> String

Reads data from the file descriptor returned by process_popen.

process_write(fd : Integer, data : String)

Writes data to the file descriptor returned by process_popen.

process_close(fd : Integer)

Closes the file descriptor of a remote process opened via process_popen.

process_spawn(program : String, *arguments : Array[String]) -> Integer

Spawns a new process using the given program and additional arguments. The process ID (PID) of the new process will be returned.


Exits the current process.

Shell Functions

Functions for running shell commands.

shell_exec(command : String) -> String

Executes the given shell command and returns it's output.