This code improves on ACMMP, and the main differences can be found in MP-MVS:Multi-Scale Windows PatchMatch and Planar Prior Multi-View Stereo.
- OpenCV >= 2.4
- CUDA >= 6.0
- ncnn(option) If you want to generate sky masks
Please modify CMakeLists.txt based on the GPU architecture of your device. Modify arch=compute_80,code=sm_80
to arch=compute_XX,code=sm_XX
and save. If you don't know the corresponding configuration of your device, please see it.
set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3 --use_fast_math --maxrregcount=128 --ptxas-options=-v -std=c++11 --compiler-options -Wall -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80)
If ncnn is compiled, set the path:
set(ncnn_DIR "../ncnn/build/install/lib/cmake/ncnn")
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you have ncnn installed, run the following command:
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -D USE_NCNN=ON
If it is an indoor scene (especially if it is a weakly textured scene), set it to 1. If it is an outdoor scene (including sky area), set it to 0. It is not recommended to use it unless sky area detection is added.
Geometric consistency planer prior
: Whether to use geometric consistency to construct planar prior model
The code and models for sky detection were derived from Owner avatar Sky-Segmentation-and-Post-processing .
Sky segment
: Whether to use sky area detection to eliminate sky artifacts
Before sky filter:
After sky filter:
//Use script to convert COLMAP SfM result to MPMVS input
python --dense_folder xxx --save_folder xxx
//Once in the build folder, execute the executable file
This code is developed on the basis of ACMMP and OpenMVS. Thanks to their authors for opening source of their excellent works.