diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 72973411..256f6f25 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ### Changes
+- make ruff linter config opt-out, instead of opt-in
 ### Deprecated
 ### Removed
diff --git a/mex/common/backend_api/connector.py b/mex/common/backend_api/connector.py
index 94731488..2ee350c1 100644
--- a/mex/common/backend_api/connector.py
+++ b/mex/common/backend_api/connector.py
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def get_merged_item(
             A single merged item
-        # XXX stop-gap until the backend has a proper get merged item endpoint (MX-1669)
+        # TODO(ND): stop-gap until backend has proper get merged item endpoint (MX-1669)
         response = self.request(
@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ def get_merged_item(
             return response_model.items[0]
         except IndexError:
-            raise HTTPError("merged item was not found") from None
+            msg = "merged item was not found"
+            raise HTTPError(msg) from None
     def preview_merged_item(
diff --git a/mex/common/cli.py b/mex/common/cli.py
index d9424f18..d17a529e 100644
--- a/mex/common/cli.py
+++ b/mex/common/cli.py
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ def _callback(
     except (Abort, BdbQuit, Exit, KeyboardInterrupt):  # pragma: no cover
-    except Exception as error:
+    except Exception:
         # an error occurred, let's print the traceback
         logger.error(click.style(format_exc(), fg="red"))
         if settings.debug:  # pragma: no cover
             # if we are in debug mode, jump into interactive debugging.
-            raise error
+            raise
         # if not in debug mode, exit with code 1.
diff --git a/mex/common/connector/http.py b/mex/common/connector/http.py
index e6e1ef12..716de1de 100644
--- a/mex/common/connector/http.py
+++ b/mex/common/connector/http.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import backoff
 import requests
-from requests import HTTPError, RequestException, Response
+from requests import HTTPError, RequestException, Response, codes
 from mex.common.connector import BaseConnector
 from mex.common.settings import BaseSettings
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def _set_session(self) -> None:
         """Create and set request session."""
         settings = BaseSettings.get()
         self.session = requests.Session()
-        self.session.verify = settings.verify_session  # type: ignore
+        self.session.verify = settings.verify_session  # type: ignore[assignment]
     def _set_authentication(self) -> None:
         """Authenticate to the host."""
@@ -94,23 +94,25 @@ def request(
             ) from error
-        if response.status_code == 204:
+        if response.status_code == codes.no_content:
             return {}
         return cast(dict[str, Any], response.json())
-        lambda response: cast(Response, response).status_code >= 500,
+        lambda response: cast(Response, response).status_code
+        >= codes.internal_server_error,
-        lambda response: cast(Response, response).status_code == 429,
+        lambda response: cast(Response, response).status_code
+        == codes.too_many_requests,
-        lambda response: cast(Response, response).status_code == 403,
+        lambda response: cast(Response, response).status_code == codes.forbidden,
     @backoff.on_exception(backoff.fibo, RequestException, max_tries=6)
diff --git a/mex/common/context.py b/mex/common/context.py
index ba6707cf..96857f38 100644
--- a/mex/common/context.py
+++ b/mex/common/context.py
@@ -51,11 +51,12 @@ def load(self, cls: type[_SingletonT]) -> _SingletonT:
             self._singleton = cls()
             return self._singleton
         if not issubclass(type(self._singleton), cls):
-            raise RuntimeError(
+            msg = (
                 f"requested class ({cls}) is not a parent class of loaded class "
                 f"({type(self._singleton)}). "
                 f"Did you initialize {cls} upon startup?"
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)  # noqa: TRY004
         return self._singleton
     def push(self, instance: _SingletonT) -> None:
diff --git a/mex/common/extract.py b/mex/common/extract.py
index 688806ad..cb9755c2 100644
--- a/mex/common/extract.py
+++ b/mex/common/extract.py
@@ -59,10 +59,12 @@ def parse_csv(
     ) as reader:
         for chunk in reader:
             for index, row in chunk.iterrows():
-                row.replace(to_replace=np.nan, value=None, inplace=True)
-                row.replace(regex=r"^\s*$", value=None, inplace=True)
-                    model = into.model_validate(row.to_dict())
+                    model = into.model_validate(
+                        row.replace(to_replace=np.nan, value=None)
+                        .replace(regex=r"^\s*$", value=None)
+                        .to_dict()
+                    )
                         "parse_csv - %s %s - OK",
diff --git a/mex/common/identity/registry.py b/mex/common/identity/registry.py
index b133ea6e..0525aa9f 100644
--- a/mex/common/identity/registry.py
+++ b/mex/common/identity/registry.py
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ def register_provider(key: Hashable, provider_cls: type[BaseProvider]) -> None:
         RuntimeError: When the `key` is already registered
     if key in _PROVIDER_REGISTRY:
-        raise RuntimeError(f"Already registered identity provider: {key}")
+        msg = f"Already registered identity provider: {key}"
+        raise RuntimeError(msg)
     _PROVIDER_REGISTRY[key] = provider_cls
@@ -41,9 +42,8 @@ def get_provider() -> BaseProvider:
     if settings.identity_provider in _PROVIDER_REGISTRY:
         provider_cls = _PROVIDER_REGISTRY[settings.identity_provider]
         return provider_cls.get()
-    raise RuntimeError(
-        f"Identity provider not implemented: {settings.identity_provider}"
-    )
+    msg = f"Identity provider not implemented: {settings.identity_provider}"
+    raise RuntimeError(msg)
 # register the default providers shipped with mex-common
diff --git a/mex/common/ldap/connector.py b/mex/common/ldap/connector.py
index debaf93b..6f93e716 100644
--- a/mex/common/ldap/connector.py
+++ b/mex/common/ldap/connector.py
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ def __init__(self) -> None:
         self._connection = connection.__enter__()
         if not self._is_service_available():
-            raise MExError(f"LDAP service not available at url: {host}:{port}")
+            msg = f"LDAP service not available at url: {host}:{port}"
+            raise MExError(msg)
     def _is_service_available(self) -> bool:
@@ -197,15 +198,17 @@ def get_functional_account(
         if not functional_accounts:
-            raise EmptySearchResultError(
+            msg = (
                 "Cannot find AD functional account for filters "
                 f"'objectGUID: {objectGUID}, {filters}'"
+            raise EmptySearchResultError(msg)
         if len(functional_accounts) > 1:
-            raise FoundMoreThanOneError(
+            msg = (
                 "Found multiple AD functional accounts for filters "
                 f"'objectGUID: {objectGUID}, {filters}'"
+            raise FoundMoreThanOneError(msg)
         return functional_accounts[0]
     def get_person(
@@ -235,15 +238,17 @@ def get_person(
         if not persons:
-            raise EmptySearchResultError(
+            msg = (
                 f"Cannot find AD person for filters 'objectGUID: {objectGUID}, "
                 f"employeeID: {employeeID}, {filters}'"
+            raise EmptySearchResultError(msg)
         if len(persons) > 1:
-            raise FoundMoreThanOneError(
+            msg = (
                 f"Found multiple AD persons for filters 'objectGUID: {objectGUID}, "
                 f"employeeID: {employeeID}, {filters}'"
+            raise FoundMoreThanOneError(msg)
         return persons[0]
     def get_unit(self, **filters: str) -> LDAPUnit:
@@ -260,9 +265,9 @@ def get_unit(self, **filters: str) -> LDAPUnit:
         units = list(self.get_units(**filters))
         if not units:
-            raise EmptySearchResultError(f"Cannot find AD unit for filters '{filters}'")
+            msg = f"Cannot find AD unit for filters '{filters}'"
+            raise EmptySearchResultError(msg)
         if len(units) > 1:
-            raise FoundMoreThanOneError(
-                f"Found multiple AD units for filters '{filters}'"
-            )
+            msg = f"Found multiple AD units for filters '{filters}'"
+            raise FoundMoreThanOneError(msg)
         return units[0]
diff --git a/mex/common/ldap/extract.py b/mex/common/ldap/extract.py
index 89854dd0..7fa371e2 100644
--- a/mex/common/ldap/extract.py
+++ b/mex/common/ldap/extract.py
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ def _get_merged_ids_by_attribute(
     if attribute not in LDAPPerson.model_fields:
-        raise RuntimeError(f"Not a valid LDAPPerson field: {attribute}")
+        msg = f"Not a valid LDAPPerson field: {attribute}"
+        raise RuntimeError(msg)
     merged_ids_by_attribute = defaultdict(list)
     provider = get_provider()
     for person in persons:
diff --git a/mex/common/ldap/transform.py b/mex/common/ldap/transform.py
index 106c361d..29364450 100644
--- a/mex/common/ldap/transform.py
+++ b/mex/common/ldap/transform.py
@@ -100,15 +100,16 @@ def transform_ldap_person_to_mex_person(
         if d and (unit := units_by_identifier_in_primary_source.get(d.lower()))
     if not member_of:
-        raise MExError(
+        msg = (
             "No unit or department found for LDAP department "
             f"'{ldap_person.department}' or departmentNumber "
+        raise MExError(msg)
     return ExtractedPerson(
-        affiliation=[],  # TODO resolve organization for person.company/RKI
+        affiliation=[],  # TODO(HS): resolve organization for person.company/RKI
         fullName=[ldap_person.displayName] if ldap_person.displayName else [],
@@ -184,11 +185,11 @@ def analyse_person_string(string: str) -> list[PersonName]:
         return [name for strings in split for name in analyse_person_string(strings)]
     # split on comma if there is more than one
-    if len(split := re.split(r",", string)) > 2:
+    if len(split := re.split(r",", string)) > 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
         return [name for strings in split for name in analyse_person_string(strings)]
     # split on single commas only if there are more than three words
-    if len(split := re.split(r",", string)) == 2 and string.strip().count(" ") > 2:
+    if len(split := re.split(r",", string)) == 2 and string.strip().count(" ") > 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
         return [name for strings in split for name in analyse_person_string(strings)]
     # split into surname and given name
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ def analyse_person_string(string: str) -> list[PersonName]:
         return [PersonName(surname=split[0], full_name=full_name)]
     # return surname and given name
-    if len(split) == 2:
+    if len(split) == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
         return [PersonName(surname=split[1], given_name=split[0], full_name=full_name)]
     # found no one
diff --git a/mex/common/models/base/model.py b/mex/common/models/base/model.py
index e5ac4802..7092d140 100644
--- a/mex/common/models/base/model.py
+++ b/mex/common/models/base/model.py
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ def _convert_list_to_non_list(cls, field_name: str, value: list[Any]) -> Any:
             # if we have just one entry, we can safely unpack it
             return value[0]
         # we cannot unambiguously unpack more than one value
-        raise ValueError(f"got multiple values for {field_name}")
+        msg = f"got multiple values for {field_name}"
+        raise ValueError(msg)
     def _fix_value_listyness_for_field(cls, field_name: str, value: Any) -> Any:
@@ -186,10 +187,11 @@ def verify_computed_field_consistency(
         if not isinstance(data, MutableMapping):
             # data is not a dictionary: we can't "pop" values from that,
             # so we can't safely do a before/after comparison
-            raise AssertionError(
+            msg = (
                 "Input should be a valid dictionary, validating other types is not "
                 "supported for models with computed fields."
+            raise AssertionError(msg)  # noqa: TRY004
         custom_values = {
             field: value
             for field in cls.model_computed_fields
@@ -198,7 +200,8 @@ def verify_computed_field_consistency(
         result = handler(data)
         computed_values = result.model_dump(include=set(custom_values))
         if computed_values != custom_values:
-            raise ValueError("Cannot set computed fields to custom values!")
+            msg = "Cannot set computed fields to custom values!"
+            raise ValueError(msg)
         return result
@@ -223,9 +226,9 @@ def fix_listyness(cls, data: Any, handler: ValidatorFunctionWrapHandler) -> Any:
             data with fixed list shapes
-        # XXX This needs to be a "wrap" validator that is defined *after* the computed
-        #     field model validator, so it runs *before* the computed field validator.
-        #     Sigh, see https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic/discussions/7434
+        # TODO(ND): This needs to be a "wrap" validator that is defined *after* the
+        # computed field model validator, so it runs *before* the computed field
+        # validator. Sigh, see https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic/discussions/7434
         if isinstance(data, MutableMapping):
             for name, value in data.items():
                 field_name = cls._get_alias_lookup().get(name, name)
diff --git a/mex/common/models/consent.py b/mex/common/models/consent.py
index 3e62ee0b..f7c6e233 100644
--- a/mex/common/models/consent.py
+++ b/mex/common/models/consent.py
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-# XXX this is a forward-compatibility hint for feature/model-update-v3:
-#     when this gets merged with model v3, remove the
-#     `Annotated[..., Field(examples=["https://mex..."])]` from all enum fields
+# TODO(ND): when this gets merged with feature/model-update-v3, remove the
+# `Annotated[..., Field(examples=["https://mex..."])]` from all enum fields
diff --git a/mex/common/organigram/transform.py b/mex/common/organigram/transform.py
index e3957740..829bb347 100644
--- a/mex/common/organigram/transform.py
+++ b/mex/common/organigram/transform.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def transform_organigram_units_to_organizational_units(
     for extracted_unit in extracted_unit_by_id_in_primary_source.values():
         identifier_in_primary_source = extracted_unit.identifierInPrimarySource
-        if (
+        if (  # noqa: SIM102
             := parent_id_in_primary_source_by_id_in_primary_source.get(
diff --git a/mex/common/settings.py b/mex/common/settings.py
index fbdd7db4..e5fd3b6d 100644
--- a/mex/common/settings.py
+++ b/mex/common/settings.py
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def get_env_name(cls, name: str) -> str:
             case_sensitive=cls.model_config.get("case_sensitive", False),
             env_prefix=cls.model_config.get("env_prefix", ""),
-        env_info = env_settings._extract_field_info(field, name)
+        env_info = env_settings._extract_field_info(field, name)  # noqa: SLF001
         return env_info[0][1].upper()
diff --git a/mex/common/sinks/ndjson.py b/mex/common/sinks/ndjson.py
index 565101e7..619b5b63 100644
--- a/mex/common/sinks/ndjson.py
+++ b/mex/common/sinks/ndjson.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def write_ndjson(
                 handle = file_handles[class_name]
             except KeyError:
                 file_name = Path(settings.work_dir, f"{class_name}.ndjson")
-                writer = open(file_name, "a+", encoding="utf-8")
+                writer = open(file_name, "a+", encoding="utf-8")  # noqa: SIM115
                 file_handles[class_name] = handle = stack.enter_context(writer)
                     "write_ndjson - writing %s to file %s",
diff --git a/mex/common/transform.py b/mex/common/transform.py
index 521421a6..e394894e 100644
--- a/mex/common/transform.py
+++ b/mex/common/transform.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 class MExEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
     """Custom JSON encoder that can handle pydantic models, enums and UUIDs."""
-    def default(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
+    def default(self, obj: Any) -> Any:  # noqa: PLR0911
         """Implement custom serialization rules."""
         if isinstance(obj, PydanticModel):
             return obj.model_dump()
@@ -106,7 +106,9 @@ def to_key_and_values(dct: dict[str, Any]) -> Iterable[tuple[str, list[Any]]]:
     """Return an iterable of dictionary items where the values are always lists."""
     for key, value in dct.items():
         if value is None:
-            value = []
-        elif not isinstance(value, list):
-            value = [value]
-        yield key, value
+            list_of_values = []
+        elif isinstance(value, list):
+            list_of_values = value
+        else:
+            list_of_values = [value]
+        yield key, list_of_values
diff --git a/mex/common/types/email.py b/mex/common/types/email.py
index 3a98df1b..32128d7c 100644
--- a/mex/common/types/email.py
+++ b/mex/common/types/email.py
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 class Email(str):
     """Email address of a person, organization or other entity."""
+    __slots__ = ()
     def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(
         cls, source_type: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler
diff --git a/mex/common/types/identifier.py b/mex/common/types/identifier.py
index c2537dee..483793c3 100644
--- a/mex/common/types/identifier.py
+++ b/mex/common/types/identifier.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 class Identifier(str):
     """Common identifier class based on UUID version 4."""
+    __slots__ = ()
     def generate(cls, seed: int | None = None) -> Self:
         """Generate a new identifier from a seed or random UUID version 4."""
diff --git a/mex/common/types/link.py b/mex/common/types/link.py
index 7ed49d54..0fefddeb 100644
--- a/mex/common/types/link.py
+++ b/mex/common/types/link.py
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ def validate_strings(cls, value: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
             return {"url": value}
         if isinstance(value, dict):
             return value
-        raise ValueError(f"Allowed input types are dict and str, got {type(value)}")
+        msg = f"Allowed input types are dict and str, got {type(value)}"
+        raise ValueError(msg)
     def __hash__(self) -> int:
         """Return the hash of this link."""
diff --git a/mex/common/types/path.py b/mex/common/types/path.py
index 6a1539d1..1dd93363 100644
--- a/mex/common/types/path.py
+++ b/mex/common/types/path.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path, "PathWrapper"]) -> None:
         if isinstance(path, str):
             path = Path(path)
         elif isinstance(path, PathWrapper):
-            path = path._path
+            path = path._path  # noqa: SLF001
         self._path = path
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
         """Return true for two PathWrappers with equal paths."""
         if isinstance(other, PathWrapper):
             return self._path.__eq__(other._path)
-        raise TypeError(f"Can't compare {type(other)} with {type(self)}")
+        msg = f"Can't compare {type(other)} with {type(self)}"
+        raise TypeError(msg)
     def is_absolute(self) -> bool:
         """True if the underlying path is absolute."""
diff --git a/mex/common/types/temporal_entity.py b/mex/common/types/temporal_entity.py
index 3f591db0..f116d9cf 100644
--- a/mex/common/types/temporal_entity.py
+++ b/mex/common/types/temporal_entity.py
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class TemporalEntityPrecision(Enum):
 YEAR_MONTH_DAY_TIME_REGEX = r"^[1-9]\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$"
 YEAR_MONTH_DAY_REGEX = r"^\d{4}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$"
 YEAR_MONTH_REGEX = r"^(?:\d{4}|(?:\d{4}-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])))$"
@@ -70,9 +71,7 @@ class TemporalEntity:
     precision: TemporalEntityPrecision
     date_time: datetime
-        key for key in TemporalEntityPrecision.__members__.values()
-    ]
+    ALLOWED_PRECISION_LEVELS = list(TemporalEntityPrecision.__members__.values())
     JSON_SCHEMA_CONFIG: dict[str, str | list[str]] = {
         "examples": [
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ def __init__(
         tzinfo: tzinfo | None = None,
     ) -> None: ...  # pragma: no cover
-    def __init__(
+    def __init__(  # noqa: PLR0912
         *args: Union[int, str, date, datetime, "TemporalEntity"],
         precision: TemporalEntityPrecision | None = None,
@@ -123,18 +122,19 @@ def __init__(
             TemporalEntity(2009, 9, 30, 23, 59, 5, tzinfo=timezone("CET"))
-        if len(args) > 7:
-            raise TypeError(
-                f"Temporal entity takes at most 7 arguments ({len(args)} given)"
+        if len(args) > MAX_DATETIME_ARGUMENTS:
+            msg = (
+                f"Temporal entity takes at most {MAX_DATETIME_ARGUMENTS} arguments "
+                f"({len(args)} given)"
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(
             args[0], str | date | datetime | TemporalEntity
             if tzinfo:
-                raise TypeError(
-                    "Temporal entity does not accept tzinfo in parsing mode"
-                )
+                msg = "Temporal entity does not accept tzinfo in parsing mode"
+                raise TypeError(msg)
             if isinstance(args[0], TemporalEntity):
                 date_time, parsed_precision = self._parse_temporal_entity(args[0])
             elif isinstance(args[0], datetime):
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@ def __init__(
             args = cast(tuple[int, ...], args)
             date_time, parsed_precision = self._parse_integers(*args, tzinfo=tzinfo)
-            raise TypeError(
+            msg = (
                 "Temporal entity takes a single str, date, datetime or "
                 "TemporalEntity argument or up to 7 integers"
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         if precision:
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ def _parse_integers(
         if tzinfo is None:
             tzinfo = CET
         padded = tuple(a or d for a, d in zip_longest(args, (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
-        date_time = datetime(*padded, tzinfo=tzinfo)  # type: ignore
+        date_time = datetime(*padded, tzinfo=tzinfo)  # type: ignore[arg-type,misc]
         precision = TEMPORAL_ENTITY_PRECISIONS_BY_ARG_LENGTH[len(args)]
         return date_time, precision
@@ -267,12 +268,14 @@ def _parse_date(
         value: date,
     ) -> tuple[datetime, TemporalEntityPrecision]:
         """Parse a date and assume the precision is days."""
-        return datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day), TemporalEntityPrecision.DAY
+        return datetime(
+            value.year, value.month, value.day, tzinfo=CET
+        ), TemporalEntityPrecision.DAY
-    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
         """Return whether the given other value is the same as this one."""
-            other_temporal = TemporalEntity(other)
+            other_temporal = TemporalEntity(other)  # type: ignore[call-overload]
         except TypeError:
             return False
         return bool(
diff --git a/mex/common/types/text.py b/mex/common/types/text.py
index 14f55f8f..ad4965b9 100644
--- a/mex/common/types/text.py
+++ b/mex/common/types/text.py
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ def validate_strings(cls, value: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
             return {"value": value}
         if isinstance(value, dict):
             return value
-        raise ValueError(f"Allowed input types are dict and str, got {type(value)}")
+        msg = f"Allowed input types are dict and str, got {type(value)}"
+        raise ValueError(msg)
     def __hash__(self) -> int:
         """Return the hash of Text."""
diff --git a/mex/common/utils.py b/mex/common/utils.py
index 2638077f..c507d54d 100644
--- a/mex/common/utils.py
+++ b/mex/common/utils.py
@@ -25,10 +25,7 @@
 def contains_any(base: Container[T], tokens: Iterable[T]) -> bool:
     """Check if a given base contains any of the given tokens."""
-    for token in tokens:
-        if token in base:
-            return True
-    return False
+    return any(token in base for token in tokens)
 def any_contains_any(bases: Iterable[Container[T] | None], tokens: Iterable[T]) -> bool:
diff --git a/mex/common/wikidata/connector.py b/mex/common/wikidata/connector.py
index a055b744..42f7cce6 100644
--- a/mex/common/wikidata/connector.py
+++ b/mex/common/wikidata/connector.py
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 from functools import cache
+from typing import cast
 from mex.common.connector.http import HTTPConnector
 from mex.common.settings import BaseSettings
+_PROPS = "info|aliases|labels|descriptions|datatype|claims|sitelinks|sitelinks/urls"
 class WikidataQueryServiceConnector(HTTPConnector):
     """Connector class to handle requesting the Wikidata Query Service."""
@@ -34,10 +37,8 @@ def get_data_by_query(self, query: str) -> list[dict[str, dict[str, str]]]:
             "User-Agent": f"{settings.mex_web_user_agent}",
             "Api-User-Agent": f"{settings.mex_web_user_agent}",
         results = self.request("GET", params=params, headers=headers)
-        return results["results"]["bindings"]  # type: ignore
+        return cast(list[dict[str, dict[str, str]]], results["results"]["bindings"])
 class WikidataAPIConnector(HTTPConnector):
@@ -69,18 +70,7 @@ def get_wikidata_item_details_by_id(self, item_id: str) -> dict[str, str]:
             "action": "wbgetentities",
             "format": "json",
             "ids": item_id,
-            "props": "|".join(
-                [
-                    "info",
-                    "aliases",
-                    "labels",
-                    "descriptions",
-                    "datatype",
-                    "claims",
-                    "sitelinks",
-                    "sitelinks/urls",
-                ]
-            ),
+            "props": _PROPS,
             "formatversion": "2",
         headers = {
@@ -88,4 +78,4 @@ def get_wikidata_item_details_by_id(self, item_id: str) -> dict[str, str]:
             "Api-User-Agent": f"{settings.mex_web_user_agent}",
         results = self.request("GET", params=params, headers=headers)
-        return results["entities"][item_id]  # type: ignore
+        return cast(dict[str, str], results["entities"][item_id])
diff --git a/mex/common/wikidata/extract.py b/mex/common/wikidata/extract.py
index 1aa1e5ff..e60a560f 100644
--- a/mex/common/wikidata/extract.py
+++ b/mex/common/wikidata/extract.py
@@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ def search_organization_by_label(
         wd_item_id = results[0]["item"]["value"].split("/")[-1]
-    except KeyError as exc:
-        raise MExError(f"KeyError: Error processing results for {item_label}") from exc
+    except KeyError as error:
+        msg = f"KeyError: Error processing results for {item_label}"
+        raise MExError(msg) from error
     return _get_organization_details(wd_item_id)
@@ -134,14 +135,12 @@ def search_organizations_by_label(
     for item in results:
             wd_item_id = item["item"]["value"].split("/")[-1]
-        except KeyError as exc:
-            raise MExError(
-                f"KeyError: Error processing results for {item_label}"
-            ) from exc
-        except IndexError as exc:
-            raise MExError(
-                f"IndexError: Error processing results for {item_label}"
-            ) from exc
+        except KeyError as error:
+            msg = f"KeyError: Error processing results for {item_label}"
+            raise MExError(msg) from error
+        except IndexError as error:
+            msg = f"IndexError: Error processing results for {item_label}"
+            raise MExError(msg) from error
         yield _get_organization_details(wd_item_id)
diff --git a/pdm.lock b/pdm.lock
index fcea341a..862a02cf 100644
--- a/pdm.lock
+++ b/pdm.lock
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 groups = ["default", "dev"]
 strategy = ["inherit_metadata"]
 lock_version = "4.5.0"
-content_hash = "sha256:5b087c16b56627dbf2610d4bfb4bfc424949852d2f4c4487ea9b3d02ed1a0e6e"
+content_hash = "sha256:e4266229127d28efe577af078ad22dd37650ba3323b215876c04fe81b42d87d3"
 requires_python = "==3.11.*"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 93b45aa1..0f22a4e8 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ dependencies = [
-    "numpy>=2.0.1,<3",
-    "pandas>=2.2.2,<3",
+    "numpy>=2.1.2,<3",
+    "pandas>=2.2.3,<3",
-    "pydantic-settings>=2.4.0,<3",
-    "pydantic>=2.8.2,<3",
+    "pydantic-settings>=2.5.2,<3",
+    "pydantic>=2.9.2,<3",
 optional-dependencies.dev = [
-    "pandas-stubs>=2.2.2,<3",
+    "pandas-stubs>=2.2.3,<3",
@@ -97,49 +97,57 @@ docstring-code-format = true
 ignore = [
-    "D100",   # Allow missing module docstring for brevity
-    "D104",   # Allow missing package docstring for brevity
-    "D106",   # Allow missing nested class docstring (eg pydantic Config)
-    "D203",   # Disallow blank line before class docstring (inverse of D211)
-    "D213",   # Disallow multi-line docstring starting at second line (inverse of D212)
-    "D406",   # Allow section name ending with newline (google style compat)
-    "D407",   # Allow missing dashed underline after section (google style compat)
-    "D413",   # Allow missing blank line after last section (google style compat)
-    "N805",   # Allow first argument of a method to be non-self (pydantic compat)
-    "N815",   # Allow mixedCase variables in class scope (model compat)
-    "RUF012", # Allow mutable class attributes (pydantic compat)
-select = [
-    "A",    # Flake8 builtin shaddow
-    "B",    # BugBear bug and issue finder
-    "C90",  # McCabe complexity checker
-    "D",    # Python docstring style checker
-    "E",    # Python code style errors
-    "ERA",  # Commented-out code detector
-    "F",    # Pyflakes passive python checker
-    "I",    # Isort import utility
-    "N",    # Pep8 naming conventions
-    "PERF", # Lint performance anti-patterns
-    "RET",  # Flake8 return statement checker
-    "RUF",  # Ruff-specific rules
-    "S",    # Bandit automated security testing
-    "T10",  # Flake8 debug statement checker
-    "T20",  # Flake8 print statement checker
-    "UP",   # PyUpgrade syntax recommender
-    "W",    # Python code style warnings
+    "AIR",     # Disable airflow specific rules (we are not using airflow)
+    "ANN",     # Disable all annotations checks (handled by mypy)
+    "COM",     # Disable flake8-commas checks (let ruff format handle that)
+    "CPY",     # Disable copyright notice checks (we have LICENSE files)
+    "D100",    # Allow missing module docstring (for brevity and speed)
+    "D104",    # Allow missing package docstring (for brevity and speed)
+    "D203",    # Disallow blank line before class docstring (inverse of D211)
+    "D213",    # Disallow multi-line docstring starting at second line (inverse of D212)
+    "D406",    # Allow section name ending with newline (google style compat)
+    "D407",    # Allow missing dashed underline after section (google style compat)
+    "D413",    # Allow missing blank line after last section (google style compat)
+    "DJ",      # Disable django specific checks (we are not using django)
+    "FBT",     # Disable boolean type hint checks (for more flexibility)
+    "FIX",     # Allow committing with open TODOs (don't punish committers)
+    "N805",    # Allow first argument of a method to be non-self (pydantic compat)
+    "N815",    # Allow mixedCase variables in class scope (model compat)
+    "PTH123",  # Allow using builtin open method (simpler than pathlib)
+    "RUF012",  # Allow mutable class attributes (pydantic compat)
+    "SIM108",  # Allow explicit if-else instead of ternary (easier to read)
+    "TD003",   # Allow TODOs without ticket link (don't punish TODO writers)
+    "TRY003",  # Allow long exception message at the raise site (for pydantic)
+select = ["ALL"]
+"docs/**" = [
+    "INP001",   # Docs do not need to be a package
+"mex/common/testing/**" = [
+    "ARG001",   # Allow unused function arguments for pytest plugin
 "tests/**" = [
-    "D101", # Allow missing docstring in public class for tests
-    "D102", # Allow missing docstring in public method for tests
-    "D103", # Allow missing docstring in public function for tests
-    "D107", # Allow missing docstring in `__init__` for tests
-    "E501", # Allow line too long in tests
-    "N807", # Allow mocking `__init__` for tests
-    "S101", # Allow use of `assert` in tests
+    "ARG005",   # Allow unused lambda arguments for mocking
+    "D101",     # Allow missing docstring in public class
+    "D102",     # Allow missing docstring in public method
+    "D103",     # Allow missing docstring in public function
+    "D107",     # Allow missing docstring in `__init__`
+    "E501",     # Allow longer lines with test data
+    "ISC",      # Allow implicitly concatenated strings
+    "N807",     # Allow mocking `__init__`
+    "PLR0915",  # Allow functions with many statements
+    "PLR2004",  # Allow comparing with static values
+    "PT004",    # Allow public fixtures without returns
+    "PT013",    # Allow more flexible pytest imports
+    "S101",     # Allow use of `assert` in tests
+    "SLF",      # Allow private member access
+"reflex" = "rx"
 known-first-party = ["mex", "tests"]
diff --git a/tests/backend_api/conftest.py b/tests/backend_api/conftest.py
index 6096e441..e2be02de 100644
--- a/tests/backend_api/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/backend_api/conftest.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 from mex.common.backend_api.connector import BackendApiConnector
 def mocked_backend(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> MagicMock:
     """Return the mocked request dispatch method of backend connector."""
     mocked_send_request = MagicMock(
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 34573fe3..511a5189 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def merged_person() -> MergedPerson:
 def rule_set_request() -> PersonRuleSetRequest:
     """Return a dummy person rule set request for testing purposes."""
     return PersonRuleSetRequest(
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def rule_set_request() -> PersonRuleSetRequest:
 def rule_set_response() -> PersonRuleSetResponse:
     """Return a dummy person rule set response for testing purposes."""
     return PersonRuleSetResponse(
diff --git a/tests/identity/test_memory.py b/tests/identity/test_memory.py
index dad73272..41e10a4e 100644
--- a/tests/identity/test_memory.py
+++ b/tests/identity/test_memory.py
@@ -26,32 +26,32 @@ def test_assign() -> None:
     new_identity = provider.assign(had_primary_source, identifier_in_primary_source)
-    assert new_identity.model_dump() == dict(
-        hadPrimarySource=had_primary_source,
-        identifierInPrimarySource=identifier_in_primary_source,
-        stableTargetId=Joker(),
-        identifier=Joker(),
-    )
+    assert new_identity.model_dump() == {
+        "hadPrimarySource": had_primary_source,
+        "identifierInPrimarySource": identifier_in_primary_source,
+        "stableTargetId": Joker(),
+        "identifier": Joker(),
+    }
     found_identity = provider.assign(had_primary_source, identifier_in_primary_source)
-    assert found_identity.model_dump() == dict(
-        hadPrimarySource=had_primary_source,
-        identifierInPrimarySource=identifier_in_primary_source,
-        stableTargetId=new_identity.stableTargetId,
-        identifier=new_identity.identifier,
-    )
+    assert found_identity.model_dump() == {
+        "hadPrimarySource": had_primary_source,
+        "identifierInPrimarySource": identifier_in_primary_source,
+        "stableTargetId": new_identity.stableTargetId,
+        "identifier": new_identity.identifier,
+    }
     provider = MemoryIdentityProvider.get()
     fresh_identity = provider.assign(had_primary_source, identifier_in_primary_source)
-    assert fresh_identity.model_dump() == dict(
-        hadPrimarySource=had_primary_source,
-        identifierInPrimarySource=identifier_in_primary_source,
-        stableTargetId=new_identity.stableTargetId,
-        identifier=new_identity.identifier,
-    )
+    assert fresh_identity.model_dump() == {
+        "hadPrimarySource": had_primary_source,
+        "identifierInPrimarySource": identifier_in_primary_source,
+        "stableTargetId": new_identity.stableTargetId,
+        "identifier": new_identity.identifier,
+    }
 def test_fetch_empty() -> None:
diff --git a/tests/ldap/conftest.py b/tests/ldap/conftest.py
index d137e03c..edea5fcb 100644
--- a/tests/ldap/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/ldap/conftest.py
@@ -12,43 +12,43 @@
 LDAPMocker = Callable[[PagedSearchResults], None]
-    company=["RKI"],
-    department=["XY"],
-    departmentNumber=["XY2"],
-    displayName=["Sample, Sam"],
-    employeeID=["1024"],
-    givenName=["Sam"],
-    mail=["SampleS@mail.tld"],
-    objectGUID=["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000}"],
-    ou=["XY"],
-    sAMAccountName=["SampleS"],
-    sn=["Sample"],
+    "company": ["RKI"],
+    "department": ["XY"],
+    "departmentNumber": ["XY2"],
+    "displayName": ["Sample, Sam"],
+    "employeeID": ["1024"],
+    "givenName": ["Sam"],
+    "mail": ["SampleS@mail.tld"],
+    "objectGUID": ["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000}"],
+    "ou": ["XY"],
+    "sAMAccountName": ["SampleS"],
+    "sn": ["Sample"],
-    mail=["XY@mail.tld"],
-    objectGUID=["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000042}"],
-    sAMAccountName=["XY"],
+    "mail": ["XY@mail.tld"],
+    "objectGUID": ["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000042}"],
+    "sAMAccountName": ["XY"],
-    mail=["XY2@mail.tld"],
-    objectGUID=["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000043}"],
-    sAMAccountName=["XY2"],
+    "mail": ["XY2@mail.tld"],
+    "objectGUID": ["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000043}"],
+    "sAMAccountName": ["XY2"],
-    mail=["XY@mail.tld"],
-    objectGUID=["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000044}"],
-    sAMAccountName=["XY"],
+    "mail": ["XY@mail.tld"],
+    "objectGUID": ["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000044}"],
+    "sAMAccountName": ["XY"],
-    mail=["XY2@mail.tld"],
-    objectGUID=["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000045}"],
-    sAMAccountName=["XY2"],
+    "mail": ["XY2@mail.tld"],
+    "objectGUID": ["{00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000045}"],
+    "sAMAccountName": ["XY2"],
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def __init__(self: LDAPConnector) -> None:
             self._connection = MagicMock(spec=Connection, extend=Mock())
             self._connection.extend.standard.paged_search = MagicMock(
-                    [dict(attributes=e) for e in entries] for entries in results
+                    [{"attributes": e} for e in entries] for entries in results
diff --git a/tests/models/test_base.py b/tests/models/test_base.py
index f008e28e..76b8994b 100644
--- a/tests/models/test_base.py
+++ b/tests/models/test_base.py
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ def test_base_model_listyness_fix(
 ) -> None:
         model = ComplexDummyModel.model_validate(data)
-    except Exception as error:
-        assert str(expected) in str(error)
+    except Exception as error:  # noqa: BLE001
+        assert str(expected) in str(error)  # noqa: PT017
         actual = model.model_dump()
         for key, value in expected.items():
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class Shelter(Pet):
     with pytest.raises(
         ValidationError, match="Input should be a valid dictionary or instance of Pet"
-        Shelter(inhabitants="foo")  # type: ignore
+        Shelter(inhabitants="foo")  # type: ignore[call-arg]
 class Computer(BaseModel):
diff --git a/tests/test_cli.py b/tests/test_cli.py
index 1385a417..7ade9a37 100644
--- a/tests/test_cli.py
+++ b/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 class MyStr(str):
     """Dummy string subclass for _field_to_option test."""
+    __slots__ = ()
 class MyEnum(Enum):
     """Dummy enum class for _field_to_option test."""
@@ -110,7 +112,10 @@ class MyEnum(Enum):
-                optional_flag=(bool, Field(False, description="This flag is optional")),
+                optional_flag=(
+                    bool,
+                    Field(default=False, description="This flag is optional"),
+                ),
                 "name": "optional_flag",
@@ -169,7 +174,7 @@ class MyEnum(Enum):
                     bool | str,
-                    Field(True, description="String or boolean"),
+                    Field(default=True, description="String or boolean"),
diff --git a/tests/test_utils.py b/tests/test_utils.py
index aa3b047d..d379aea7 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def test_any_contains_any(base: Any, tokens: Iterable[Any], expected: bool) -> N
     ("annotation", "types", "expected"),
-    (
+    [
         (None, [str], False),
         (str, [str], True),
         (str, [Identifier], False),
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def test_any_contains_any(base: Any, tokens: Iterable[Any], expected: bool) -> N
         (list[str | int | list[str]], [str, float], False),
         (list[str | int | list[str]], [int, str], True),
         (MergedPersonIdentifier | None, MERGED_IDENTIFIER_CLASSES, True),
-    ),
+    ],
         "static None",
         "simple str",
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class DummyModel(BaseModel):
     ("annotation", "flags", "expected_types"),
-    (
+    [
         (str, {}, [str]),
         (None, {}, [NoneType]),
         (None, {"include_none": False}, []),
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class DummyModel(BaseModel):
             {"unpack_literal": False},
             [Literal["okay"], NoneType],
-    ),
+    ],
         "None allowing None",
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class PseudoModel(BaseModel):
     ("string", "expected"),
-    (("", ""), ("__XYZ__", "xyz"), ("/foo/BAR$42", "foo bar 42")),
+    [("", ""), ("__XYZ__", "xyz"), ("/foo/BAR$42", "foo bar 42")],
 def test_normalize(string: str, expected: str) -> None:
     assert normalize(string) == expected
diff --git a/tests/testing/test_joker.py b/tests/testing/test_joker.py
index 715fc40e..3af85287 100644
--- a/tests/testing/test_joker.py
+++ b/tests/testing/test_joker.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 def test_joker_eq() -> None:
-    assert Joker() == None  # noqa
+    assert Joker() == None  # noqa: E711
     assert Joker() == 1
     assert {"foo": Joker()} == {"foo": ["bar", Joker()]}
diff --git a/tests/types/test_temporal_entity.py b/tests/types/test_temporal_entity.py
index 53d7dd42..978fc773 100644
--- a/tests/types/test_temporal_entity.py
+++ b/tests/types/test_temporal_entity.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     ("args", "kwargs", "message"),
-            (datetime.now(),),
+            (datetime.now(tz=UTC),),
             {"tzinfo": UTC},
             "Temporal entity does not accept tzinfo in parsing mode",
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def test_temporal_entity_value_errors(
-            (datetime(2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58),),
+            (datetime(2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58, tzinfo=CET),),
@@ -177,19 +177,19 @@ def test_temporal_entity_value_errors(
-            (YearMonthDayTime(2004, 11, 21, 19, 59, tzinfo=timezone("UTC")),),
+            (YearMonthDayTime(2004, 11, 21, 19, 59, tzinfo=UTC),),
-            (datetime(2004, 11, 19, 00, 00),),
+            (datetime(2004, 11, 19, 00, 00, tzinfo=CET),),
             {"precision": TemporalEntityPrecision.DAY},
-            (datetime(2004, 11, 19, 00, 00),),
+            (datetime(2004, 11, 19, 00, 00, tzinfo=CET),),
             {"precision": TemporalEntityPrecision.YEAR},
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ def test_temporal_entity_eq() -> None:
     assert TemporalEntity(2004) == TemporalEntity("2004")
     assert TemporalEntity(2004, 11) == TemporalEntity(2004, 11)
     assert TemporalEntity(2004, 11, 2) == "2004-11-02"
-    assert TemporalEntity(2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58, 0) == datetime(
-        2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58, 0
+    assert TemporalEntity(2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58, 0, tzinfo=UTC) == datetime(
+        2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58, 0, tzinfo=UTC
     assert TemporalEntity(2005) != object()
@@ -236,7 +236,9 @@ def test_temporal_entity_gt() -> None:
     assert TemporalEntity(2004) > TemporalEntity("2003")
     assert TemporalEntity(2004, 11) < "2013-10-02"
     assert TemporalEntity(2004, 11) <= TemporalEntity(2004, 12)
-    assert TemporalEntity(2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58) >= datetime(2020, 3, 22, 14, 29)
+    assert TemporalEntity(2020, 3, 22, 14, 30, 58, tzinfo=UTC) >= datetime(
+        2020, 3, 22, 14, 29, tzinfo=UTC
+    )
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
         assert TemporalEntity(2005) > object()