diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/networking/wpa_supplicant.nix b/nixos/modules/services/networking/wpa_supplicant.nix
index c0a4ce40760af..49790da0e3c92 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/networking/wpa_supplicant.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/networking/wpa_supplicant.nix
@@ -42,11 +42,6 @@ in {
description = ''
The interfaces wpa_supplicant will use. If empty, it will
automatically use all wireless interfaces.
- The automatic discovery of interfaces does not work reliably on boot:
- it may fail and leave the system without network. When possible, specify
- a known interface name.
@@ -230,14 +225,6 @@ in {
message = ''options networking.wireless."${name}".{psk,pskRaw,auth} are mutually exclusive'';
- warnings =
- optional (cfg.interfaces == [] && config.systemd.services.wpa_supplicant.wantedBy != [])
- ''
- No network interfaces for wpa_supplicant have been configured: the service
- may randomly fail to start at boot. You should specify at least one using the option
- networking.wireless.interfaces.
- '';
environment.systemPackages = [ package ];
services.dbus.packages = [ package ];
@@ -257,31 +244,45 @@ in {
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
stopIfChanged = false;
- path = [ package ];
+ path = [ package pkgs.udev ];
script = let
configStr = if cfg.allowAuxiliaryImperativeNetworks
then "-c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -I ${configFile}"
else "-c ${configFile}";
in ''
- if [ -f /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -a "/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" != "${configFile}" ]
- then echo >&2 "<3>/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf present but ignored. Generated ${configFile} is used instead."
+ if [ -f /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -a "/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" != "${configFile}" ]; then
+ echo >&2 "<3>/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf present but ignored. Generated ${configFile} is used instead."
iface_args="-s -u -D${cfg.driver} ${configStr}"
${if ifaces == [] then ''
- for i in $(cd /sys/class/net && echo *); do
- UEVENT_PATH=/sys/class/net/$i/uevent
- if [ -e "$UEVENT_PATH" ]; then
- source "$UEVENT_PATH"
- if [ "$DEVTYPE" = "wlan" -o -e /sys/class/net/$i/wireless ]; then
- args+="''${args:+ -N} -i$i $iface_args"
- fi
- fi
+ # detect interfaces automatically
+ # check if there are no wireless interface
+ if ! find -H /sys/class/net/* -name wireless | grep -q .; then
+ # if so, wait until one appears
+ echo "Waiting for wireless interfaces"
+ grep -q '^ACTION=add' < <(stdbuf -oL -- udevadm monitor -s net/wlan -pu)
+ # Note: the above line has been carefully written:
+ # 1. The process substitution avoids udevadm hanging (after grep has quit)
+ # until it tries to write to the pipe again. Not even pipefail works here.
+ # 2. stdbuf is needed because udevadm output is buffered by default and grep
+ # may hang until more udev events enter the pipe.
+ fi
+ # add any interface found to the daemon arguments
+ for name in $(find -H /sys/class/net/* -name wireless | cut -d/ -f 5); do
+ echo "Adding interface $name"
+ args+="''${args:+ -N} -i$name $iface_args"
'' else ''
+ # add known interfaces to the daemon arguments
args="${concatMapStringsSep " -N " (i: "-i${i} $iface_args") ifaces}"
+ # finally start daemon
exec wpa_supplicant $args